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AIB-L June 2017


Call for Papers: AMA Global Marketing SIG. Santorini, Greece


Magnus Hultman <[log in to unmask]>


Magnus Hultman <[log in to unmask]>


Mon, 26 Jun 2017 06:23:37 -0400





text/plain (323 lines)

Call for Papers
AMA Global Marketing SIG 

May 21-23, 2018
Santorini, Greece
"Global Marketing in Times of Uncertainty"
Submission Deadline: October 1, 2017

Conference Venue

Santorini is a popular place to visit and stay. It is located in the most southern part of the 
Cyclades group of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, about 200km southeast of Greece’s 
mainland. Beyond the pretty whitewashed towns, blue-domed churches and world-famous 
sunsets, the island itself was the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in the world 
and what remains today is a submerged volcano and a caldera. Santorini is frequently 
regarded as one of the best destinations in the world with rich cultural history. It has an 
airport and great ferry connections with the mainland and other neighboring islands. 

Conference Highlights

1.	Journal of International Marketing Special Issue – Editor-in-Chief Costas Katsikeas 
will invite the most promising papers submitted to the conference for publication in the 
Journal of International Marketing. Promising papers from the conference will be 
identified by the track chairs and journal editors. To be considered for publication in JIM, 
papers must subsequently be submitted to JIM and undergo a double-blind review 
2.	Doctoral Consortium – We invite doctoral students with a focus at the intersection 
of marketing and international business to participate. The Consortium will provide a 
unique opportunity for doctoral students to further develop their research ideas, to learn 
about the challenges of conducting international marketing research and building a 
successful academic career in this field, and to broaden their professional network.

3.	Unique Cultural Experience – There is something truly magical about Santorini. 
Maybe it’s the dramatic landscape of jagged hills that plunge into the bright blue waters of 
the Aegean Sea. Maybe it’s the villages of whitewashed houses and churches, perched 
precariously on the edge of the island’s tall cliffs. Maybe it’s the cuisine, known to be one 
of the finest in Greece. Or maybe it’s the island’s history, which goes back as far as 
recorded history can go. The future of Greece continues to dominate global marketing as 
the country has been going through times of uncertainty.

4.	Network with the World’s Leading International Marketing Scholars - The conference 
program will be designed to maximize professional development and networking 
opportunities. Several of the world’s leading thinkers in international marketing have 
confirmed their intentions to participate in the conference.

Conference Tracks and Track Chairs
All submissions for the conference need to be categorized into one of sixteen topical 
tracks. Each submission must be submitted to only one track. Please select the track 
closest to your proposal from the list below:

1.	Global Relationship Marketing and Channel Management
&#61607;	Claude Obadia, ESCE Paris, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	Dionysis Skarmeas, Athens University of Economics and Business, 
[log in to unmask] 

2.	Global Marketing Strategy
&#61607;	Matthew Robson, University of Leeds, [log in to unmask] 
&#61607;	Doug Vorhies, University of Mississippi, [log in to unmask]  

3.	Global New Product Development and Innovation
&#61607;	Narongsak (Tek) Thongpapanl, Brock University, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Athina Zeriti, University of East Anglia, [log in to unmask] 

4.	Global Brand Management
&#61607;	Kelly Hewett, University of Tennessee, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Annette Tower, University of Tennessee, [log in to unmask] 

5.	Global Marketing Communications
&#61607;	Katharina Zeugner-Roth, IÉSEG School of Management, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	George Christodoulides, Birkbeck University of London, [log in to unmask]  

6.	Export and Import Management
&#61607;	Leonidas C. Leonidou, University of Cyprus, [log in to unmask] 
&#61607;	Bilge Aykol, Dokuz Eylul University, [log in to unmask] 

7.	Cross-cultural Consumer Behaviour
&#61607;	Stan Westjohn, University of Alabama, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Joško Brakus, University of Leeds, [log in to unmask] 
&#61607;	, University of Melbourne, [log in to unmask]
8.	Global Marketing Education
&#61607;	Leyland Pitt, Simon Fraser University, [log in to unmask] 
&#61607;	Dayananda Palihawadana, University of Leeds, [log in to unmask]  

