

On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 02:38:00PM -0500, Rob Neary wrote:

   > -----Original Message-----
   > Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 1:25 PM
   > Subject: Re: Print job recovery
   > We use the software "magicfilter" as a pre-processor for the
   > print job, with a LPRng (An enhanced LPR spooler) print
   > system.  It detects formats that are incapable of being
   > printed and likewise can convert some formats to postscript
   > (like PDF, JPG, etc.) if the system utilities exist to do so.
   >  If a job cannot be printed, email is sent to the user.

   Cool - thanks!  Does it do any of the "recovery" processing I was
   talking about?  Where by if the printer doesn't report "Job Printed
   OK" say 3 times on a job, it kills or side-lines that job?  That is
   our most common problem - people send PS jobs that certain models
   and SW/FW revisions of the PostScript engines just don't agree

You should be able to correct this by implementing per printer
filters. (You can modify the magicfilter scripts quite easily).
Another possible solution would be to write a wrapper in sh or perl
that called magicfilter and then did some basic accounting on how many
times the print job was attempted and clean-up if necessary.

I don't have a definitive solution since I haven't dealt with this
problem (all heavily used printers are the same in our environment).

Hope this helps,