

7.  2007 farm bill hits first bump

May 22, 2007 9:41 AM, By Forrest Laws
Farm Press Editorial Staff 

It didn't take long for the "honeymoon" between the chairman of the
House Agriculture Committee and his counterpart on the Senate Committee
on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry to hit its first bump in the

Rep. Collin Peterson and Sen. Tom Harkin, who hail from the neighboring
states of Minnesota and Iowa, have been meeting weekly to discuss the
2007 farm bill the panels they chair must write before the current law,
the 2002 farm bill, expires Sept. 30.

By all accounts, the two were getting along famously until the House
Agriculture Committee released its draft of the farm bill conservation
title its Subcommittee on Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research was
scheduled to begin "marking up" on May 22.

Before Peterson could announce the schedule for the subcommittee markups
during a press briefing on May 17, Harkin released a statement
criticizing the draft title for not providing enough funding for
conservation programs.

"The 2002 farm bill provided the greatest expansion of conservation
funding in history," Harkin said. "Yet the promised conservation
initiatives - expanding EQIP, creating the Conservation Security
Program, continuing to expand acres protected in the WRP - were denied
because funding was cut in subsequent legislation."

Harkin said the new House bill "perpetuates" the damage to conservation
and the environment caused by the previous two Congresses and the Bush
administration by not providing the conservation funding farmers need.

Peterson tried to downplay Harkin's displeasure with the House
conservation plan, saying he had discussed the House proposal with the
Senate ag committee chairman and that he knew the latter was not

He conceded that the bill does not provide funding for the Conservation
Security Program at the "level Sen. Harkin wants, and there won't be
money for any new contracts for a while." (Under the draft language in
the House bill, the Conservation Security Program would not be
re-authorized until the 2012 fiscal year.)

"But the important thing is the program is still there," he said. "What
you're going to see in this mark is a reflection of what the priorities
of this committee are. We put together in the 2002 bill, a good
conservation title, and it worked. The programs are up and running,
everyone is behind them, and we want to build on that."

The Conservation Security Program, in contrast, came out of the Senate
and was not debated in the House Agriculture Committee. (Harkin, the
author of the CSP, added it in the House-Senate conference committee on
the 2002 farm bill.)

"It's had its fits and starts," he said. "So I would have to say these
other, proven programs are a higher priority with this committee. We
also think significant changes are needed - the CSP is too complicated,
we're not exactly sure the priorities are set up the right way and we
will be focusing on making the program more effective going forward."

Peterson said the markup session by the Subcommittee on Conservation,
Credit, Energy and Research scheduled for May 22 was to be followed by a
similar session for the Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy and Poultry on
May 24.

The markup sessions will continue for other farm bill titles in June,
following the Memorial Day recess. The full committee will then review
the titles and hopes to report out a farm bill by July 4.

"We are beginning a bipartisan, open and public process to create a farm
bill that will address the changing landscape of our nation's
agricultural economy," said Peterson. "We understand how important it is
for farmers, ranchers and consumers that we all work together and get
this farm policy right."

The House ag committee is taking a different approach this year by
allowing its subcommittees to conduct markup sessions before receiving
the "chairman's mark" of the new farm bill. In the past, the latter has
allowed the committee chairman to put his stamp on the new law early in
the process.

Peterson said the media had overplayed his earlier comments that the
committee would not accept any farm bill proposals unless a member of
the agriculture committee introduced them.

"I did not mean to imply that this was a closed process," he said.
"Other House members, of course, will be able to introduce amendments
when the bill reaches the floor. It's just that we deal with these
issues all the time, and we feel that we're more familiar with them."

Peterson appeared at the press briefing with Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va.,
ranking minority member on the ag committee, and with Rep. Tim Holden,
D-Penn., chairman of the Conservation, Credit, Energy and Research
Subcommittee, and Rep. Frank Lucas, R-Okla., its ranking member.

Both the chairman and ranking member said dealing with the money issue
will be the biggest challenge committee members will face. Because the
2002 law has not cost as much as was expected, the committee has $60
billion less to work with than it did prior to writing it.