9.	Global Sales and Account Management
&#61607;	Linda Hui Shi, University of Victoria, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	Nicholas Paparoidamis, IÉSEG School of Management, [log in to unmask]  

10.	Global Ethics, Sustainability, and Corporate Responsibility
&#61607;	Bodo Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Nicole Koschate-Fisher, Universität Erlangen–Nürnberg, nicole.koschate-
[log in to unmask] 

11.	Market Entry and Internationalization
&#61607;	Douglas Dow, University of Melbourne, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Paris Argouslidis, Athens University of Economics and Business, [log in to unmask] 

12.	Global Consumer Research
&#61607;	Adamantions Diamantopoulos, University of Vienna, 
[log in to unmask] 
&#61607;	Christina Sichtmann, University of Vienna, [log in to unmask]     

13.	Global Entrepreneurship
&#61607;	Anne Souchon, Loughborough University, [log in to unmask]  
&#61607;	Nathaniel Boso, University of Leeds, [log in to unmask] 

14.	Global Supply Chain
&#61607;	Sengun (Shen) Yeniyurt, Rutgers University, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	Steven Carnovale, Portland State University, [log in to unmask]

15.	Global Marketing Research, Big Data, and Analytics
&#61607;	Alan Malter, University of Illinois at Chicago, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	Gaia Rubera, Bocconi University, [log in to unmask]

16.	Global Retailing and E-Commerce
&#61607;	Gary Gregory, University of New South Wales, [log in to unmask]
&#61607;	Shaoming Zou, University of Missouri at Columbia, [log in to unmask]

Submission Instructions
Please submit your papers electronically via the EasyChair conference management 
system ( The submission system will be 
opened on September 1, 2017. A manuscript should only be submitted to one track. All 
manuscripts and proposals must be submitted by October 1, 2017. For up-to-date 
information about the conference and related events, please check the conference 
website at ( Any questions 
regarding this call for papers should be addressed to the appropriate track chair(s) or the 
Program Chairs.
We welcome two types of submissions:
1.	Competitive Sessions – Submissions of fully developed papers are appropriate for 
consideration for competitive sessions. Competitive papers must be 50 pages or less, 
inclusive of all materials, including appendices and references. Shorter submissions (i.e. 
extended abstracts) can be considered for competitive sessions if they are advanced 
enough and show strong potential. 
2.	Interactive Sessions – Shorter manuscripts or work-in-progress pieces that could 
benefit from informal feedback from other participants are appropriate for submission to 
the interactive sessions. These sessions are held in poster-style or roundtable discussion 
format that allows for interaction with other researchers with similar interests. 
Interactive submissions can be of an extended abstract nature and no more than 10 
Please note that submitting a manuscript as a competitive paper does not necessarily 
mean it will end up in a competitive session. The best papers in each track will be placed 
into the competitive sessions while lesser-developed papers will be placed in interactive 
sessions.  The number of competitive papers we can accept for the conference is limited 
and therefore sometimes fully developed papers will be placed in an interactive format 
session due to space considerations.

Formatting Guidelines
All manuscripts are to be submitted using a pdf document via the EasyChair on-line 
submission system. All identifying information, including any document properties, should 
be removed prior to submission. 
Please format your paper according to the Journal of International Marketing guidelines, 
which includes:
&#61607;	Each manuscript should be accompanied by an abstract, not to exceed 175 words.
&#61607;	Submissions should be in PDF format. 
&#61607;	12 point, Times New Roman
&#61607;	Double-spaced, left justified
&#61607;	Letter sized page (8.5&#8243;x11&#8243; or 216×279 mm), with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on 
all sides
&#61607;	Page numbers in the upper right corner and no header/footer.
Code of Conduct
Scholars submitting papers to the conference are expected to act professionally in their 
research and conference participation, following relevant professional codes of ethics, and 
showing respect to our diverse members. This requires adhering to the following 

