

July 21, 2005

Education's Collateral Damage
New York Times

Stop the presses! Within just a few days we've had a scandal 
involving a world-class presidential guru bumped off the front pages 
by a prime-time presidential announcement of a nominee to the Supreme 

No one would argue that these aren't big stories. But an issue that 
is even more important to the long-term future of the U.S. gets very 
short shrift from the media. In an era when a college education is 
virtually a prerequisite for maintaining a middle-class lifestyle, an 
extraordinary number of American teenagers continue to head toward 
adulthood without even a high school diploma.

This is not a sexy issue, and certainly not as titillating for 
journalists as the political witchcraft that Karl Rove has used to 
enchant George W. Bush. But consider the following from the book 
"Dropouts in America: Confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis," a 
collection of essays edited by Gary Orfield, a professor at the 
Harvard Graduate School of Education:

"Nationally, only about two-thirds of all students - and only half of 
all blacks, Latinos and Native Americans - who enter ninth grade 
graduate with regular diplomas four years later."

In much of the nation, especially in urban and rural areas, the 
picture is even more dismal. In New York City, just 18 percent of all 
students graduate with a Regents diploma, which is the diploma 
generally required for admission to a four-year college. Only 9.4 
percent of African-American students get a Regents diploma.

Over all, the United States has one of the highest high school 
dropout rates in the industrialized world, which can't be comforting 
news in the ferociously competitive environment of an increasingly 
globalized economy.

"It's terrifying to know that half of the kids of color in the United 
States drop out of high school, and that only one in five is prepared 
for college," said Tom Vander Ark of the Bill and Melinda Gates 
Foundation, which is making a big effort to boost high school 
graduation rates and the number of graduates who are prepared for 

Why is the education of America's young people so important?

"It may sound like hyperbole," said Mr. Vander Ark, "but this is the 
economic development issue for our society, and it is the social 
justice issue of our times. It is the most important long-term issue 
for the civic health of the republic.

"In the aggregate, we need more young people educated at higher 
levels: more finishing high school, more finishing community college, 
more finishing four-year degrees. And secondly, I think it's very 
important that we close the racial and socioeconomic gaps in 
educational attainment.

"We're seeing a scary level of income stratification that is the 
result of educational stratification. And it's becoming important not 
just for the economy but for our society that we help low-income 
[students], and especially kids of color, achieve high levels of 
education so that they can participate in the economy and in our 

Citing statistics from a variety of sources, officials at the Gates 
Foundation have noted that:

High school dropouts, on average, earn $9,245 less per year than high 
school graduates.

The poverty rate for families headed by dropouts is more than twice 
that for families headed by high school graduates.

Dropouts are much more likely to be unemployed, less likely to vote 
and more likely to be imprisoned than high school graduates.

For those concerned about the state of leadership in America, and who 
wonder where the next generation of leaders will come from, I can 
tell you it's not likely to emerge from the millions upon millions of 
dropouts we're setting loose in the land.

And whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, if you'd like to see a 
wiser, more creative and more effective approach to such crucial 
problems as war and peace, terror, international relations, 
employment, energy consumption and so on, you'll need to rely on a 
much better-educated and better-informed population than the United 
States has now.

I don't think Mr. Vander Ark was engaging in hyperbole. The public 
needs to understand the extent of the high school dropout crisis, and 
its implications for the long-term future of the U.S. It will most 
likely have more of an impact on the lives of your children and 
grandchildren than George W. Bush's appointments to the Supreme Court.