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CfP- 6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand - Mannheim (Germany), May 2020


Lech Suwala <[log in to unmask]>


Lech Suwala <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 6 Jan 2020 21:49:30 +0100





text/plain (115 lines)

Dear all,

on behalf of the organizers - I would like to turn your attention upon
the following conference
in Mannheim (Germany) in May 2020 that might be of interest for some of

For more information - see the following links or below

Happy New Year,


Dear colleagues,

It is our pleasure to invite you to join us at the biennial conference
6th International Research Forum on Mittelstand – ‘Exploring
Entrepreneurial Ventures, Family Firms, and Hidden Champions’ which will
be held at the Castle of the University of Mannheim, Germany, in May
24th/26th 2020.

In its sixth edition, the conference aims to serve as a distinguished
platform for developing academic articles in a structured, stimulating,
challenging and friendly environment as well as for networking. This
time we are at the wonderful location of Mannheim that is situated near
the famous German Wine Road where wine is cultivated since Roman times
as it is one of the warmest and sunniest regions of Germany.

The University of Mannheim is located in the world’s second largest
baroque castle after the Palace of Versailles. Moreover, the forum
promotes exchange with decision-makers. There will be an opportunity to
discuss and reflect findings with invited entrepreneurs, family firm and
hidden champion leaders.

There will be unique publishing opportunities for submitting authors, as
papers nominated for one of the three best paper awards and
competitively selected papers will be invited to submit to one of the
two special issues (Journal of Family Business Strategy [Impact Factor:
3.2] and The German Journal of Economic Geography [Impact Factor: 0.8])
which are connected to the conference. Moreover, there will be the
opportunity to discuss your work with the editors of the field’s leading
journals such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Strategic
Management Journal, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Management
Review Quarterly.

The format has a developmental nature and welcomes submissions at later
stages of work such as evolved drafts and full articles. The geography
track also welcomes short drafts and ideas. The forum will only accept
high quality scientific papers in its seven tracks (you can find the
calls for papers attached), ensuring a family-like and stimulating
atmosphere. The tracks are connected to various disciplines such as
business studies, economics, sociology, psychology, geography and
history. In addition to that, there will be two moderated panel
discussions as keynote events; one with leading scholars and another
with hidden champions.

The conference will include five social events and one social night
event including a live rock band show. Conference fees will be kept at
minimum beyond excellent food and locations. Moreover, we aim to be an
inclusive and international conference and facilitate child-care at the

Important deadlines:

· January 25th, 2020 – Submission (blind-review) deadline.
· February 25th, 2020 – Notification of acceptance participants
and review feedback.
· April 25th, 2020 – Deadline to respond to reviews and send a
final revised version.

Please visit the conference website
( for further
information as well as to submit your paper and to register. You can
follow the updates under the Research Gate project as well

For further questions please do not hesitate to contact us !

In any case we would like to wish you a merry Christmas and a relaxing
winter holiday. We look forward to welcoming you in Mannheim for this
unique event next spring!

The Organizing Committee
Jan-Philipp Ahrens
Baris Istipliler
Michael Woywode


Prof. Dr. Lech Suwala
Professor in Urban and Regional Economics
Technische Universität Berlin
Institut für Stadt-und Regionalplanung
Hardenbergstr.40A / Sekr. B4 / Raum 208
10623 Berlin
Tel. +49 30 314 28088
Tel. Sekr. +49 30 314 28089
Fax. +49 30 314 28150

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