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FWGRADJOBS  May 2017, Week 1

FWGRADJOBS May 2017, Week 1


FW: Birdjobs -- May 1, 2017


"Schneider, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>


Schneider, Jim


Tue, 2 May 2017 12:52:10 +0000





text/plain (1 lines)

From: <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, May 1, 2017 at 11:41 PM
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Birdjobs -- May 1, 2017
Resent-From: Jim Schneider <[log in to unmask]>
Resent-Date: Monday, May 1, 2017 at 11:43 PM

There have been major changes at OSNA. For now, as a consequence, to POST or FIND ornithological jobs online, please go to the Ornithology Exchange,

The Birdjobs-L e-list will continue to be an option for receiving notices about ornithological jobs. Subscribers to this list will receive the same announcements that appear on Ornithology Exchange in a weekly/biweekly list. To subscribe, send the following message to:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> , in the body of the message type: join Birdjobs-L "your name". The subject line should be bl ank. Please use the "plain text only" e-mail format option, include your own name in the message, and put quotation marks around your name.  If you need help, contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

To prevent the harvesting of email addresses in this list, all email addresses have had the '@' sign replaced with ' AT '. To reduce the possibility of typing in the wrong address when responding, please cut and paste the whole address and then replace the ' AT ' with [log in to unmask]

Employer: Tetra Tech
Location: Southwestern Minnesota
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   10 Jun 2017  Open until filled
Description: Tetra Tech, Inc. is seeking applicants to provide field support for avian and eagle point count surveys in Murray and Cottonwood Counties, Minnesota as part of ongoing environmental assessments of a proposed wind farm. Applicants should reside within approximately 2 hours of the Project Area. Job responsibilities include: implementing avian and eagle-specific monitoring, raptor nest survey checks, and downloading acoustic bat recording data while adhering to standardized protocols and keeping detailed datasheets. Tetra Tech is looking for field biologists to begin work on the week of June 15, 2017 and to continue work for one (1) full year through June 31, 2018. Applicants must be willing to commit to 10 field days twice per month, including travel to and from the field location. Applicants will be responsible for their own housing and a reliable field vehicle (high clearance 4x4 or all-wheel-drive preferred) during the study period and will be reimbursed for mileage for surveys. Salary will be commensurate with experience and range from $15-25/hour.
Qualifications:   **Previous field work in wildlife ecology with preference given to experience with avian and/or bat species;   **Working knowledge of local avian species;   **Able to accurately identify local wildlife species, particularly avian species, by sight and sound;   **B.S. Science (Biology, Environmental Science, Wildlife Management, etc.) preferred;   **Be willing to adhere to all personal safety requirements associated with working at an operating wind farm;   **Comfortable in harsh weather conditions and rugged terrain (i.e., extreme heat or cold, high winds, all forms of precipitation);   **Physically capable of walking though rough terrain;   **Ability to use a compass and/or GPS unit;   **Licensed driver with ability to use own vehicle as necessary (4-wheel drive or all-wheel drive vehicle strongly preferred);
Please send a resume including references to both contact persons listed below:

Employer: Texas State University
Location: San Marcos
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   10 May 2017  Open until filled
Position Description: The primary goal of the Post-Doctoral Research Associate is to provide scientific support to the GCP LCC Landscape Conservation Design planning process through literature review, spatial analyses and leading various stakeholder and species expert team webinars and meetings. The Landscape Conservation Design process will be facilitated through the use of the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation in collaboration with a facilitator from Foundations of Success. The post-doc will work directly for Texas State University in direct support of the GCP LCC, including representatives from various federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.
Specific objectives will include:  **Provide leadership and scientific support to the LCD planning process.  **Through webinars and meetings with species experts and stakeholders, identify concerns, desires, fundamental objectives, threats, uncertainties and opportunities facing conservation targets (i.e. GCP LCC focal species and associated habitats).  **Propose and conduct spatial analyses to include suitability and distribution models for focal species and their associated habitats.  **Develop a conservation blueprint (i.e. geographic visualization tool) to achieve the landscape vision for the study region.  **Develop and provide conservation blueprint alternatives for collaborative review.  **Publish peer-reviewed journal articles.
The post-doc will work directly under Dr. Clay Green and will work closely with other members
of the research team including Dr. Jennifer Jensen and Dr. Thom Hardy and GCP LCC staff.
Compensation: This is a full-time, fixed-term, non-tenure track appointment for up to 18 months.
Annual salary is competitive and commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include
health insurance options.
Qualifications: Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in biology, ecology, geography, natural resource management, or related field. Applicants should be able to demonstrate through their education, research, work experience and publications the application of conservation design and spatial analysis to problems in ecology and/or natural resources management. More competitive applicants will have qualifications in one or more areas to include: spatial ecology and planning, conservation design process and implementation and ecological modeling. The candidate must have excellent verbal and oral skills and interpersonal communication skills. The candidate will be working closely with the research team and various stakeholder and agency personnel so the ability to collaborate and work well with others in a team setting is essential. Some travel to various stakeholder and technical team meetings will be required. The candidate will be employed by Texas State University and required to live in the greater central Texas area (i.e. in proximity to San Marcos, Texas). The candidate must be able to meet eligibility requirements for work in the United States by June 1, 2017 and continue working legally for the proposed 18- month term.
To Apply: Interested candidates should provide in a single PDF document, 1) a cover letter that addresses relevant qualifications, experiences and skills, 2) CV, 3) transcript of PhD degree including degree award date and, 4) names and contact information for three references who can attest to the candidate’s qualifications and skills. Send application materials and any inquires to Dr. CLAY GREEN, (EM: claygreen AT Applications will be accepted until May 10, 2017. Expected, but negotiable, start date is June 1, 2017.

Employer: The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
Location: Maui, Hawaii
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   31 May 2017  Open until filled
Description:  The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) operates several observatory centers (including the National Optical Astronomy Observatory, the National Solar Observatory, Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and the Gemini Observatory) in the United States and Chile under cooperative agreements with the National Science Foundation.
The National Solar Observatory (NSO) Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST) Project has an immediate opening for 2016 seasonal Resource Technician (March 1st to end of August 2017) to provide support in the implementation of mitigation and monitoring activities for endangered species required for the DKIST Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP), on Haleakala, Maui, Hawai'i. The Habitat Conservation Plan carries out mitigation and monitoring activities for Endangered Species Act listed species of Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis), Nene (Branta sandwichensis), and Silversword (Argyroxiphium sandwicense).
This is a 40 hour per week job; key duties and responsibilities of the technicians for this season include but are not limited to:   ** Monitoring petrel collision around construction sites  ** Monitoring reproductive success of Hawaiian petrel in mitigation site and control site  ** Searching for new nest burrows of Hawaiian petrel in mitigation site and control site  ** Set up camera traps and rat traps to monitoring predator (cats, rats, mongoose) population in mitigation site and control site  ** Invasive species prevention  ** Other conservation and mitigation duties
Requirements: **Bachelor’s degree major in Biology, Wildlife Management or a related field
**At least one year of ecology or wildlife research/conservation experience **Computer experience in Microsoft Word and Excel **Possess a valid driver's license **Must be able to hike 7 miles with 40 lb backpack in high altitude (8,000-10,000 ft).
Desired Qualifications: Knowledge of Hawaiian fauna and flora; experience in operating GPS and GIS; familiarity with handling birds (seabird-specific preferred); experience in operating camera traps and predator control; certifications in CPR and Wilderness First Aid/Responder.
Please list 3 professional references in your application and attach a CV or resume (PDF files preferred) to your application. Please name any attachments with the following format: 17-0033LastnameDocname. Application documents that are not uploaded as part of the application may be sent to (EM: employment AT

