MSU Listserv
FWJOBS Archives
From: Huber, Philip -FS <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 8:15 AM
Subject: FW: SAF Recruitment and Hiring Event Oct. 29 -31 & Associated Vacancy Announcements Open Planned for Oct. 27 - Nov. 2
Another Forest Service hiring event. The Huron-Manistee National Forests will be hiring 3 positions, and 31 positions in our Eastern Region. See attached and messages below.
[Forest Service Shield]
Philip Huber
Forest Biologist
Forest Service
Huron-Manistee National Forests
p: 231-942-4943
c: 231-690-2756
f: 231-775-5551
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
1755 S. Mitchell St.
Cadillac, MI 49601<;!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIlrljpnrw$>
[USDA Logo]<;!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIkIYeexgQ$> [Forest Service Twitter] <;!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIlyOlhIEA$> [USDA Facebook] <;!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBInlpWgpkw$>
Caring for the land and serving people
From: Auriemmo, Leslie M -FS <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Friday, October 23, 2020 8:08 AM
To: FS-pdl r9 huron manistee all employees <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: FW: SAF Recruitment and Hiring Event Oct. 29 -31 & Associated Vacancy Announcements Open Planned for Oct. 27 - Nov. 2
FYI. Also, please pass on to any prospective applicants you may know that may be interested. The HMNF is hiring 2 forestry techs and 1 forester.
Leslie Auriemmo
Forest Supervisor
Huron Manistee National Forests
p: 231-775-2421
c: 423-596-0933
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
1755 S. Mitchell Street
Cadillac, MI 49601<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013533062*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=4ZlloekhQMtqbk1f5BpGG4XB0zOHUrKM37Fr6kp5Q80*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBImzsG6zUQ$>
[USDA Logo]<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013543055*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=*2FzjOAtsKyeynEy3v5fGPX2pedS3JIp3*2BoisWIKS5ffc*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIklq_5oTA$>[Forest Service Twitter]<*3A*2F**2Fforestservice&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013543055*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=9GN2RB7lZ*2FSoAtIdQZzonkGDSgJtdPcgjlnkST1S9iI*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIm3rZQW7w$>[USDA Facebook]<*3A*2F**2Fpages*2FUS-Forest-Service*2F1431984283714112&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013553048*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=cCMT*2Bg*2BuNelVGDL8xFaRpCZxYI2CGKL*2B9cuVLRPYJr8*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBImxJ5w4Eg$>
Caring for the land and serving people
From: McFarland, James D -FS <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020 5:18 PM
To: FS-pdl r9 ro regional leadership team <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Cc: McGiffin, Matthew -FS <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: FW: SAF Recruitment and Hiring Event Oct. 29 -31 & Associated Vacancy Announcements Open Planned for Oct. 27 - Nov. 2
Good afternoon Regional Leadership Team,
I wanted to reach out and give a brief update on the SAF Recruitment and Hiring Event which is occurring next week, Oct. 29 – 31.
The Eastern Region has a total of 31 positions submitted for Recent Grad/Merit announcements which will be open Oct. 27th – Nov. 2. This year the region did not request any Pathways Intern indefinites.
As part of the event, the planning team has established a number of opportunities for perspective candidates to engage in a range of webinars and interactions with staff from across the agency. These events can be found in the attached brochure. The trailing message was sent to all of the position POC’s and hiring mangers to assist in getting the word out.
The national team will be managing the application review, interviews, reference check and engaging position POC’s in the recommendation and selection process. Matt McGiffin is helping me out this year as we work through our positions through the selection process.
This hiring event has continued flexibility. Units have the ability to add positions with existing duty locations identified or the use of the “location negotiable” duty location through the week of January 25th, 2020. In addition, if something comes up on a unit that has submitted a position that it needs to drop we have those flexibilities as well until that time as well.
Here is my last challenge…..take a moment from your busy day and send the brochure and relevant text below to a university, organization or group that you were involved with when you were coming into the agency! You might just change some ones life!
