Hey folks This is an interesting alternative to certified organic and probably would do well at small markets and farmers markets, at this time. But then a farmer could combine organic certification with the farmer pledge that MOFFA is promoting and cover all the bases and be able to sell foods labeled organic. Have you looked into Certified Naturally Grown? It's a great alternative and self governing as it was in the old days of Organic. You rely on other local farmers, customers or the County Extension to inpect your farm. It's a non profit organization. They do ask for donations and they also sell stickers with the CNG logo. You can download brochures online for hand outs explaining the program. The website address is www.naturallygrown.org They have a questionaire to cover all aspects of Naturally Grown so inspection is easy and informative to the consumer, too. I wonder if this program is catching on yet in California? -----Original Message----- >From: Douglas Hinds <[log in to unmask]> >Sent: Mar 10, 2007 3:03 PM >To: [log in to unmask] >Subject: Re: [SANET-MG] organic vs. local... > most left because of the State and USDA take over of the >> word organic, we were the volunteers of America now we are forced >> slaves to the USDA the certifier and the inspector and the state. >> On years like this one with the freeze they make their money even >> when I loose money. hehe . My customers that I had for years >> forced me to be certified after the USDA takeover if I wanted to >> keep selling to them so if I want to tell my customer I'm organic >> I have to pay the organic police. > >We knew this would happen, ahead of time, of course (and there >weren't that many of us that knew what to expect). > >> I pay a organic tax because I don't use anything. > >You pay the penalty for the OFPA's having the wrong focus. (And third >party certification became a big industry, with greater authority >than the farmers themselves, thanks to OFPA). > >> I have to fill out reports and pay the USDA saying I don't use >> anything while the USDA will not label GMOs, pesticides, >> herbicides, fertilizers that kill life on the earth. Its all >> backwards. https://finerworks.com/mgallery/artists.asp?U_ID=goldpearl ________________________________________ PeoplePC Online A better way to Internet http://www.peoplepc.com ******************************************************** To unsubscribe from SANET-MG: 1- Visit http://lists.sare.org/archives/sanet-mg.html to unsubscribe or; 2- Send a message to <[log in to unmask]> from the address subscribed to the list. Type "unsubscribe sanet-mg" in the body of the message. Visit the SANET-MG archives at: http://lists.sare.org/archives/sanet-mg.html. Questions? Visit http://www.sare.org/about/sanetFAQ.htm. For more information on grants and other resources available through the SARE program, please visit http://www.sare.org. If you would like to access previous postings to the Mich-Organic listserv you can copy and paste the following URL into your browser address bar http://list.msu.edu/archives/mich-organic.html