Employer: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Country: Norway
Last Date to Apply:   20.05.2017.
 Description:  (this is a position in my group, and is flexible with regard to what to  work on - I mainly want to find someone good. Feel free to contact me if  you want more details)  Post-doctoral fellowship in biostatistics  The Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the  Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) invites  applications for a three-year post-doctoral position affiliated with the  Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Centre for Biodiversity  Dynamics.  See for more details and formal requirements.
Information about the department and centre: The Department of Mathematical Sciences has 35 full professors, 19  associate professors and 4 assistant professors. In addition, there are  2 adjunct professors, 6 adjunct associate professors, about 20  postdoctoral fellows and about 60 doctoral students. There are 10 women  in tenured positions. The department has five research groups: algebra,  analysis, differential equations and numerical analysis, geometry and  topology, and statistics.  Centre for Biodiversity (CBD) is a Centre of Excellence (SFF), funded by  the Research Council of Norway for the period 2013-2023. The research at  CBD is cross-disciplinary in the interface between biology and  mathematical sciences, and is divided into three research areas:  population ecology, evolutionary biology and community dynamics. The  position will be located in the research area for evolutionary biology,  but interactions with researchers in other research areas are welcomed.  Further information is available at:
Job description: The position is open to researchers holding a PhD in statistics, or an  equivalent subject. We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher to  work on the development of statistical analyses of the distributions and  dynamics of species and communities. There are several potential  projects that could be tackled in this area: Continuing current work extending distribution models based on  point processes;  Development of distribution models for multiple species,  incorporating sampling models;  Development of factor analysis models in INLA, as a precursor to  exploring community dynamics.  Other projects in the same area can also be suggested. The  methodological development should be linked to investigation of  ecological questions (e.g. predicting the responses of species and  communities to climate change).  The successful applicant will be interested in applying modern  statistical modelling methods to ecological problems. Ideally, they will  have experience with Bayesian approaches, and will be able to implement  them in a way that is flexible enough that the tools can be used in a  variety of projects, e.g. through developing R packages.  The position will initially be for three years, with the possibility to  extend it by a further year.
Application requirements:  The application should contain: A short research plan (maximum 3 pages), CV including a full list of publications with bibliographical references, Testimonials and certificates, Other documents which the applicant finds relevant.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.
BOB O'HARA, Institutt for matematiske fag, NTNU, 7491 Trondheim, Norway (
Mobile: +49 1515 888 5440). Journal of Negative Results - EEB:<>

Employer: Southern University of  Science and Technology
Location: Shenzhen
Country: China
Last Date to Apply:   31 Aug 2017
Description: I seek 5 outstanding postdoctoral researchers to join me at the Southern University of  Science and Technology (SUSTech), a new university in Shenzhen, China. Postdocs will  be working with Associate Professor Luke Gibson in the School of Environmental  Science and Engineering.
Research will be centered around the following questions: (1) Which species benefit  from agricultural expansion, and how do these species affect fragmented forest  ecosystems isolated within agricultural landscapes? (2) How does the development of  infrastructure (e.g., roads, dams, landfills) affect animal movement and migration  patterns? (3) How does poaching affect targeted animal populations, and how do any  population declines of targeted species affect animal and plant communities in poached  ecosystems? (4) Which species in wildlife trade have expanded their ranges into the  urban centers where they are traded, and how do these species affect local  ecosystems where they have been introduced?
Each postdoc will be hired on a 2-year contract starting between September 2017 and  March 2018. Salary is 260,000 RMB (approximately 38,000 USD) per year. Postdocs  will be living in Shenzhen, the first Special Economic Zone of China which has been  described as the “Silicon Valley of China”. The quiet and green campus of SUSTech is  located in Tanglang, surrounded by fruit plantations, reservoirs, and forested hills.   More information is available here:
Applicants must have: 1. a PhD  2. strong quantitative skills  3. a proven record of publications in high-impact journals  Each postdoc will be given 250,000 RMB (approximately 36,000 USD) to manage for  his/her research activities. Each postdoc is expected to produce multiple high-impact  publications during the contract (for a list of target journals, see
Please send a cover letter describing your research interests and background, a CV  including a full list of publications, and contact information for three references to (EM: lgibson AT  Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Employer: Smithsonian
Location: Washington DC
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
Description: Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute is hiring a postdoctoral fellow to work on an NSF funded project investigating the proximate links between hormones, neuroendocrine gene expression, behavioral phenotypes, and social network structure in a cooperative lek-breeding bird, the wire-tailed manakin (Pipra filicauda).
The position will be based at the Smithsonian in Washington, DC and the compensation will be $48,000/year. This is a 2-yr appointment with the second year of funding contingent on productivity. Start date is flexible, but ideally the candidate would begin by September 1st, 2017. The post-doc will work directly with Dr. Brandt Ryder, but will have the opportunity to interact with a diverse and integrative research team including Dr. Brent Horton (Millersville University) and Dr. Ignacio Moore (Virginia Tech). We anticipate the candidate will contribute intellectually and analytically to one or more of the following project areas: 1) using hormone and social network data to characterize behavioral phenotype and emergent social structure and/or 2) using RNAseq data to examine the neurogenetic basis of variation in social behavior. Although the primary objective of the fellow is to analyze data and prepare manuscripts, there will be opportunities to do some field work in the Ecuadorian Amazon at the Tiputini Biodiversity Station. Tiputini is a 650-hectare tract of pristine lowland rainforest adjacent to Yasuni National Park, one of the most biodiverse regions in the world.
Required qualifications: **Completion of their PhD with a strong interest in one or more of the following: Behavioral Ecology, Quantitative Ecology, Behavioral Endocrinology, and/or Neuroendocrinology/Neurogenetics, **Advanced quantitative skills with social network analysis or other statistical modeling approaches, **Fluent in R programming, **Strong peer-reviewed publication record.
Preference will be given to candidates with one or more of the following qualifications: **Experience with bioinformatics and analysis of RNAseq/ transcriptomic data, **Familiarity with Bayesian modeling approaches, **Field experience with general ornithological sampling approaches (mist-netting, banding and bleeding passerine birds), **Experience working in the tropics.
To apply please send a cover letter outlining your research interest and qualifications, CV/Resume, representative publications, and the names of three professional references. Submit materials to Dr. BRANDT RYDER via email (EM: rydert AT with the subject heading "Manakin Social Behavior Postdoc". Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Employer: Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation:
Location: 335 Old Blanco Rd  Kendalia TX
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
Position: Apprentice- Intro to Wildlife Rehabilitation
Location: Kendalia, TX
Program Date: Fall/Winter, Spring, Summer
History: Established in 1977, Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation (WRR) is a non-profit organization that receives over 6,000 wild animals per year for rehabilitation and release as well as providing permanent sanctuary for more than 600 resident non-releasable indigenous wildlife, non-native wildlife (large mammals, primates, reptiles and birds) and farmed animals. Wildlife Rescue is located on 212 acres in beautiful Texas Hill Country, near Austin and San Antonio.
Description: This program is designed as an introduction to wildlife rehabilitation for individuals who have some previous experience in wildlife rehabilitation or animal care and are interested in learning and developing basic skills required when pursuing a career in these fields. The 6- month program combines hands-on training and related classroom instruction during which participants will learn the practical skills and theoretical knowledge required in the fields of wildlife rehabilitation and animal care. The Wildlife Rehabilitation Apprentice (WRA) concentrates on the care and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned native Texas wildlife, with some attention to domesticated farmed animals, companion animals and non-native small animals. Participants in the Spring/ Summer programs can expect to spend long, demanding shifts in the hospital caring for large numbers of infant animals; the Fall/Winter program participants will see fewer numbers and variety of animals in the hospital but will have the opportunity to spend a larger percentage of time on observation and enrichment.
This program is a prerequisite for most other WRR training programs, including: Advanced Wildlife Rehabilitation, Advanced Wildlife Rehabilitation, Wildlife Sanctuary Caretaker, and Companion Animal Welfare.
The Spring and Summer training classes are recommended for those individuals with existing rehabilitation experience, as the high volume of animals during spring and summer seasons requires a rapid learning curve and intense skill development. For individuals with little to no previous wildlife experience, we recommend applying for the Fall/Winter program.
Participant Duties and Responsibilities: - Learn the natural history, life stages, diet, daily care and housing requirements for a variety of Texas native avian, mammal and reptile species, including but not limited to: songbirds, doves, turtles, tortoises, squirrels, opossums, raccoons, skunks, fawns, and waterfowl.; -Understand and participate in the process and stages of wildlife rehabilitation including rescues and releases; -Carry out demanding and substantial animal husbandry duties consisting of feeding, cleaning and maintaining enclosures, and enrichment activities while maintaining exceptional standards of care; -Undertake basic medical work including administration of prescribed medications and treatments; -Conduct behavioral observations and maintain detailed caretaking records; -Demonstrate proper understanding and practice of safety procedures; -Develop written and interpersonal communication skills; -Complete administrative duties including paperwork and recordkeeping; -Participate in public education through the WRR hotline service; -Complete an individual skill or research project
Requirements: -Minimum 6-12 months previous wildlife rehabilitation experience required; -Bachelor’s degree required, animal-related field preferred; -Commitment to completion of the 6 month program; -Willingness to work evenings, weekends, and holidays; -Ability to work long hours (50-70 hours per week) in all weather conditions; -Ability to lift 50lbs, twist and bend, and spend long periods of time on your feet; -Capable of handling physically, mentally and emotionally stressful situations; -Competent in working independently and as part of a team; -Possess a strong personal work ethic, positive attitude and high level of integrity; -Meningitis, Tetanus and Rabies pre-exposure vaccines are required; -Valid driver’s license and clean driving record are required
Compensation: A monthly stipend of $250 dollars is granted. On-site housing is provided.
Availability: The Fall/Winter program begins September, spring classes begin in February and Summer programs in May. Applications for this program are accepted year-round.
If you are interested in applying for this training program, please fax, mail or email a resume, letter of interest, and one professional letter of reference to the address below.
Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, Attn: Apprentice Supervisor, P.O. Box 369, Kendalia TX 78027 (EM: Lruttley AT  FX: 830-336-3733 EXT 320).