"Some things will have to be funded out of the reserve fund in the
budget resolution and will be contingent on our finding offsets in the
budget," said Peterson. "But we're working with our leaders and the
Budget Committee to try to resolve those problems."

Goodlatte noted that the Bush administration's budget would increase
farm bill funding by $5 billion. "That $5 billion is certainly not $60
billion, but we're not asking for the $60 billion. We're simply asking
for enough money to address conservation issues and a host of other
issues for which there are not enough resources.

"This is a fiscally responsible thing we're asking for because we have
saved the taxpayers of this country $60 billion over the last farm bill.
We're just asking for a small portion of that, quite frankly, to be
allowed to be used to further efforts to help rural America."

"Most of us on the committee have a farm background, and we're just like
farmers," said Peterson. "We put seeds in the ground. We don't have any
idea what will happen, but farmers are born optimists, and I'm
optimistic we can produce a good bill."

In other farm bill news, the House and Senate voted to approve a fiscal
year 2008 budget that aims to produce a budget surplus by 2012 and
contains a $20-billion reserve fund for the 2007 farm bill.

The Senate passed the budget plan 52-40 and the House, 214-209. Authors
of the bill, including Sen. Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said it contains no tax
increases, but Republicans claimed it would produce the largest tax
increase in history, primarily by not continuing the Republican-passed
tax cuts of the last six years.

The House Agriculture Committee also passed three measures that will be
sent to the House floor.

H. Con. Res. 25 expresses the sense of Congress that by the year 2025,
America's agricultural, forestry, and working lands should provide at
least 25 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States
through renewable sources while continuing to produce safe, abundant,
and affordable food, feed, and fiber.

H.R. 926, introduced by House Agriculture Committee members Stephanie
Herseth Sandlin, D-S.D., and Goodlatte, would prohibit the provision of
federal economic development assistance for any state or locality that
uses the power of eminent domain to obtain property for private
commercial development.

H. Res. 79 would recognize the establishment of Hunters for the Hungry
programs across the United States and the contributions of those
programs' efforts to decrease hunger and help feed those in need.

e-mail: [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]> 



8.  Nonprofit takes root in Ann Arbor

Posted by <>
Janet Miller

 May 24, 2007 06:37AM

Robert RameyOran Hesterman, president and CEO of the Fair Food

Up to $20 million per year will fund fair food effort 

A new, nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing fresh, locally
produced and sustainably-grown food to southeast Michigan will be
setting up shop in downtown Ann Arbor.

The Fair Food Foundation is expected to award annual grants worth
between $12 million and $20 million per year starting in 2008. 

The goal, leaders said, is to redesign a food supply system that has
left urban populations with little access to fresh food. 

"The food system, for many, is broken," said Oran Hesterman, program
director of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's Food and Society Initiative
who will serve as the Fresh Food Foundation's president and CEO. 

Offices for the foundation will be located on Main Street, above
Vinology Restarurant, in the third floor quarters temporarily occupied
by Google until their move to the McKinley Towne Centre. 
While the nonprofit will move into the 3,500-square-foot space by July
1, it won't begin operations until Jan. 1, 2008. Between 20 to 25
workers are expected to occupy the office once it's fully operational. 

Eventually, foundation officials plan to buy and operate an organic farm
in the Ann Arbor area and run the organization from an office in
Detroit, Hesterman said.

An unidentified Michigan family is funding the private foundation, which
is expected to be the largest private non-profit in the country whose
sole focus is on a sustainable and equitable food system, Hesterman

"The foundation is being started by a very generous family of
considerable wealth who wants to focus their philanthropy in the area of
fair food," Hesterman said. They will be the sole supporters of the

Hesterman said the food system serves people who have the ability to pay
for the food where it shows up: stores, farmers markets or restaurants.

"We will focus on the urban and rural food systems so people will have
greater access to healthy, local, fresh food," said Nicole de Beaufort,
acting director of communications for the foundation. "... For a lot of
kids growing up in these areas, they go to the gas station for their
food. There's no fresh food there, just plenty of Cheetos."

At the same time, the foundation will focus on more sustainable
agriculture, Hesterman said. They will address issues such as pollution,
fertilizer run off and the disappearance of the family farm. 

