11. Alternative Energy - Solar Energy
by Larisa Redins http://www.organicproducermag.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=feature.display&feature_id=78
With all of the controversy surrounding the price of fuel
and other electricity forms in recent times, solar energy is definitely
increasing in popularity. However, just what is solar energy? Solar energy
basically converts light from the sun into useable electricity. The
amount of available light energy from the sun is of course dependent upon the
current conditions – namely how many clouds there are in the sky and at
what angle the sun is located in the sky. It is also important to keep in mind
that the atmosphere reflects just about 6% of the sun’s light and also
absorbs about 16% of the sun’s radiation. With that said though, there still
is an overwhelming amount of energy to be utilized by consumers.
Why Should Consumers Use Solar Energy?
Solar energy is a renewable resource – individuals
do not need to worry about the light from the sun being depleted anytime soon
as in the case of fuel for instance. Solar energy is also pollution-free and
does not require large resource intensive power stations to operate.
Furthermore, the equipment used to capture the light energy from the sun
requires little maintenance once all of the equipment is set up – not to
mention that this form of energy is just about free once the costs from
installing the solar equipment has been recouped.
“Solar energy is so promising because it is
unlimited and absolutely clean,” concurs David Barclay, the Executive
Director of the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA). “The
price has dropped dramatically in the past couple of decades and the more it is
used, the more economical it will become.”
Solar energy is also extremely accessible to average
individuals. A person can empower themselves and generate solar energy on their
own without needing to rely on an external power source. This situation is
especially beneficial in more remote areas.
“Producers of solar energy have many options: they
can produce electricity using photovoltaic panels, or they can capture solar
thermal energy and use it to heat water or air,” explains Alex Doukas, a
Community Power Education Assistant with the Ontario Sustainable Energy
Association (OSEA).
How Can Consumers Capture This Light Energy?
One of the ways that consumers can capture solar energy is
through the use of solar panels (or photovoltaic cells as they are more
formally known). Photovoltaic cells are comprised of various semiconductors.
When light - which is composed of photons - hits a semiconductor, this light
then transfers its energy to that particular conductor. In order to make this
system more efficient, often mirrors and other devices are utilized so that the
light energy can be concentrated on a small area of photovoltaic cells. These
“concentrators’ also make this solar energy option more affordable
as the photovoltaic cells are often the most expensive component in this
Another method of solar power is similar to the common
conventional way of generating electricity – except that this type of
electricity does not involve the burning of other materials to generate the
electricity. This system of generating electricity involves using reflective
material or mirrors to concentrate the sun’s light energy on a reservoir
of fluid. When the fluid boils, the resulting steam that is formed powers a
turbine – which in turn generates electricity.
Consumers and producers alike can utilize the sun’s
energy for conventional energy purposes. Once again, the sun’s light is
concentrated using reflective material such as mirrors. These surfaces in turn
concentrate the light on a ‘converter’, a device that consists of a
heat engine and a generator. In most cases, this engine that is used is one
that is called a Stirling engine – mainly because this engine is
remarkably quiet. In these types of engines, there is gas in a small
compartment – when this gas is heated, the gas, in turn, powers a
generator … and voila! Energy is created.
What about Passive Solar Energy?
Passive solar energy in itself is an excellent way to cut
costs on energy bills. Passive solar energy, itself, occurs when a
particular house or other building is built in such a manner so that it avoids
direct summer sunlight and captures low-angle winter sun. Some ways to
help accomplish this goal is through strategic tree placement, using window
overhangs, and utilizing the building mass to absorb the sun’s heat when
the temperature is cooler.
“For those considering building a home, passive
solar can offer a huge energy savings in and of itself, if combined with other
green whole systems thinking design strategies,” asserts Barclay.
“Some estimates indicate that energy consumption can be reduced by as
much as 30% solely through properly designed passive solar strategies”.
Worried that Solar Energy Technology is Unsightly?
Well, people need not be worried about this problem as the
aesthetics of these solar systems have increased substantially in recent
years. In fact, solar energy technology is looking better than ever as
there are now innovations that include solar panels that can be embedded in
skylights or look like everyday shingles.
The Future of Solar Energy
The future of solar energy is looking more favorable than
ever. As consumers continue to recognize solar energy as a viable renewable
clean energy option, more people will utilize this technology. This
increased usage will in turn result in lower solar equipment costs as the
associated technologies continue to improve.
“Solar energy’s future is very bright. Today,
the equivalent of 40 million households are already using solar hot water
systems across the globe,” Doukas told Organic Producer. It
is already a driving force behind the transition to a sustainable energy
economy, and is now the fastest growing energy technology in the world, with
solar panels now covering more than 400 000 rooftops worldwide”.
some local resources about what is available in Michigan you can check out
these groups.