Employer: International Bird Rescue
Location: Fairfield, CA
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   25 May 2017  Open until filled
Description: Communications Associate (part-time)
Fairfield, CA
The Organization –<>
Founded in 1971, International Bird Rescue is an accomplished not-for-profit organization dedicated to mitigating human impact on sea and water birds, worldwide. Whether our patients are oiled (e.g., Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010), orphaned by human encroachment on habitat, injured from fishing line, or struck by a car, we’re here to help! Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled, sick, injured, and orphaned aquatic birds, supported by a corps of impassioned volunteers. We manage two year-round aquatic bird hospitals in California (near LA and SF Bay), as well as a wildlife response center in Alaska.
Your Mission: Reporting to the Executive Director (until a Development Director is hired), you will be responsible for all aspects of marketing and communications, including public relations, collateral and website, special events, and outreach. We are currently building out the team, and your pioneering spirit, adaptability, and willingness to work hard will be the keys to success. This is a new role and has to potential to grow into Communications Manager after a period of success. This is an ideal role for someone who has communications and marketing experience, enjoys variety in their work, and wants to go deeper with an internationally known brand and strong history of programmatic success. The role has a tremendous opportunity to make an impact on the organization.
Core Responsibilities   **Enhance social media presence   **Coordinate weekly Photo of the Week email, bimonthly Director’s e-newsletter, and other communications   **Draft press releases and other written materials   **Coordinate design and updates to website and collateral   **Assist with special events **Assist with outreach efforts and development of key partnerships **Maintain inventory for merchandise
Your Qualifications   **At least two years of communications experience preferred; Bachelor's degree   **Strong writing skills, and writing experience in the wildlife, environmental or ornithology space is highly desired   **Good attitude, strong work ethic, creative team player, sense of humor, willing to fill in as needed   **Demonstrated success with social media, especially Facebook, Twitter and Instagram   **Excellent organizational, computer, problem solving skills with superior attention to detail   **Comfort with (and interest in) data as a tool for change   **Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills   **Passionate about nature, birds and the environment
Compensation and Benefits   **Flexible work schedule with work-from-home privileges, with a preference for 2-3 days per week at the center   **Base salary and benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance; paid time off; paid holidays
To apply, please send your cover letter in the body of an email with your resume, and use the subject line "Communications Associate - YOUR NAME", to (EM: jobs AT

Employer: International Bird Rescue
Location: San Pedro, CA
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   25 May 2017  Open until filled
Development Associate for Southern California
Fairfield, CA
The Organization –<>
Founded in 1971, International Bird Rescue is an accomplished not-for-profit organization dedicated to mitigating human impact on sea and water birds, worldwide. Whether our patients are oiled (e.g., Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010), orphaned by human encroachment on habitat, injured from fishing line, or struck by a car, we’re here to help! Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled, sick, injured, and orphaned aquatic birds, supported by a corps of impassioned volunteers. We manage two year-round aquatic bird hospitals in California (near LA and SF Bay), as well as a wildlife response center in Alaska.
Your Mission: Reporting to the Executive Director (until a Development Director is hired), you will be responsible for individual and major gifts, institutional fundraising, and special projects such as events, as they arise. We are currently building out the team and your pioneering spirit, adaptability, and willingness to work hard will be the keys to success. This is a new role and has to potential to grow into Development Manager after a period of success. This is an ideal role for someone who has fundraising experience, enjoys variety in their work, and wants to go deeper with an internationally known brand and strong history of programmatic success. The role has a tremendous opportunity to make an impact on the organization.
Core Responsibilities   **Identify and cultivate individual and institutional support for our Southern California programs, including but not limited to: o Annual Campaign  o Direct Mail  and Membership  o Online Giving  o Recurring Giving.
Your Qualifications   **At least two years of development experience preferred; Bachelor's degree   **Good attitude, strong work ethic, creative team player, sense of humor, willing to fill in as needed   **Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills **Excellent organizational, computer, problem solving skills with superior attention to detail   **Comfort with (and interest in) data as a tool for change, and experience with Raiser's Edge is strongly preferred   **Passionate about nature, birds and the environment
Compensation and Benefits   **Flexible work schedule with work-from-home privileges, with a preference for 3 days per week at the center   **Base salary with benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance; paid time off; paid holidays
To apply for any of these roles, please send your cover letter IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL, with your resume attached, and list the position title and your name (e.g., "COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE - Mary Smith") to (EM: jobs AT