"We want to redesign the food system with a focus on all of these
people," he said. The foundation will work in diverse areas, from public
policy to research and education, Hesterman added.

Hesterman, who lives in Ann Arbor, is a long-time leader in sustainable
agriculture and has published extensively about the food system. He
worked with the governor's office to develop the Michigan Food Policy

The office deal was brokered by Mike Giraud and Jeff Harshe of Colliers
International. The building is owned by Greg Lobdell and restaurateur
Jon Carlson.

9. The Day Without Farm Workers


by David Mas Masumoto, Land Institute's Prairie Writers Circle, Salina,

Last year for one day, no one came to work in my peach orchard. A row of
ladders stood empty. This was my day without immigrant labor.Without
workers, I cannot farm. If I cannot farm, my organic heirloom peaches
and raisins won't reach people's dinner tables.

Without passage of immigration reform, I can't get enough help to
harvest my fruits. This work is transient and something most Americans
won't do, even with higher wages. Under the current system, which gives
so many immigrants illegal status, good workers from south of the border
are forced to hide in the shadows, constantly fearful of deportation.

As the debate over undocumented workers unfolds, the growing of food
seems to be left out. This debate isn't just about citizenship. It's
also about who works the fields and how crops are grown. And it's about
working conditions and treating workers fairly - something that I and
other small farmers try to do as we labor side by side with our workers.

Immigration reform needs to grant some form of legal status to the
nearly 2 million illegal workers on farms and acknowledge their
contribution to the farm economy and rural communities. At the very
least, we should grant undocumented workers a guest worker status,
ensuring fair treatment for their hard work.

Specialty fruits and vegetables depend on these hands. Now more than
ever, a labor shortage threatens these crops.

I almost lost my raisin crop two years ago. Last year, pear farmers in
Northern California were forced to let fruit rot on trees because there
were not enough workers. I try to ripen my peaches to perfection, but
lose many when I can't get pickers; some of my best fruits fall from my

Without labor, agriculture will mechanize the process as much as
possible, substituting technology and capital for people on the land.
This shift is not simply about the invention of a machine, but rather a
dramatic change in how things are grown. It means rewarding plant
breeders not for great flavor, but instead for fruit that works with

I can imagine the ideal machined peaches of the future. Design them so
they will simultaneously ripen. (My crews revisit a single tree four to
five times, picking only what is ripe at the moment.) Breed a peach with
a stem that snaps easily, so a tree can be shaken by a machine.
Manufacture fruit that won't bruise when harvested, picked rock hard to
survive a handless system.

But there is no technology that can replace the human touch without
sacrificing good taste.

Sustainable and organic fruit farming demands constant attention and
response to nature each season: Our systems are labor intensive. I need
the human element on my farm.

Farming is an inexact science. There's an art to pruning and growing a
perfect peach that requires years of practice and many hands. Without
workers, I'll have no choice but to farm differently: The politics of
undocumented immigrants can change the flavor on my farm.

But agriculture is morally wrong if the sole goal is to create a new
pipeline of cheap labor. Farmers must acknowledge the value of the
people in their fields.

Undocumented workers have labored like ghosts - invisible, hidden,
secluded. Immigration reform would shed light on them, revealing their

As these new Americans are recognized, wages, working conditions and
health benefits must be addressed. This will challenge farmers and the
old ways of doing business. Agriculture has openly acknowledged the need
for labor: We also must accept responsibility for these workers.

I farm with a social contract - a network of honorable, mutually
supporting relationships that contribute to the quality I seek. My work
can't be done by machines. I want to grow "face food," produce with
faces and their stories, keeping alive the legacy of good, authentic

Undocumented workers are part of this food system. We all have a stake
in immigration reform, and the need to recognize the important role of
all food workers. We need to support farming that contributes true
flavors to life.

Farmer David Mas Masumoto of Fresno, Calif., is a Kellogg Foundation
Food and Society Policy Fellow. He has written several books, including
"Epitaph for a Peach: Four Seasons on My Family Farm
ns%20on%20My%20Family%20Farm&PID=32022> ." He wrote this comment for the
Land Institute's Prairie Writers Circle, Salina, Kan.

