Hello Colleagues,
Pleased to announce the following Tenure Track Positions - Assistant Professors in the areas of Strategy/IB, Marketing, Travel & Tourism, in the Department of IB, Marketing, Strategy & Law, of the School of Business, MacEwan University, Edmonton, Canada.
Kindly click the following links for the respective positions.
1) Assistant Professor- Strategy/ IB- 2 positions
2) Assistant Professor- Marketing- 1 position
3) Assistant Professor- Travel & Tourism- 1 position
Details can also be found here
Etayankara (Murli) Muralidharan, PhD.
Associate Professor
Chair-Department of International Business, Marketing, Strategy, & Law
MacEwan University- School of Business
City Centre Campus
5-252A, 10700-104 Avenue NW
Edmonton, AB
Canada T5J 4S2
Tel: 780-633-3533
Muralidharan- profile / Visit Website
Muralidharan-Google Scholar / Muralidharan-Research Gate
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