Employer: SWCA Environmental Consultants
Location: Pasadena, California 91105
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   31 May 2017  Open until filled
SWCA's Pasadena office is expanding our team and seeking one or more on-call hourly Biological Technicians to support a variety of environmental projects involving a range of field and office duties. Work hours may vary seasonally, and depending on project needs and your skills. On-call staff are requested for work as it becomes available and are free to accept or refuse the work based on their schedule. As the Pasadena Natural Resources group continues to grow, additional opportunities for advancement will be available.
Conduct environmental inspections, wildlife and vegetation baseline studies, nesting bird surveys, and biological evaluations and assessments. Collect field data, record and identify fauna and flora. Use topographic maps, aerial photographs, GPS units, and other maps and tools to determine exact locations of project areas, habitat types, and associated landforms. Photograph and take detailed notes of habitats, species, and landforms. Operate SWCA vehicles safely, including operation of 4-wheel-drive vehicles on rugged, back-country roads. Follow industry-leading safety check-in and reporting procedures. Communicate effectively with SWCA project managers, construction crews, and other environmental specialists to complete the field work and reporting requirements. Understand project environmental requirements and the applicable laws and regulations protecting biological resources. Complete desktop analyses, web-based database queries, prepare technical reports describing the methods, results, recommendations, and regulatory background for projects.
Required Qualifications:  **Minimum of B.A. or B.S. in Biology, Ecology, Environmental Science, Natural Resource Management preferred  **Must have experience with flora and fauna identification, accurate data collection and entry procedures, and data entry QA/QC  **Excellent communication and organizational skills  **Familiarity with Microsoft Office Word and Excel
Preferred Qualifications:  **Experience working with Southern California natural resources, wetlands, desert tortoise, nesting birds, and/or plants.  **Technical writing experience
SWCA Environmental Consultants is a growing employee-owned firm, providing a full-spectrum of environmental services. With offices across the United States, SWCA is one of the largest environmental compliance firms and ranks among Engineering News-Record's Top 200 Environmental Firms.
If you would like to contact SWCA regarding the accessibility of our website or need assistance completing the online application process due to a disability, please email (EM: accommodations AT or call (PH: 800-828-8517). This contact information is for disability accommodation requests only. All other inquiries will not receive a response.
EOE - women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans are encouraged to apply.
Apply Here:

Employer: International Bird Rescue
Location: Fairfield, CA
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   25 May 2017  Open until filled
Development Associate for Northern California
Fairfield, CA
The Organization –<>
Founded in 1971, International Bird Rescue is an accomplished not-for-profit organization dedicated to mitigating human impact on sea and water birds, worldwide. Whether our patients are oiled (e.g., Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010), orphaned by human encroachment on habitat, injured from fishing line, or struck by a car, we’re here to help! Our core work is the rescue and rehabilitation of oiled, sick, injured, and orphaned aquatic birds, supported by a corps of impassioned volunteers. We manage two year-round aquatic bird hospitals in California (near LA and SF Bay), as well as a wildlife response center in Alaska.
Your Mission: Reporting to the Executive Director (until a Development Director is hired), you will be responsible for individual and major gifts, institutional fundraising, and special projects such as events, as they arise. We are currently building out the team and your pioneering spirit, adaptability, and willingness to work hard will be the keys to success. This is a new role and has to potential to grow into Development Manager after a period of success. This is an ideal role for someone who has fundraising experience, enjoys variety in their work, and wants to go deeper with an internationally known brand and strong history of programmatic success. The role has a tremendous opportunity to make an impact on the organization.
Core Responsibilities   **Identify and cultivate individual and institutional support for our Northern California programs, including but not limited to: o Annual Campaign  o Direct Mail and Membership  o Online Giving  o Recurring Giving.  **Cultivate relationships with major donors among existing and prospective supporters in the San Francisco Bay-Delta area  **Verify, maintain and update records in our information system; follow up and resolve discrepancies independently  **Ensure proper processing and acknowledgment of donations; Coordinate reports and mailings  **Assist with special events, press releases, social media and other special projects as needed  **Provide superb customer service by replying to donor information requests with timely and accurate information.
Your Qualifications   **At least two years of development experience preferred; Bachelor's degree   **Good attitude, strong work ethic, creative team player, sense of humor, willing to fill in as needed   **Excellent interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills **Excellent organizational, computer, problem solving skills with superior attention to detail   **Comfort with (and interest in) data as a tool for change, and experience with Raiser's Edge is strongly preferred   **Passionate about nature, birds and the environment
Compensation and Benefits   **Flexible work schedule with work-from-home privileges, with a preference for 3 days per week at the center   **Base salary with benefits package including health, dental and vision insurance; paid time off; paid holidays
To apply for any of these roles, please send your cover letter IN THE BODY OF AN EMAIL, with your resume attached, and list the position title and your name (e.g., "COMMUNICATIONS ASSOCIATE - Mary Smith") to (EM: jobs AT bird-rescue.or).

Employer: Tulane University
Location: New Orleans
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   29 Jun 2017  Open until filled
The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department at Tulane University supports a one year non-thesis Master's degree program designed for students planning to enter more advanced professional degree programs (e.g., law, public health, medicine, veterinary medicine, natural resources management) and for students intent on pursuing additional academic training (e.g., Ph.D. degree programs). The program also will be useful for students interested in seeking employment with environmental agencies of federal, state, and municipal government; non-governmental organizations; and in private industry, including environmental consulting firms.
The Plus One MS degree program is intended to provide foundational and advanced academic training in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, Organismal Biology, and related disciplines. The program involves completion of coursework and recommended completion of an independent study with departmental faculty (see:
or an internship with an approved off- campus organization. The opportunity to undertake independent study or to accrue on-the-job training with a governmental agency or private entity through an internship lends a unique character to this program and may provide students an advantage when seeking employment following graduation.
Tulane University is a member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, a select group of the 62 leading research universities in the United States and Canada with 'preeminent programs of graduate and professional education and scholarly research. Tulane is located in the historic Gulf Coast city of New Orleans, which is known for its culture, food and music.
Applications for Fall 2017 will be accepted until July 1, 2017. Those interested in the program are encouraged to contact the program advisor, Dr. JORDAN KARUBIAN (EM: jk AT or any faculty member whose research is of interest.
More information can be found at