10.  If you seeking Sustainable Bags for your customers or program...


We have a local company, which does screen printing, trophy's, hats,


CREATIVE CONCEPTS, Mark Bivins, owner, 616 866 1470,


Good luck, and if you need any other info, or assistance, please let me


Dick Johnston, Utilities Director

City of Rockford

P.O. Box 561

7 South Monroe

Rockford, Michigan  49341-0561

Ph:   616 - 866 -1537

Fax: 616 - 866 - 6406


OR another option is....


Eat Local Foods LLC BASED in Wyandotte, MI offers reusable bags that are
made in the USA.  There is always a tag inside the bag that will tell
you where it was made.  We believe that if we are encouraging consumers
to buy local food, we shouldn't do it with products that are made in


At Eat Local Food, we offer reusable, fine art canvas tote bags that can
be customized for your farmers market.

As a member of MiFMA (Michigan Farmers Market Association), you will
receive a 10% discount on your orders with us.  We are located in
Wyandotte, and all of our products are reusable, functional,
customizable and made in the USA.


The price of our bags depends on the quantity ordered, but they
typically cost $9.00 to $11.25 per bag (including customization) and
they retail for $17.00-$18.00.  Yes, they are a bit more expensive
because they are made in the USA with cotton grown in the USA.


Thanks for the opportunity to add my 2 cents,


Joan Tobin

Eat Local Food LLC
637 Emmons Blvd.
Wyandotte, MI 48192 <>  check out their
beautiful vegetable and fruit art work perfect for your market place.
(734) 341-7028



If you are seeking bags made from recycled materials...

One Bag at a Time

offers washable, screenable bags made from recycled materials


*	Each bag holds the equivalent load of 3-4 plastic bags or 2
paper bags.  

*	4 or 5 of our bags will hold the contents of a completely filled
grocery cart.

*	Each bag has bottom stiffener that protects groceries and that
can be easily removed for a quick wipe down.

*	All bags are machine washable in cold water (line dry).  No
shrinkage!  No fading!

*	The handles are long enough to hang on your shoulder but short
enough to swing at your sides.  

*	Bags stand up straight on their own for loading or unloading.
They fold neatly for storage.

*	Many colors are available including black, navy blue, red, dark
green, and brown.

*	Store owners:  These bags fit neatly in current loading stands
for plastic bags.  No retrofitting!  Click here for more information
about purchasing bags. <> 

*	Size:  14 inches tall, 12 inches wide, with an 8 inch gusset.

Call:  1 Bag at a Time at 310-441-7300


Email: [log in to unmask]


Smail:  1 Bag at a Time

    10700 Santa Monica Blvd. Unit 7

    Los Angeles, CA 90025

For single use bags made of recycled materials...

Because several people on this list indicated their interest in finding
and using biodegradable bags at the market, Laura Kassenbrock, an MSU
graduate student working in our office this summer, contacted several
sources to request price and ordering information.  Here is a summary of
what she found:
Biodegradable produce bags
$37/case (2 rolls of 1000 bags/roll)
Also carries other environmentally friendly food/restaurant carry-out
Steve Harworth
Recy-Clean Services/Michigan Green Safe Products
[log in to unmask]
[log in to unmask]> 
313-871-4000 office
313-471-5329 fax
313-647-2903 cell
EcoFilm 3 gallon produce bags
$.12/bag for 100 bags. Call to negotiate pricing for larger quantities 

Brad Price
Simply Biodegradable
[log in to unmask]
509-764-0233 office
509-910-1430 cell
Compostable shopping bag
$55 for 400 bags
Also carries other environmentally friendly food/restaurant carry-out
Discounts for purchasing over 1000 bags
Green Home
[log in to unmask]
415-282-6400 office
2.5 gallon produce bag
10 bags/box, $115 for 96 boxes
Offers a variety of bag types and sizes
Mattew Penrose
Cereplast, Inc.
[log in to unmask]
212-925-8969 cell




Vicki Morrone

Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist

Michigan State University

C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems

303 Natural Resources Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824


517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (fax)



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