

On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 09:02:00AM -0400, Chris Wolf wrote:

  Since the greylisting went into effect last Wednesday morning, I have not
  received a single spam message, either marked or unmarked, through my account. Prior to the change I was getting five or ten per day, so
  I would have expected 25 to 50 during those five days.
  My MSU mail is forwarded to an Exchange server, where Microsoft's IMF filters
  out the most obvious spam so it doesn't even reach my mailboxes. I suspect that
  without this additional filtering I would still be getting some spam from my
  MSU account, but the improvement from the greylisting is still pretty
  impressive. (During this period I did get a single spam message addressed
  directly to my Exchange mailbox, which of course is unaffected by the
  Are others also seeing a dramatic improvement?

I used to get around 150 spam/day forwarded from my account.  Fortunately
my local Spamassassin has been catching over 99% of it.  Between the announced
greylisting start and Wed, 07 Mar 2007 21:00:30 -0500, I received a few dozen spam
from per day.  Since then, I have only been receiving 2-3 per day.  If this
keeps up it will be a great improvement since there is only so much you can do when
mail is forwarded.  

It is hard to draw some conclusions about system load during break changes, but it
would be interesting to see if this brings a noticable processing decrease on the
MSU mail systems over the next few days or weeks.