Employer: Pronatura Veracruz
Location: Chichicaxtle and Cardel Veracruz
Country: Mexico
Last Date to Apply:   26 May 2017
Raptor counting Assistants needed to the Veracruz River of Raptors Project 2017
The Veracruz River of Raptors (VRR) well known as the project that counts the biggest raptor migration in the planet seeks hard core birders to help with the Fall migration count,
positions will be needed from August 15th till November 23rd.
Live one of the greatest raptor migration in the world in the well-known project Veracruz River of Raptors. Travel to this spectacular site and enjoy the wonder of birds’ and insect’┤ migration. You will also be able to learn about other resident and local birds. Interact with local people and local biologists and naturalists. You will also have the opportunity to approach the culture and of course the real Mexican food.
We need raptor migration assistants (2 positions) to work during 95 days at Pronatura’s monitoring stations in the central coast of Veracruz Mexico where birds are funneled by the mountains to make this spectacular event. We are hiring enthusiastic and hard-working people with skills identifying song birds and water birds at the two PRONATURA’s count sites (on average we count UP to 4 million raptors each fall plus passerines and water birds that make up to 300 thousands individuals). The peak days have over 200 000 individuals with record years having more than half million raptors in a single day!
Assistant positions–should be good at taking notes (especially numbers) with good hand writing and be capable of identify migratory birds as well and able to learn how to identify raptors in flight, they must be willing to explain/interact with visitors about bird migration and the importance of birds and enter data into Ebird when possible.  We will select applicants that show a big interest on birds and with lot of birding experience, in particular thus that worked at bird observatories or with migratory raptors are most likely to be chosen.
The work consists of 2 days’ work and 1 day off and so on during the 95 day period, starting 9 am to 7 pm (10 hours per day) from August 18 to November 22.
All selected applicants will also help setting the count sites, and will help to clean and maintain working and living facilities in good and clean conditions, capture data in our databases and hawk-count when needed. They need to be comfortable working and sharing a room with other people, be flexible, very pro-active, and be comfortable working in small towns and rural conditions. Need to work in teams and be collaborative. Willing to help in other activities (like attending visitors during our bird festival or in environmental education activities). Hot temperatures and mosquitoes are expected.
The site is located not too far from the ocean and the mountains where birding hot spots are available with more than 250 bird species, endemics such Mexican Sheartail Hummingbird, White-bellied Wren, lots of raptor species are near observation areas, we use to organize trips to the mangroves to get 5 species of King-fishers, Sungrebes, Black-collared Hawks, in the cloud forest we can see 3 species of toucans, Oropendolas, Motmots and many other species (look for info at about hot spots near Chichicaxtle). Also staff members are encourage to visit during their days off the Raptor Banding station where we trapped near 400 raptors each Fall.
The positions will be based in Chichicaxtle and Cardel, small towns of Veracruz. Accommodation in rural conditions will be provided.
Monthly salaries: for assistant’s $6,000 Mexican pesos (aprox 300 USD) to $8,000 Mexican Pesos (aprox 400 USD), all according to experience and skills, this is a life experience more than a job.  Selected people will cover their own transportation to Veracruz.
Bilingual or Medium knowledge of Spanish is required principally handling large numbers.
Main responsibilities:   **Identify and estimate birds in the 2 sites (Cardel and Chichicaxtle)   **Record daily observations   **Data entry in databases   **Interact professionally with visitors, conservation agency staff, and the general public   **Enjoy migration and birding in Veracruz
What is included?   **Housing equipped (no bedsheets are provided).   **Insurance during working period   **Pick up in the airport   **Project orientation   **In country emergency support   **Diploma of Participation   **Several moments with hundreds of birds per minute!
To Apply:  Send to (EM: rioderapaces AT a letter of interest and your CV outlining relevant experience monitoring birds for assistants, include three references with full name, charge, email addresses and if possible phone number, in subject line write:
VRR assistant 2017.
Once we review your papers and considering that you cover the requirements, we will setup an interview. If you do not receive communication from us, is that you were not selected for interview.

Employer: Texas A&M University
Location: College Station, TX
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
We are seeking a graduate student to pursue a PhD in Wildlife Science at Texas A&M University in cooperation with the East Foundation ( The project will focus on one or more of the Foundation’s properties in south Texas, with an emphasis on investigating the interactions between land management practices (e.g., livestock grazing, prescribed fire) and productivity of animal species (likely emphasis on birds). The graduate student will, however, have wide latitude in how the study is designed and implemented. Duties will also include participating in several on-going research and monitoring programs on wildlife including quail. Baseline data has been collected since 2013. The student will be part of a research team including other graduate students from several universities, along with the Foundation’s research staff. Desired start date is fall semester (August) 2017 but is negotiable.
Qualifications:  Competitive applicants will have already received their MS degree (thesis option) in wildlife and related fields. Experience organizing and analyzing data, database management, presenting and publishing ecological research, working collaboratively, and strong backgrounds in quantitative methods and GIS. Experience working with managers of private lands is highly valuable, as is working in remote areas under extreme environmental conditions.
Must have a valid U.S. Driver's License.
Applicants should email the following materials as a single PDF file to Dr. MICHAEL L. MORRISON (EM: mlmorrison AT (a) one page cover letter describing relevant experience and professional goals, (b) a resume or curriculum vitae, c) GRE scores, (d) (unofficial) transcripts from undergraduate and graduate education, and (e) contact information for three professional references (include current email and phone number).
Consideration of interested applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.  Texas A&M University is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Employer: Pronatura Veracruz
Location: Chichicaxtle Veracruz
Country: Mexico
Last Date to Apply:   23 Jun 2017
Raptor Banders and Assistants needed to the Veracruz River of Raptors Project Season 2017
The Veracruz River of Raptors (VRR) well known as the project that counts the biggest raptor migration in the planet seeks experienced raptor banders to help with the Raptor Banding Station,
positions will be needed from August 15th till November 23rd.
Live one of the greatest raptor migration in the world in the well-known project Veracruz River of Raptors. Travel to this spectacular site and enjoy the wonder of birds’ and insects’ migration. You will also be able to learn about other resident and local birds. Interact with local people and local biologists and naturalists. You will also have the opportunity to approach the culture and of course the real Mexican food.
Our banding station is located at the top of a costal sand dunes, in the site locally called as ΓÇ£Dunas de CansaburroΓÇ¥, in this site we trap around 400 raptors (majority Coopers and Sharp-shinned Hawks), we used to trap Gray Hawks, Aplomado, Peregrine Falcons, Harriers and Swainson’s in less numbers.
All selected applicants will also help setting the banding station, and will help to clean and maintain working and living facilities in good conditions, capture data in our databases if needed. Need to be comfortable working and sharing a room with other people, be flexible, very pro-active, and be comfortable working in small towns and rural conditions. Need to work in team and be collaborative. Willing to help in other activities (like attending visitors during our bird festival or in environmental education activities). Hot temperatures and mosquitoes are expected.
The living site (Chihicaxtle) is located not too far from the ocean and the mountains where birding hot spots are available with more than 250 bird species, endemics such Mexican Sheartail Hummingbird, White-bellied Wren, lots of raptor species are near observation areas, we use to organize trips to the mangroves to get 5 species of King-fishers, Sungrebes, Black-collared Hawks, in the cloud forest we can see 3 species of toucans, Oropendolas, Motmots and many other species (look for info at about hot spots near Chichicaxtle).
Staff will be based in Chichicaxtle and Cardel, small towns of Veracruz. Accommodation in rural conditions will be provided.
Monthly salaries: Banders 8000 ($400 USD aprox) to 10000 Mexican Pesos $500 USD aprox), for Assistant $6,000 Mexican pesos (300 USD aprox) to $8,000 Mexican Pesos (400 USD aprox), all according to experience and skills, this is a life experience.
Selected people will cover their own transportation to Veracruz Airport.
Medium knowledge of Spanish is required but no necessary upon experience.
Main responsibilities:  **Setting up the banding station   **Fix all traps   **Data entry   **Interact professionally with visitors, conservation agencies, staff, and the general public   **Enjoy migration and birding in Veracruz   **Trapping and banding migratory raptors
What is included?   **Housing equipped (no bed sheets provided).   **Insurance during working period   **Pick up in the airport   **Project orientation   **In country emergency support   **Diploma of Participation   **Several moments with hundreds of birds per minute!   **Pre-season training
To Apply: Send to (EM: rioderapaces AT a letter of interest and your CV highlighting relevant raptor banding experience for counters and monitoring birds for assistants, include three references with full name, charge, email addresses and if possible phone number,
in subject line write: Bander assistant 2017 or Bander 2017.  Once we review your papers and considering that you cover the requirements, we will setup an interview. If you do not receive communication from us means that you were not selected for interview.

