Purdue Extension – Univ. of Illinois Extension – Ohio State University Extension - and Michigan State University

present the

Tri-State Organic IP Video Program Session III

Insect and Disease Control in Organic Vegetables

April 19, 2007

6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

Locations include MSU Campus, Ithaca, MI RESD and RESD in Gladwin (near Gladwin and Clare)

Call to reserve your spot: $10.00 /person which include handouts, refreshments and a DVD of the program (sent following program).

Program is hosted by MSUE educators: Vicki Morrone 517-353-3542 -MSU, Dan Rossman, 989-875-7255–Ithaca, or Kable Thurlow-Gladwin/Clare 989-426-7741. 



6:00     Introduction and Welcome – Rick Foster, Purdue University

6:05                 Preventing Insect Problems in Organic Vegetable Systems – Rick Foster

6:30                 Biological Control and Organic Pesticides in Organic Vegetable Production – Rick Weinzierl, University of Illinois

7:05     Break

7:15                 Diagnoses and Prevention of Vegetables Diseases in Organic Systems – Dan Egel, Purdue University

7:45                 Specific Approaches to Disease Management in Organic Systems – Sally Miller, Ohio State University

8:20     Q & A

8:30     Adjourn


Please register as soon as possible.  No charge for students, teachers/professors, Extension and USDA Staff – just indicate COMP on registration form. For others, registration is $10 per person/farm entity and includes workshop materials and refreshments.


Made possible with support from

USDA/NCR SARE and USDA/Risk Management Agency

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Vicki Morrone

Organic Vegetable and Crop Outreach Specialist

Michigan State University

C.S. Mott Sustainable Food Systems

303 Natural Resources Bldg.

East Lansing, MI 48824


517-282-3557 (cell)

517-353-3834 (fax)



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