Lastly, please do not hesitate to give a shout if you have any questions! - James
[Forest Service Shield]
James D. McFarland
Natural Resources Staff Officer
Forest Service
Superior National Forest
p: 218-626-4317
c: 218-206-0318
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
8901 Grand Avenue Place
Duluth, MN 55808-1122<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013553048*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=g69HrO*2BJG8eNtMJ808T9zYgSw*2BvqPlYhSDTSnXl2LSc*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBImDZc16Lg$>
[USDA Logo]<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013563041*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=0kR8M1*2Fine8BlkfQBR59Ym*2B69RJKcMf9vMoDow6S*2B9s*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIn2EXWxUg$>[Forest Service Twitter]<*3A*2F**2Fforestservice&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013563041*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=XFZmPepBfZZNV2nFlJkiF1VGi4Rh0HZkaB5m9mRLyNI*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBInG7Z1raw$>[USDA Facebook]<*3A*2F**2Fpages*2FUS-Forest-Service*2F1431984283714112&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013573042*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=E8zow0bS*2BAyZVlBm*2FFPDg*2BnGflEnVPhvKFPaqmAB4H4*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUl!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBImWef-bBw$>
Caring for the land and serving people
From: McGiffin, Matthew -FS <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2020 1:26 PM
To: FS- pdl r9 timber strike team <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>; FS-pdl r9 ro renewable resources staff <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>; FS-pdl r9 ro rr staff officers <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: FW: SAF Recruitment and Hiring Event Oct. 29 -31 & Associated Vacancy Announcements Open Planned for Oct. 27 - Nov. 2
We are quickly approaching this year’s National Society of American Foresters Convention, Recruitment and Hiring Event and opening of vacancy announcements for positions submitted.
We have multiple positions listed for the Eastern Region Recruitment, as well as other Regional positions, so please assist with distributing out to your networks and help us connect with individuals, or contacts that you have to broaden the applicant list.
Vacancy Announcements are planned to be open Tuesday, Oct. 27th through Monday, Nov. 2nd. Below is a table with the announcement numbers by Position/Series/Grade/Entry Grades/Full Performance Grade. Applicants can search in USA Jobs starting Oct. 27th for these vacancy announcements.
Attached is also a copy of the national recruitment brochure. This brochure includes links to our events occurring next Thursday, Oct. 29 through Saturday, Oct. 31. Similar information is also located on the external website along with a map with position locations (coming soon).<*3A*2F**2Fforestmanagement*2Frecruitment_saf*2Findex.shtml&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013573042*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=pkF4n7c4HI2txiKXVePqGWstMiG*2Fk6PIAB6tIpx3LQQ*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBInchMYHVQ$>
Questions can be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
Merit Announcement
Full Performance
Forestry Technician -Timber Sale Admin
Forestry Technician -Timber Sale Admin
Forestry Technician
Recent Grad Announcement
Full Performance
Forestry Technician
Intern Announcement
Full Performance
Student Trainee (Natural Resource Specialist)
Student Trainee (Forester)
Thanks for any and all assistance!
[Forest Service Shield]
Matthew A. McGiffin, Forester
Presales, R9 TST Staff Lead, TIM database Coordinator
Forest Service
Eastern Region
p: 414-297-3544
c: 414-403-1132
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
626 East Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53202<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013583031*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=G6f7YiNMUddCU*2FcXyaKkO13Bo7zNGbnEuq1urvOuP2E*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSU!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIlFHNQk8g$>