Employer: Biodiversity Research Institute
Location: New England
Country: United States
Duration: ~5 months, starting as early as mid-May
Job Type: Temporary/Seasonal
Application Deadline: 05/05/2017
Job Description: The Biodiversity Research Institute (BRI) has an opening for 1-2 marine ornithologists with experience in boat-based surveys for marine birds. These surveys will take place offshore of New England from May to October. Duties will include working in a small team of observers to carry out regular, frequent boat-based surveys, requiring considerable experience in the identification of marine bird species, and limited project administration responsibilities.
This is a full-time, temporary position for May to October. Approximate start date is May 15, 2017. Position will most likely be based in Massachusetts, but the successful applicant must have ability to travel. Weather and other factors determine work schedule. Successful candidates will act as one of several observers on a 60 ft. research vessel during boat surveys for marine birds; assist with data handling and management; assist in coordinating boat surveys with project collaborators; and all other duties as directed or assigned.
Work Environment: Small team, working closely in cramped conditions. Overnights at-sea in communal bunk space may be required.
Minimum Requirements:    **Bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology or a related field  **Prior experience in marine bird identification  **Prior experience in conducting scientific boat-based surveys  **Must be thorough and detail-oriented  **Willing to work long hours and spend overnights on the research vessel, if required.
Strongly preferred: **Specialization in marine bird ecology and/or species identification  **Previous data management experience.
Physical Demands:  ** Candidates must be able to use a laptop or tablet computer  **Must be able to spend long days at sea and work outside for extended periods in harsh conditions  **Must be able to lift >50 pounds.
To Apply: Send a resume and cover letter to (EM: jobs AT no later than May 5, 2017 with "Seabird Surveyor" in the subject line. Please include how you learned about the position.
Compensation will be commensurate with education and experience.
BRI is a non-profit based in Portland, ME. Our mission is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers. The Biodiversity Research Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.

Employer: University of Western Australia
Location: Peninsular Malaysa
Country: Malaysia
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
I am conducting a project to study the effects of environmental change on montane birds and amphibians in Peninsular Malaysia. I am looking for a volunteer to join me and another research assistant for my upcoming field trip.
The fieldwork will run between 6 May to 6 June 2017 Your responsibilities will include setting up mist nets, measuring birds and amphibians and conducting other ecological field surveys. Volunteers with prior mist netting and/or fieldwork experience are preferred.
All your food and accommodation costs will be accounted for. Upon satisfactory assistance for the duration of the field trip, up to SGD500 (Singapore Dollars) can be awarded to subsidize your flight costs.
If you are keen and are free on the dates mentioned, please send me an email with why you would like to volunteer, your relevant experience, a short CV to (EM: malcolmsoh AT
Kind regards, MALCOLM SOH

Employer: American Bird Conservancy
Location: Texas and/or Oklahoma
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   09 May 2017
Grassland Conservation Associate
Application Deadline: 2017
Locations (2): TBD - 1 in Texas and 1 in Oklahoma Potentially
Introduction: This is a full-time position with American Bird Conservancy and the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture (OPJV). The position will work with OPJV partners including National Wild Turkey Federation, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS), Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation to promote, accelerate enrollment, coordinate and implement the conservation provisions of the Federal Farm Bill, the OPJV partnership’s Grassland Restoration Incentive Program (GRIP), and other related wildlife conservation programs in focal counties in Texas and Oklahoma. Activities will include program promotion, technical assistance, contract coordination, conservation planning, site assessment, and reporting, as well as participation in population/habitat monitoring efforts for priority birds, monarchs, pollinators, and other grassland associated species.
Activities of the Grassland Conservation Associate (GCA) contribute to the goals and objectives of various major national and international bird conservation plans, and OPJV planning documents. The GCA works with regional OPJV staff, as well as other conservation partner organizations, to support conservation delivery and population monitoring efforts within the OPJV, and works to produce communications and outreach resources based upon these partner efforts. The GCA helps provide technical assistance and conservation delivery resources to local landowners to achieve on-the-ground priority bird population and habitat objectives. The GCA helps to administer the conservation provisions of the Federal Farm Bill through the OPJV’s Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) agreement, the OPJV partnership’s GRIP, and other related wildlife conservation programs in focal counties in Texas and Oklahoma; assisting with technical guidance, proposal submission, review, agreement, and reimbursement processes. The GCA works to increase demand among landowners for grassland bird habitat restoration work by supporting and coordinating increased outreach and public communication (e.g. social media). The GCA, in cooperation with the OPJV Coordinator, develops and sustains bird monitoring partnerships between, relevant government agencies, private organizations, landowners, and corporations to support conservation efforts. For more information about the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture partnership see<>.
The GCA reports to the OPJV Coordinator. These positions are funded under a two-year grant.
Primary Duties:  1. Conservation program promotion which could include providing technical assistance, conservation planning, contract coordination, developing prescribed burn plans, site assessment, and reporting.  2. Coordinate, support, and conduct population monitoring protocols for grassland associated species, especially grassland and shrubland birds.  3. Work with OPJV staff to build and support a coordinated cooperative bird monitoring partnership working with partners across Texas and Oklahoma.  4. Provide technical assistance for wildlife habitat enhancement techniques to private landowners and partner organizations which include workshops and tours for landowners and resource professionals.  5. Meet regularly with OPJV, NRCS, and partner staff to coordinate technical assistance efforts and for resource training.  6. Develop content for communications efforts based upon conservation delivery and population monitoring activities of partners and Staff.  7. Assist or coordinate activities and projects as needed for OPJV partners.  8. Other duties as assigned.
Position Requirements:  1. A bachelor’s degree (Master’s preferred) in wildlife management, range management, or closely related natural resources field and related field experience. A combination of education and related work experience is acceptable.  2. Ability to communicate clearly and effectively with landowners and partner agencies.  3. Ability to provide excellent customer service, sales, and promotion to cooperators interested in conservation.  4. Ability to work independently with little supervision and with diverse personalities and organizations.  5. Extensive knowledge of wildlife ecology, species identification, and population monitoring techniques, especially grassland birds and plants.  6. Knowledge of conservation and wildlife programs provided by federal Farm Bill (especially EQIP, with understanding of WRP, CRP, SAFE, WHIP, CSP, etc), other state, & local conservation programs. In addition, knowledge of how these programs are implemented in an agricultural landscape is desired.  7. Sound working knowledge of applying habitat management techniques, especially prescribed burning, to benefit target wildlife species. Practical application of practices preferred.  8. Excellent verbal and written communication. Good computer skills (Word, Excel, ArcMap) and experience using social media to promote conservation.  9. Strong organizational skills.  10. Valid driver’s license required; use of personal vehicle required (mileage reimbursement provided).
Salary: $32-34,000/year DOE, plus benefits
Application review will begin May 9.
To apply, go to, or send applications to (EM: HR AT

