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FWGRADJOBS  July 2020, Week 2

FWGRADJOBS July 2020, Week 2


FW: Announcement of multiple positions in ES HQ - closes July 20th or when 100 applications have been received!


"Schneider, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>


Schneider, Jim


Wed, 8 Jul 2020 17:44:09 +0000





text/plain (1 lines)

From: BalisLarsen, Martha <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Sent: Wednesday, July 8, 2020 12:50 PM
To: FWHQ Ecological Services Staff <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Announcement of multiple positions in ES HQ - closes July 20th or when 100 applications have been received!

All – On behalf of the ES Chiefs mentioned in this email, I am very excited to share the vacancy announcement for multiple Biologist positions (GS-401-12/13) that is now open in USAJOBS. We are hiring multiple positions to work full-time here in Falls Church, Virginia.  Please share widely and feel free to contact the individuals below about specific positions.

[Note: this announcement was shared separately with the ARDs and Deputy ARDs.  Feel free to forward on to your regional contacts or others in the agency who may be interested.  We need your help to recruit the best applicants for these positions!]

Announcement closes July 20, or when 100 applications have been received.  Please see Announcement:<;!!HXCxUKc!msp909UYaoSvXr57zkU2tAaji1U4XF8teHsV4iSdH453NLYdn6SoFXRtI1ttKiy5WA$><;!!HXCxUKc!msp909UYaoSvXr57zkU2tAaji1U4XF8teHsV4iSdH453NLYdn6SoFXRtI1tCvsQZXQ$>



This Vacancy will be open until 07/20/2020 or 100 applications are received.<br> <br> There are multiple vacancies for this position - please see this<a href="<*N8YDODS6ncAGbVD1ezwYVjg__;Kw!!HXCxUKc!msp909UYaoSvXr57zkU2tAaji1U4XF8teHsV4iSdH453NLYdn6SoFXRtI1ukEfLXVw$>"> <strong>link</strong></a> for additional information about each one.<br> <br> This announcement is being advertised concurrently under R9-20-10857827-JLS-MP for current and former federal employees serving under a competitive service career or career-conditional appointment or reinstatement eligible. You must apply to each announcement separately.<;!!HXCxUKc!msp909UYaoSvXr57zkU2tAaji1U4XF8teHsV4iSdH453NLYdn6SoFXRtI1t_pTRu5Q$>

Within the Division of Restoration and Recovery:

Branch of Recovery and Conservation Planning (If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Ellis at 703-358-2307)

Recovery Biologist:  Biologists within the Branch of Recovery, Conservation Planning, and Communication that will support the Service’s Endangered Species Recovery objectives to ensure inherently Federal actions are carried out, such as production of recovery plans, 5-year reviews, etc. in a timely manner. This position provides key leadership for the purposes of recovery of threatened and endangered species under the leadership of ES in areas such as: the Recovery Planning Implementation (RPI) approach to recovery planning in order to integrate the use of Species Status Assessments (SSAs) into recovery planning; development of guidance and tools to integrate SSAs and streamline planning; the coordination of recovery-related rules, such as 10(j)s, to allow regulatory flexibility while promoting recovery of listed species; development and coordination of workplans to ensure timely completion of recovery outlines, recovery plans, and 5-year reviews; and other efforts.  These activities are critical for Service staff at the national, regional and field office levels to ensure consistent and coordinated approaches to decision making and implementation of recovery planning and actions.

Within the Division of Conservation and Classification:

Branch of Delisting and Foreign Species (If you have any questions, please contact Emily Weller at 337-291-3090)

Species Assessment Team (SAT) Member: As a member of the SAT,  this position will initially focus on working with the Department of Defense in addressing priority down and delisting actions for species occurring on military lands. The SAT is a nationwide team composed of Service biologists from Headquarters and Regional offices that assesses the status of species in order to process classification actions (listing, downlisting, delisting, and critical habitat) under the Endangered Species Act.  SAT biologists serve as project managers, leading teams through the Species Status Assessment (SSA) framework to analyze the status of species and draft decision documents for publication in the Federal Register.  Project managers are also responsible for leading decision meetings on species status determinations, which involve a presentation of the SSA results and a facilitated discussion with Regional and Field Office management. The SAT’s work is not limited to any particular geographic region—SAT biologists get to work on a diverse array of species from all over the country and with Field Office biologists and Regional managers throughout the Service.  As a Headquarters staff biologist within the BDFS, you will have unique opportunities beyond the project manager role in the SAT. You may assist with the development of national polices and regulations related to down and delisting, provide advice and guidance to other SAT members on Service-wide policies, and interact with Department of Interior officials at briefings and meetings related to the SAT’s work. Overall, this is an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic team, work on complex issues, hone your project management skills, and influence the future of our Ecological Services program.