Wind Working group web site meets quarterly to discuss how to bring wind power
to MI. (part of Dep of Labor and economic growth). http://www.organicproducermag.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=feature.display&feature_id=77
12. Hey Michigan Farm Business Owners-Ever Consider Wind
Power on Your Farm?!!
you think your business (including farm business) can benefit from wind power
you can apply for the Michigan Anemometer Loan Program to have an anemometer installed at your business to check for
appropriate conditions to use wind energy. You can apply for the grant at this
web site: http://web1.msue.msu.edu/wind/
(has additional info for Michigan and wind energy also). If awarded the grant
they will install the anemometer at your site,
collect and analyze the data and give you an economic evaluation if wind energy
can work for you. This grant is housed in the Dept of Ag Economics by Dr. Steve
Harsh. If you choose to have a wind generator at your business you can get a
federal grant (#9006) to offset 25% of the cost. What is Section 9006?
Section 9006 is the Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements
Program, created as part of the Energy Title in the 2002 Farm Bill. In 2006, it
will provide grants and loan guarantees to farmers, ranchers and rural small
businesses. Direct loans are authorized by legislation but have not yet been
implemented. For more info go to this web site: http://www.farmenergy.org/9006FAQ.htm#Q1
Jan 22: A broad alliance of family farm, rural,
conservation, sustainable and organic agriculture, anti-hunger, nutrition,
faith-based, public health and other groups say the next farm bill should
advance a new generation of farm and food policies designed to address some of
the nation’s most pressing social, economic, environmental and public
health challenges. The group known as the Farm and Food Policy Project (FFPP)
detailed their recommendations in a report entitled, Seeking Balance in U.S.
Farm and Food Policy. The groups indicated, "The renewal of the Farm Bill
in 2007 creates a rare opportunity to take significant steps towards reversing
these trends. More than $300 billion in taxpayer dollars is at stake over the
next five years. These resources must be managed more responsibly and used to
create greater balance in our public policies and ultimately in our farm and
food system."
The report outlines innovations which the groups says would make real progress
toward creating opportunities for young and beginning farmers, expanding new
agricultural markets and value-added enterprises, helping more farmers move to
organic production to meet increasing demand, reducing hunger and soaring rates
of obesity; encouraging local food production and access to healthy food
choices, promoting entrepreneurship and economic development in rural communities;
providing incentives for more environmentally friendly farming systems;
fostering cooperative conservation partnerships; and providing increased
support for socially disadvantaged farmers and farmworkers.
FFPP indicates the report has been endorsed by more than 350 organizations
across the country. Some of the lead organizations involved in the effort
include: American Farmland Trust; Community Food Security Coalition;
Environmental Defense; Farm and Food Policy Diversity Initiative; Northeast Midwest
Institute; Sustainable Agriculture Coalition
Oliver and agencies
Friday January 26, 2007
Guardian Unlimited
Food imported to the UK by air may be denied the lucrative
"organic" label under proposals being put forward today by the Soil
The UK's
main organic certification body is concerned about the "food miles"
involved in importing goods by air, which, environmentalists argue, contribute
to global warming.
typically charge more for food labelled organic and many customers are
increasingly favouring goods which have not been treated with pesticides and
other chemicals.
At its annual conference
in Cardiff today, the Soil Association launched a one-year consultation on a
proposal to ban the air-freighting of organic food, in the hope of cutting the
associated carbon dioxide emissions.
association's director, Patrick Holden, told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme:
"There is growing demand to reduce the carbon footprint of food
distribution and we in the Soil Association take that very seriously."
He said
the body's standards board would consider different labelling options, as well
as carbon-offsetting plans as a way of managing the environmental impact of
air-freighted food.
he said, "This initiative wouldn't have been taken if there wasn't a
pretty strong chance that the standards board would eventually decide on a
total ban."
In the
past, most food labelled organic in UK shops was more likely to have been
sourced relatively locally, typically from smaller farms. However, with the
boom in popularity of organic food, bigger firms have become involved and the
use of air transportation has grown, allowing some firms to sell food that is
out of season locally.
commentators have argued that the changing nature of the supply of
"organic" food, and the growing economies of scale, have effectively
changed the term's meaning.
others argue that the energy used to produce food is also an important factor.
They say, for example, that it could be better to import food produced
efficiently in New Zealand, despite the food miles.
Mr Holden
said one of the key issues during the consultation period would be the
viability of fair-trade schemes that benefit farmers in the developing world by
giving them direct access to developed world markets.
However, he added: "Overall, the carbon footprint
of air-freighting is greater to such a large degree than land transport that we
think there is a pretty strong case for looking at a ban very seriously."