Employer: Kingfisher Ecological, Inc.
Location: North Oregon Coast Range
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   31 May 2017  Open until filled
Kingfisher Ecological, Inc. is looking for field biologists to conduct spotted owl and barred owl surveys in the Oregon coast range. Crews are based out of Manzanita, Oregon.
Employment starts immediately through late August 2017.
Qualifications:  **Applicants for surveyor positions must have at least one year of biological survey experience or have or be working toward a 4 year college degree.   **Applicants must have a clean driving record and be able to drive a standard transmission 4WD vehicle   **The job involves a lot of night driving, working alone at night in remote forest areas, and navigating mountainous terrain. Orienteering skills require knowledge of map and compass use. Must have good hearing and vision.   **Applicants must be physically fit and able to hike off road in steep brushy conditions.
Work schedule varies throughout the season and includes working days and nights. Weekend work may be required to meet deadlines. Housing is provided at no cost to employees.
Vehicles will be provided, or employees driving personal vehicles will be reimbursed.  We are looking for several individuals willing to use their own vehicles (must be a dependable real 4WD vehicle, not all-wheel drive subarus and the like).
Pay is $15 - $17/hour depending on experience and responsibilities.
To apply, via e-mail attachment, submit cover letter, resume, 3 current reference names with contact (email and phone numbers) information, and current driving record (MSWord or pdf format) to (EM: 44kingfisherinc AT  Closing date: when positions are filled.

Employer: University of Maine
Location: Orono, Maine
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   05 May 2017  Open until filled
Stipend: ~$19,500 per year plus tuition (up to 19 credits per academic year) and ┬╜ health insurance premium
Description: I seek a graduate student to pursue a MS degree in either Forest Resources or Wildlife Ecology over a 2.5 to 3-year period with the School of Forest Resources or Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology at the University of Maine. The student will evaluate Bicknell’s Thrush habitat selection and use of commercial forestland in Maine. The student will be hired as a Research Assistant with funding provided by the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experimental Station and Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit. This position will begin August 28, 2017 with an expected graduation date of Spring/Summer 2020. The thesis research will involve use of resource selection functions to describe breeding habitat for Bicknell’s Thrush and to relate selected habitat use to commercial forest management history and silvicultural prescriptions. Peer reviewed publications are expected as a product of this research.
Qualifications:  Qualified applicants will possess a BS/BA degree in natural resources, forestry, ecology, biology, or other relevant field, strong interpersonal skills, and a valid driver’s license. Competitive candidates will also have 1) an interest in understanding how forest management and silvicultural prescriptions affect songbird breeding habitat, 2) experience capturing and banding songbirds including attachment of telemetry tags, 3) tree and habitat measurement skills, and 4) spatial analysis skills using GIS. Additionally, I’m seeking someone who has a strong work ethic, outgoing personality, and ability to work independently for extended periods. This project will require the physical ability and mental toughness to work in remote, mountainous terrain and willingness to spend considerable time in dense, young conifer stands at high elevations. Living conditions for field work are likely to be primitive including regular wilderness camping.
Applications:  Email your resume, cover letter summarizing your experience and interests, college transcripts, GRE scores, and contact info for three references to Dr. AMBER ROTH (EM:  amber.roth AT
Bicknell's Thrush MS Assistantship –

BFREE Avian Volunteer Field Assistant:
Employer: Belize Foundation for Research & Environmental Education (BFREE)
Location: Belize, Central America
Country: Belize
Last Date to Apply:   31 May 2017  Open until filled
Join the Belize Foundation for Research & Environmental Education (BFREE)
as an Avian Volunteer Field Assistant this Summer!
Have you ever seen a Scarlet Macaw? A Montezuma’s Oropendola? A Blue Crowned Mot Mot? Join BFREE as an Avian Volunteer Field Assistant and spend your summer birding in various habitats at one of the most acclaimed birding sites in Belize. With over 350 species of migrant and resident birds, the BFREE Biological Field Station and Private Nature Reserve is a great place to see rare tropical species. Situated in the foothills of the Maya Mountains, BFREE is teeming with exotic plants and wildlife where 80 species of migratory birds, and hundreds of resident species can be found.
As a BFREE Avian Volunteer Field Assistant, you will:   **Facilitate the development of hot spots for other resident and migrant birds around the BFREE reserve to describe diversity; including canopy species as observed from a 114 foot observation tower, along the Bladen River, and in comparison habitats of an agroforestry plot versus pristine forest  **Collect data to be submitted into eBirds and entered into an onsite database  **Develop the protocol for eBird data and monitoring program at BFREE  **Monitor a colony of Agami herons and Boat-billed Herons to determine nesting habits and successful hatchings, as well as mating and other social behavior
All volunteers will you will assist with general day to day needs around the field station including the cacao and coffee agroforest work, helping with meal preparation and clean-up, assist with trail maintenance, town runs, and administrative tasks. Duties may change as determined by current needs at the time of your assignment.
Qualifications:   **Have a positive and flexible attitude, a desire to learn and work hard as well as the willingness to adapt to a changing work environment.  **Comfortable living in remote and rustic living conditions in a tropical environment and have a strong ability to get along with others in tight, close-knit, living conditions.  **Commitment to BFREE’s mission and a passion for the environment and conservation  **Proficient and active on eBird  **Selected applicants must complete a physician signed health form of good health
Availability: Availability for Volunteer Field Assistants range from May1 - July 31, 2017. Start dates are flexible however, applicants must apply for a minimum of three weeks and maximum of seven weeks.
Costs: This is a complete volunteer position, Field Assistants will need to pay for their own travel costs to the BFREE Field Station and a project fee of $350 per week (3 week minimum required). This project fee covers food and accommodations while at the BFREE Field Station. A large number of past students have received funding and/or credit from their host institution to participate. Belizean rates available for local students, please contact Tyler Sanville at tsanville AT to inquire.
Apply Now: Please email BFREE Program Coordinator, TYLER SANVILLE (EM: tsnaville AT with a letter of interest as well as a completed application by May 31st to be considered for summer 2017 opportunities. You will be notified once your application has been reviewed. Application can be found here:
Questions: Please visit our website for more information regarding available Volunteer Field Assistant opportunities at BFREE: or email Tyler Sanville, BFREE Program Coordinator (EM: tsanville AT