[USDA Logo]<*3A*2F**2F&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013593025*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=GnaQUJKTC4nj5QqgmF75CSvD6rmrnu9co2khtb3plXo*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIlW06caCw$>[Forest Service Twitter]<*3A*2F**2Fforestservice&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013593025*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=1scH*2FjC6kG6F*2FPGBn9WXHt0eW*2FZHPmLrKM10XAq4Lg8*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBIlDs7Q--A$>[USDA Facebook]<*3A*2F**2Fpages*2FUS-Forest-Service*2F1431984283714112&data=04*7C01*7C*7Cdd4fc1b6ac48410ee5eb08d8774c4f72*7Ced5b36e701ee4ebc867ee03cfa0d4697*7C0*7C0*7C637390517013603022*7CUnknown*7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0*3D*7C1000&sdata=fMtTj8o9*2FaCBNHH6L6F08wCiiDf9Mu4j74LmVL6Mljo*3D&reserved=0__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!HXCxUKc!geD-A5n9Ais7lr68TgZr-BRaxyoOm4Elt2YA8Km-5BT7AYul8qfCkHpDBInVsuQBmQ$>
Caring for the land and serving people
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February 2021, Week 4 February 2021, Week 3 February 2021, Week 2 February 2021, Week 1 January 2021, Week 5 January 2021, Week 4 January 2021, Week 3 January 2021, Week 2 January 2021, Week 1 December 2020, Week 5 December 2020, Week 3 December 2020, Week 2 December 2020, Week 1 November 2020, Week 5 November 2020, Week 4 November 2020, Week 3 November 2020, Week 2 November 2020, Week 1 October 2020, Week 5 October 2020, Week 4 October 2020, Week 3 October 2020, Week 2 October 2020, Week 1 September 2020, Week 5 September 2020, Week 4 September 2020, Week 2 September 2020, Week 1 August 2020, Week 4 August 2020, Week 3 August 2020, Week 2 August 2020, Week 1 July 2020, Week 5 July 2020, Week 4 July 2020, Week 3 July 2020, Week 2 July 2020, Week 1 June 2020, Week 5 June 2020, Week 4 June 2020, Week 3 June 2020, Week 2 June 2020, Week 1 May 2020, Week 4 May 2020, Week 3 May 2020, Week 2 May 2020, Week 1 April 2020, Week 5 April 2020, Week 4 April 2020, Week 3 April 2020, Week 2 April 2020, Week 1 March 2020, Week 5 March 2020, Week 4 March 2020, Week 3 March 2020, Week 2 March 2020, Week 1 February 2020, Week 4 February 2020, Week 3 February 2020, Week 2 February 2020, Week 1 January 2020, Week 5 January 2020, Week 4 January 2020, Week 3 January 2020, Week 2 January 2020, Week 1 December 2019, Week 3 December 2019, Week 2 December 2019, Week 1 November 2019, Week 4 November 2019, Week 3 November 2019, Week 2 November 2019, Week 1 October 2019, Week 5 October 2019, Week 4 October 2019, Week 3 October 2019, Week 2 September 2019, Week 4 September 2019, Week 3 September 2019, Week 2 September 2019, Week 1 August 2019, Week 5 August 2019, Week 4 August 2019, Week 3 August 2019, Week 2 August 2019, Week 1 July 2019, Week 5 July 2019, Week 4 July 2019, Week 3 July 2019, Week 2 July 2019, Week 1 June 2019, Week 4 June 2019, Week 2 June 2019, Week 1 May 2019, Week 5 May 2019, Week 4 May 2019, Week 3 May 2019, Week 1 April 2019, Week 5 April 2019, Week 4 April 2019, Week 3 April 2019, Week 2 April 2019, Week 1 March 2019, Week 5 March 2019, Week 4 March 2019, Week 3 March 2019, Week 2 March 2019, Week 1 February 2019, Week 4 February 2019, Week 3 February 2019, Week 2 February 2019, Week 1 January 2019, Week 5 January 2019, Week 4 January 2019, Week 3 January 2019, Week 2 January 2019, Week 1 December 2018, Week 4 December 2018, Week 3 December 2018, Week 2 December 2018, Week 1 November 2018, Week 4 November 2018, Week 3 November 2018, Week 2 November 2018, Week 1 October 2018, Week 5 October 2018, Week 4 October 2018, Week 3 October 2018, Week 2 October 2018, Week 1 September 2018, Week 4 September 2018, Week 3 September 2018, Week 2 September 2018, Week 1 August 2018, Week 5 August 2018, Week 4 August 2018, Week 1 July 2018, Week 4 July 2018, Week 3 July 2018, Week 2 July 2018, Week 1 June 2018, Week 4 June 2018, Week 3 June 2018, Week 2 June 2018, Week 1 May 2018, Week 5 May 2018, Week 3 May 2018, Week 2 May 2018, Week 1 April 2018, Week 4 April 2018, Week 3 April 2018, Week 2 April 2018, Week 1 March 2018, Week 5 March 2018, Week 4 March 2018, Week 3 March 2018, Week 2 March 2018, Week 1 February 2018, Week 4 February 2018, Week 3 February 2018, Week 2 February 2018, Week 1 January 2018, Week 5 January 2018, Week 4 January 2018, Week 3 January 2018, Week 2 January 2018, Week 1 December 2017, Week 4 December 2017, Week 3 December 2017, Week 2 December 2017, Week 1 November 2017, Week 5 November 2017, Week 4 November 2017, Week 3 November 2017, Week 2 November 2017, Week 1 October 2017, Week 4 October 2017, Week 3 October 2017, Week 2 October 2017, Week 1 September 2017, Week 4 September 2017, Week 3 September 2017, Week 2 September 2017, Week 1 August 2017, Week 5 August 2017, Week 4 July 2017, Week 4 July 2017, Week 3 July 2017, Week 2 July 2017, Week 1 June 2017, Week 5 June 2017, Week 4 June 2017, Week 3 June 2017, Week 2