Hi all,
The Academy of International Business will hold a joint Paper Development Workshop of the Journal of International Business Studies and the Journal of International Business Policy in the morning of August 12, 2020 at the University of Victoria. The workshop is part of the iBEGIN & AIB-Canada Chapter Conference (see www.uvic.ca/ibegin) and will immediately follow the Academy of Management Annual Meeting in neighbouring Vancouver. The full call for papers is attached to this message.
For those interested, please keep in mind the following dates:
Submission deadline: March 30, 2020
Acceptance Decision: April 15, 2020
Conference: August 12, 2020
We particularly encourage submissions from Ph.D. students and junior scholars who seek feedback on their research projects, or scholars who are trained in disciplines less commonly associated with the field (e.g. economic geography, innovation studies, political science) but are interested in targeting international business journals. The paper does not need to be connected to the
iBEGIN & AIB Canada Chapter Conference theme.
Hope to see many of you this summer!
Ari Van Assche, Ph.D.
Professor of Economic Diplomacy
Department of International Business
3000, chemin de la Côte‑Sainte‑Catherine, Montréal (Québec) H3T 2A7
Téléphone : 514 340-6043 Télécopieur : 514 340-6987
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