Peter, Since I heard about USC using GMail for their campus e-mail in the past I wondered if MSU ever entertained the idea or was approached by Google. I know that Northwestern University and Arizonia State use it now and that Georgetown is considering. Not sure what the cost is for MSU, but the idea of each person having the Google Sheets & Docs (understandably not as good as the desktop counterparts) available to each person that's connected seems a great feature to offer. In addition everyone having access to the Google Calendar and the possibility of subscribing to class calendars, a computer lab calendar or other events or persons calendars (maybe a prof's office hours calendar) to overlay their own calendar seems like an exciting way to use this technology. On top of this would be the Gmail service with much more space then MSU's current e-mail quota, much better SPAM filtering (in my experience) and the ability to chat in the Gmail interface make it seem, to me, a very compelling option. -t On 4/19/07, Peter J Murray <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Did anyone else see the half page ad in the State News today (bottom > half, page 7A)? Google is asking students to take a survey at > > > In the interest of science, I'm posting the questions asked below. > > How satisfied are you with your school's current email system, compared > to other systems you've used (like your personal mail)? > What would you like to change about your school's current email system? > (choose up to three) > I would prefer to use Gmail, Google Talk and Google Calendar instead of > my school's current systems? > What's the primary way that Gmail, Google Talk and Google Calendar could > be better than your school's current systems? > Do you have a Gmail account? > How satisfied are you with Gmail? > > Once you've completed the short survey, it says you can click through to > see how the other students voted. > > Is this something the university asked Google to do, or is Google trying > to do an end run around the University? > > Also, is there any plans to increase quota/space and speed with MSU, or > is this the first step into having Google host MSU email? > > What do other NAGers think of the prospect of Google hosting MSU email? > Would MSU consider letting students migrate their accounts over (but > maintain the current system for those who want to stay with MSU run > equipment?) > -- Troy D Murray Blog: