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From: "richard r. moore" <[log in to unmask]>
To: (list suppressed)
Subject: ACNS computer services shutdown
Date: Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:12:18 -0500

ACNS will be turning off power to the computer room in the computer center
on 29 december.  We expect that the power will be off for twelve hours
starting at 0700 on wednesday, 29 december.  This means that no servers in
the computer room will be operating.  Some services will still be available
from alternative locations.  We will be sending you more details later.

The electrical power in the computer room was originally designed (over
forty years ago) for mainframe computers running a combination of 400 hertz
and 60 hertz power.  As we added new mainframes, we added additional
circuits.  When we added servers to the complex, we added more circuits.

As we add more servers and cluster computing systems to the computer room we
have been finding it more difficult to supply power -- mostly because the
power cables that were used 30 years ago are still in the conduits and these
conduits have exceeded their capacity.  Furthermore, the insulation on some
of the power cables installed many years ago is starting to deteriorate.  In
order to clean things up, pull out unused cables, replace bad cables, update
the power panels, etc. we have to turn off all electrical power to the
computer room.

We are determining what services can be supported over this long power
outage; we will send you more information as we proceed.