1.	Conflict of Interest – Authors who have a conflict of interest relationship with a 
track chair shall submit their paper to a different track.
2.	Responsibility to Review – Authors submitting papers to the conference commit to 
reviewing papers for the conference.
3.	Responsibility to Present – At least one of the authors commits to register for the 
conference and present the paper. No personal requests for variation of time slots will be 
accommodated and authors must present in the time slots allocated.
4.	Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Authors assure that submitted papers are their own 
work and appropriate credit is given to sources, including any previous work of the 

After Submission

All competitive manuscript submissions will be subject to a blind review process and will 
be evaluated based on interest to the international marketing community, relevance to 
international marketing research, teaching and/or practice, analytical and conceptual 
rigor, quantitative and qualitative methods (if applicable), innovativeness, and 
significance of conclusions.

Doctoral Consortium

We would like to draw your attention to the Doctoral Consortium that is currently being 
organized as part of the Global Marketing SIG Conference in Santorini, Greece. The 
Consortium will take place prior to the opening reception on May 21, 2017. 

This Consortium will provide a rare opportunity for Ph.D. students with an interest in 
international marketing (broadly defined) to further develop their research ideas, to learn 
about the challenges of conducting research in international marketing and building a 
successful academic career in this field. In addition, students will be able to broaden their 
professional networks in the area. 

The goal of the Consortium will be to provide a supportive discussion among doctoral 
students and the participating faculty on topics such as:

&#61607;	Trends in international marketing research,
&#61607;	Challenges in carrying out high-impact international marketing research aimed at 
top journals,
&#61607;	Managing the dissertation and the job search process, and
&#61607;	Starting an academic career.
In addition, students will have the opportunity to receive feedback on their current 
research projects submitted to the conference as well as ideas and guidance for their 
future research agenda.

The Consortium will consist of a combination of panel discussions with leading scholars in 
the field, focusing on the topics listed above and small group discussions in which 
students will share their current projects and receive feedback and guidance. With the 
goal of facilitating a constructive dialog on the topics listed above, the ideal candidates 
for the Consortium are doctoral students in marketing or international business who are 
focusing on developing their research agenda. 
Students should apply by sending email to [log in to unmask]  Please include:

1.	A letter stating your stage in the Ph.D. program and research interests.
2.	Abstract of a current research project focused on international marketing (not to 
exceed 1 page, single spaced). Please include the title, author information, abstract, 
keywords, and research summary. Diagrams, tables, and references should be provided 
at the end of the document but do not count towards the 1-page limit. The abstract should 
succinctly cover the research question, theoretical background, proposed research design, 
and intended contribution. 

NOTE: If any candidates have already submitted papers to the conference via one of the 
tracks, simply state in the letter the title of the submission and the track to which it was 
submitted. In these cases, it is not necessary to submit a separate abstract in order to 
apply. Please combine both parts of your application into one file.
A limited number of travel stipends will be available for consortium participants. Please 
note on your application your need for a travel stipend. 

Important Dates

&#61607;	Deadline for submission for Conference and Doctoral Consortium: October 1, 2017
&#61607;	Acceptance notification: November 20, 2017
&#61607;	Author registration: December 1, 2017
&#61607;	Conference dates: May 21-23, 2018

Conference Organizers

Goksel Yalcinkaya
Associate Professor of Marketing
Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics
University of New Hampshire
Email: [log in to unmask]
Magnus Hultman
Associate Professor of Marketing
Leeds University Business School
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]

Stavroula Spyropoulou
Professor of Marketing
Leeds University Business School
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]

Costas Katsikeas
Arnold Ziff Endowed Research Chaired Professor of Marketing & International Management
Leeds University Business School
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]

Doctoral Consortium Organizers

Kelly Hewett
Associate Professor of Marketing
Haslem College of Business
University of Tennessee
Email: [log in to unmask]

Costas Leonidou
Professor of Marketing
Leeds University Business School
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]

Annie Cui
Associate Professor of Marketing
College of Business and Economics
West Virginia University
Email: [log in to unmask]

Peter Magnusson
Associate Professor of International Marketing
Bennett Fellow of International Business
University of Alabama
Email: [log in to unmask]

AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business.
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