My name is Huanzhen Xu, I am currently a PhD student in Clinical Psychology at Bowling Green State University. I am working on a project targeting on understanding Chinese international students’ psychological stress and wellbeing. I have developed a stress measure specifically for us Chinese international students, and now I am in the phase of validating this measure. I am writing this email to invite your support filling out this measure.
I intend to develop a stress measure for all Chinese international students in the United States, and that is the reason why I am trying to recruit participants nationwide. Students who agree to participate will fill out a questionnaire on Qualtrics and be voluntarily entered for a raffle to win a 20-dollar Amazon giftcard. The entire survey will cost about 10 minutes to fill out. This survey is written in Mandarin Chinese (这是一份中文的问卷,有机会赢取20美金的Amazon giftcard).
This project was approved by the IRB at Bowling Green State University, and the advisor for this project is Dr. William O’Brien ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]:[log in to unmask]>>).
Thank you for your support and assistance, I really appreciate your willingness to help out a compatriot. The effort you spare will be of great help to the development of this stress measure and to the advancement of understanding and supporting Chinese international students in the United States. 感谢您为中国留学生有关实验项目的支持。我身为学生也是研究经费有限,只能为大家提供一个抽奖机会以表示我的诚意。金额微不足道,但我诚挚的邀请同胞同学们填写一下这份问卷调查。我们作为留学生的真切地自身经历和反馈对项目数据准确性至关重要。 我承诺填写时间大约10分钟。
Here is the link of the survey, this survey is delivered by Qualtrics. It is a safe website and Qualtrics is the most used academic research survey platform. All your answers will be kept confidentially. Qualtrics是一个安全的网站,美国的survey大部分都用qualtrics完成,请放心点击。
If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please email the principal investigator, Huanzhen Xu ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]:[log in to unmask]>>)
Thank you very much, have a good day!
Huanzhen Xu (Psyche), M.A.
Graduate Student
Ph.D Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology
BGSU | Bowling Green State University
349 Psychology Building | Bowling Green | OH 43403
Email: xhuanz@bgsu,edu
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