

July 22 Program #2006-04.
This is week in Michigan politics, the battle over Affirmative Action stalemates at one state agency, and heads for the courts; and college tuitions are going up. The guest is the Republican National Committee chair Ken Mehlman, here to talk about U.S. Senate races, the contest for governor and related political issues.

Ken Mehlman is the Republican National Committee chair and is deeply involved in national and statewide G.O.P. issues, from the president's U.S. Supreme Court nomination, to the various U.S. Senate and governors races around the country. Melhman was the campaign manager for the Bush-Cheney ticket in 2004, and prior to that he was the White House political director from 2001 to 2003. Mehlman has experience working in Congress and holds a law degree from Harvard Law School.

With Chris Christoff, Amy Bailey and Bill Ballenger