Dear AIB COMMUNITY, our program for EXECUTIVES "Global Leadership Mindset Development Program" will start end of February 2022.
Within the Global Leadership Mindset Development Program, your Executives (MBA, Executive MBA, Alumni, Open-Enrolment Program) have the opportunity to obtain an overview of their abilities from a number of 85 global competencies, including relevant soft and intercultural skills. You can immediately use the opportunity of our free competence test and transformational learning journey. We will start two times in a year. Each University needs to provide an own certificate for their participants such as Executives/ ALUMNI. All Certificates are highlighted with the Partner Schools and their Logo.
This is a 12-weeks program with lectures from all over the world related to Global Leadership Mindset Development. The Executives are within a learning platform and interact with other Executives from currently 13 countries. The elements are individual and group learning and 12 lectures. The amount of time is about 5 hours a week.
The University profits on the one hand, possibly to adapt their curriculum, access to new prestigious other worldwide Universities.
Your advantages as a University are at a glance:
> Increased global visibility of your university
> Portfolio expansion with online customized learning journeys and with assessments of the participants´ learning behavior
> Expansion of your international research projects, expansion of your research network with other partner schools
For more information, please contact us at
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Dr. Jörg Hruby
Avenida Professor Maurilio de Jesus Peixoto
364 Boa Vista
Orla da Lagoa
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