



I Receive this from SANET listserv. If anyone has this signage would be organic farmers. If you are interested in sharing a photo of this sign please contact Mace Vaughn [log in to unmask] or call 503-232-6639


From: Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Matthew Shepherd (Xerces Society)
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:55 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [SANET-MG] Photo of a "No spray" sign



We are writing a publication for the National Agroforestry Center on how to reduce pesticide impacts to crop-pollinating native bees and would like to have a photo of a "no spray" sign - that is in the field, not just an image of a sign - to illustrate the publication.

Does anyone on this list have photos of signs in the field that say something to the effect of "Please, don't spray pesticides" because of adjacent organic farms, native habitat plantings, etc.?  Or for any reason for that matter?  And, if so, would you be willing to let us consider it for inclusion in an educational publication?  We would make sure that full credit was given.

If not, any ideas for where we can find such a photo?

Much thanks!!  And, please respond directly to Mace Vaughan at [log in to unmask]


The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Mace Vaughan
Conservation Director, Entomologist/Educator
4828 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland, OR  97215-3252 USA
office: 503-232-6639  fax: 503-233-6794  mobile: 503-753-6000
email:  [log in to unmask] 

The Xerces Society is an international nonprofit organization that protects the
diversity of life through invertebrate conservation.  To join the Society, make
a contribution, or read about our work, please visit



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