Branch of Domestic Listing (If you have any questions, please contact Caitlin Snyder at 703-358-2673)

Species Assessment Team (SAT) member: Staff biologists within the Branch of Domestic Listing at the Headquarters office are members of the Service's Species Assessment Team (SAT).  The SAT is a nationwide team composed of Service biologists from Headquarters and Regional offices that assesses the status of species in order to process classification actions (listing, downlisting, delisting, and critical habitat) under the Endangered Species Act.  SAT biologists serve as project managers, leading teams through the Species Status Assessment (SSA) framework to analyze the status of species and draft decision documents for publication in the Federal Register.  Project managers are also responsible for leading decision meetings on species status determinations, which involve a presentation of the SSA results and a facilitated discussion with Regional and Field Office management. The SAT’s work is not limited to any particular geographic region—SAT biologists get to work on a diverse array of species from all over the country and with Field Office biologists and Regional managers throughout the Service.  As a Headquarters staff biologist within the Branch of Domestic Listing, you will have unique opportunities beyond the project manager role in the SAT.  You may assist with the development of national polices and regulations related to listing and critical habitat, provide advice and guidance to other SAT members on Service-wide listing policies, and interact with Department of Interior officials at briefings and meetings related to the SAT’s work.  Overall, this is an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic team, work on complex issues, hone your project management skills, and influence the future of our listing program.

Branch of Listing Policy and Support (If you have any questions, please contact Carey Galst at 703-358-1954)

ESA Policy Biologist and Climate Science POC for HQ ES: This position will serve as a staff biologist within BLPS, has responsibility for policy and regulation development regarding ESA classification implementation and relevant climate science information used in ESA related decisions. The incumbent has particular expertise in the knowledge of conservation and classification of ESA laws, FWS policies, procedures, and regulations pertaining to listing and recovery of threatened and endangered species, petition management, and critical habitat designations.  Additionally, the incumbent would serve as the Program’s point of contact as it relates to treatment of relevant climate science information in ESA related decisions.  This is a unique opportunity to join a high-functioning, results-oriented team addressing complex, high-profile issues, developing national regulations, policies, and guidance that have influence on ESA classification implementation.

Within the Division of Environmental Review:

Division of Environmental Review/Branch of National Consultations  (BNC) (If you have any questions, please contact Karen Myers at 703-358-2353)

ESA Section 7 Consultation Biologist:  This position will serve as a lead biologist, providing environmental toxicology expertise in support of a variety of national-level section 7 consultations.  Staff biologists within BNC provide support to the Ecological Services Program related to implementing section 7, such as conducting complex analyses of federal agency actions, often at a national scale. For this position, we are seeking an incumbent with expertise conducting environmental toxicology analysis related to endangered, threatened, proposed, or candidate species, or other species of concern, in support of biological opinions or other section 7 consultation documents.  Our work is not limited to any particular geographic region—BNC biologists have the opportunity to work on a diverse array of species from all over the country and with Field Office biologists and Regional managers throughout the Service. Examples of recent consultations include the national pesticide consultations, which assess the potential effects of particular pesticides to listed species and their critical habitats across the U.S. and its territories; consultations on EPA’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System general permit program; and various other actions from Federal agencies, such as the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Forest Service, and U.S. Air Force, among others. As a Headquarters staff biologist within BNC, you will have unique opportunities beyond conducting national section 7 consultations. You may also assist with the development of national polices and regulations related to section 7, provide advice and guidance to other biologists on Service-wide policies, and interact with Department of Interior officials at briefings and meetings.  Overall, this is an excellent opportunity to join a dynamic team, work on complex issues, contribute to innovative solutions, and influence the future of the Service’s consultation program.


Feel free to reach out to any of the contacts listed to get additional information about the positions.  Your help in getting well qualified applicants for these positions is greatly appreciated!  Please share widely.

Martha (on behalf of the ES HQ Chiefs)


Martha Balis-Larsen

Chief, Division of Budget & Technical Support

Ecological Services

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Falls Church, VA 22041

703-358-2314 (office)

571-426-5607 (cell)

Jennifer Mittelhauser
Biology Instructor
University of Central Missouri
School of Natural Sciences
W.C. Morris 306
Warrensburg, Mo 64093
OFFICE:  230C (across from the elevator)

PhD Candidate, University of North Texas
Department of Biology
Denton, TX

What but the wolf's tooth whittled so fine
The fleet limbs of the antelope?
What but fear winged the birds, and hunger
Jeweled with such eyes the great goshawk's head? --Robinson Jeffers

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