April 14, 2007, 5-7 PM
WHERE? Greenock Mill Center
10470 N
Ruston Rd
South Lyon,
Potluck – bring a dish to pass
Buying Clubs – purchasing local, organic produce. Options
and Issues
MOFFA Annual Awards: Volunteer, Business, Public Service,
Lifetime Achievement
21. Food Labeling Workshop
The Henry Center · July
19-20, 2007 · Lansing, Michigan
This workshop presents the FDA requirements for food labeling. The
workshop format and materials are designed to provide a user-friendly approach
for those new to food labeling and also provide a thorough system and reference
for those experienced with food label design and review. The workshop
format allows time for questions. The focus is practical, and students are
encouraged to bring problem labels for hands-on review. For more information, click here.
Register Online
Registration Form (PDF)
or call IFLR at (517) 355-8295
Lead Instructor, Neal Fortin, is Director of the Institute for Food Laws &
Regulations, assistant professor in the MSU College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, and adjunct professor of law at the MSU College of Law. His
law practice experience concentrated on food law, labeling, ingredient
evaluation, advertising, legislation, and administrative law. Professor Fortin
also has 20 years experience in food regulatory work with the state of
Michigan, including being the primary drafter of Michigan Food Law of
2000. He has trained more than 1,500 people on the labeling law.
22. Slow Food Red Cedar
Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 18 at
Student Organic Farm
College Road, between Jolly & Sandhill)
Time: Please email me back and let me
know what fits most schedules best:
Either 5:30 pm or 7 pm
Then I’ll send a second
email and let you know the decision.
Contact me: Lisa Hamm [log in to unmask]
Meeting topic: discuss possible
activities for the coming year; determine small groups that will work on each
activity. Tea will be provided. Please bring your own cup! And if you are
able, please bring a small finger snack to share.
Please park at the main parking lot by the
farm buildings, then walk back to the Student Organic Farm greenhouses. People
who are not able to make the walk are welcome to drive back to the greenhouses.
If you can’t make it to the meeting,
please send your ideas through email!
You are welcome to bring a friend to the
Just to get your creative juices flowing,
here are some ideas that were written down at our Slow Food Red Cedar
“Choices” dinner in March:
Cooking demos at local
farmers’ markets
Tour of Nut Farm in Jackson
Tour Cider Mills; learn to
make cider
Complete list of Central/South
Michigan farms and products available
Farm Tour at Wynsmoor Manor
featuring heritage livestock and heirloom
vegetables in
Find ways and activities that
help broaden membership
Have Nick Seccia (Henry Ford
Museum chef from Choices dinner) back
for dinner at
Student Farm
Work with local chefs and
specialty cooks for programs
Vicki Morrone
Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist
Michigan State University
C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems
303 Natural Resources Bldg.
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-282-3557 (cell)
517-353-3834 (fax)
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