Title: Financing investment in sustainable post-pandemic recovery – Actors, Strategies, Institutions, and Impacts
Guest Editors: Jakob Müllner (WU-Vienna) & Riccardo Crescenzi (LSE)
Submission Deadline: September 1, 2021
Call for papers: https://unctad.org/system/files/information-document/TNC_call_for_papers_may_2021_en.pdf
UNCTAD’s 2020 World Investment Report concluded that, over the coming years, the attention of global investment and development policymakers is likely to shift from investment in productive capacity in global supply chains towards investment in infrastructure and domestic services. This shift implies a focus on a wider range of actors (e.g. not only traditional TNCs but also financial institutions, institutional investors and funds).
In this special issue, we invite academic research on actors, strategies, institutions, and effects of sustainable development finance and investment in the context of the post-pandemic recovery. Research should combine finance and development aspects and, ideally, point towards policy and practice implications. Of special interest is research that looks at implications for policies targeting green, digital and inclusive recovery in advanced and emerging economies and their sub-national regions.
The special issue will be open to research covering the full ‘investment chain’ from the mobilization of funds in financial markets to the impact of investment projects on the ground. Because COVID-19 has significantly affected the market for development finance, priority will be given to recent empirical research that considers the repercussions of COVID-19 for sustainable finance. We invite qualitative, quantitative and conceptual contributions and offer an accelerated submission process.
Please see the full call for papers to learn more about the special issue editors and the type of topics that we will consider: https://unctad.org/system/files/information-document/TNC_call_for_papers_may_2021_en.pdf
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