Employer: Dr. Lei Lv from Sun Yat-sen University
Location: Dongzhai National Reserve, Henan Province, China
Country: China
Last Date to Apply:   19 May 2017
AVIAN FIELD ASSISTANTS are needed to study the breeding strategy of Hair-crested Drongo (Dicrurus hottentottus) in central China. This project is focus on the trade-off for males between providing parental care and pursuing extra-pair matings. The assistants will work with a postdoc from Sun Yat-sen University who got his PhD degrees at University of Groningen and Beijing Normal University. Duties will include nest searching, mist-netting and banding birds, blood sampling, manipulating the condition of parenting birds, behavior observation and record, as well as any other works involved in the field. Previous experience with birds is preferred and basic training such as mist-netting and bird banding will also be provided. Personal study project that under the general project is supported. Volunteers are expected to spend near three months (at least from the middle of May to late July) on the work, have strong interest in avian behavior, physically fit and be willing to work for long and irregular time in the field, and share rooms with others. All expenses in China during work period (i.e. housing, foods, and local travels, etc) will be covered, but there is no salary, and the assistants are responsible for their travel to and from China. Volunteers will have opportunities to learn avian field research skills, see many Chinese endemic bird species (for example Reeves's Pheasant), and experience the Chinese tradition and culture.
To Apply:  Please send a cover letter (highlighting the date you could come and the period you could stay) and a resume (including the names, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of at least 2 references) to Dr. LEI LV (EM: lvlei1004 AT Feel free to contact Lei with any questions you might have.
Number of Openings: 2

Employer: University of Wyoming
Location: Oahu, Hawaii
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   10 May 2017
Technician needed (1 position) to study game bird ecology as part of a seed dispersal study on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. Forest ecosystems of the Hawaiian Islands have increasingly faced threats of species extinction and biological invasion, resulting in novel communities composed of native and nonnative species. Although many native Hawaiian plants rely on birds for seed dispersal, nearly all native frugivorous birds are extinct. In the last century, the Kalij Pheasant (Lophura leucomelanos) and Erckel’s Francolin (Pternistis erckelii) were introduced to the Hawaiian Islands for recreational hunting. We are investigating the ecological impacts of these 2 species on seed dispersal networks.
Technician responsibilities will include line transect surveys, bird capture and banding, GPS telemetry, behavioral observations, vegetation surveys, fecal sample collection, seed identification with microscope, and data entry. Fieldwork will involve long days of strenuous hiking and heavy lifting in temperamental weather conditions.
The technician will mostly work independently but in close contact with the Hawaii VINE Project, a collaborative research effort seeking to determine how well different species of non-native vertebrates disperse native plant species. Technician will be working and living with a crew of 4-5 field techs that is predominantly focused on study of seed dispersal by songbirds. Technician will be solely responsible for game bird fieldwork once the graduate student leaves, and will report to a graduate student that will be off island for most of the field season.
Start date is flexible, but early July is preferred. The duration of this position is 6 months, with the potential to extend. Technician will be provided with housing, a living stipend of $1,000 per month, and access to vehicles.
Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology, zoology, ecology or a related field and at least two years of field experience pertaining to wildlife biology or botany are required. Experience working with game bird species or demonstrated knowledge of Hawaiian forest ecosystems may substitute some requirements. Applicant must be responsible, organized, and comfortable working independently. An enthusiasm for research and fieldwork is essential, as well as patience and a strong work ethic.
Contact: Please email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references as a single PDF document to SAM CASE (EM: Sam.Case.Hawaii AT by May 1st, 2017. A phone number and email address must be included for each reference.

Employer: UC Davis
Location: California
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided
We are seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher with expertise in agro-ecology, community ecology, and/or conservation biology to join Daniel Karp’s lab in the Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology at the University of California, Davis. The appointment will be for one-year with the possibility of extension based on performance.
OVERVIEW The postdoctoral researcher will join a collaborative and interdisciplinary team of faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates focused on exploring strategies to manage birds and bird-mediated ecosystem services on strawberries fields in California agro-ecosystems. The team is based at UC Davis (Prof. Daniel Karp), UC Berkeley (Profs. Kathryn De Master), UC Riverside (Prof. Erin Wilson Rankin), Washington State University (Prof. William Snyder), and the University of British Columbia (Profs. Jiaying Zhao and Kai Chan), and is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture’s BENRE program area. Birds are increasingly viewed as pests and potential foodborne disease vectors in farmlands. Yet birds also benefit growers by consuming pests. The core aims of this project are to: (1) identify pest, disease vector, and beneficial bird species and quantify their net economic impact on strawberry crops, (2) determine how farms could be co- managed to achieve conservation, food safety, and production goals, and (3) explore how farmers’ values and attitudes towards birds influence farming practices. Through our socio-ecological approach and by disseminating findings in workshops and with decision-support tools, this project has great scope for changing practices and reframing grower attitudes towards birds. The project postdoc, with advice and mentorship from Karp and other project personnel, will be responsible for the execution of ecological field research including: bird and insect censuses across 20 farms, nest monitoring, and exclosure experiments. The postdoc will also coordinate a mist-netting program to obtain bird fecal samples, which will be used to build bird diet profiles though DNA meta-barcoding. In the field, the postdoc will oversee undergraduate assistants and work with a project coordinator to recruit and maintain relationships with growers. Two 3-month field seasons in the California Central Coast are anticipated. The postdoc will be additionally responsible for (1) helping coordinate monthly project meetings, (2) data management, (3) statistical analysis and modeling of ecological field data, (4) preparation and submission of academic manuscripts, and (5) development and dissemination of outreach materials.
QUALIFICATIONS:  **A Ph.D. in Ecology or a closely related field.  **Strong interpersonal and communication skills and an ability to work both independently and collaboratively with researchers, growers, and practitioners from different backgrounds.  **Experience designing, planning, and executing ecological field research.  **Demonstrated ability to follow through on project deliverables and communicate findings in high quality peer-reviewed journals.  **Strong statistical skills and demonstrated proficiency with R or another statistical program.  **Strong attention to detail, evidenced by prior research.
The following qualification are preferred but not required:  **Prior experience working in agro-ecosystems and/or interfacing with growers.  **Prior experience managing large-scale field projects and mentoring students.  **Experience in bird identification and ornithological field methods such as mist-netting, point-count censuses, and/or nest searching.  **Demonstrated ability and/or desire to integrate results across interdisciplinary teams.
TO APPLY: Please apply by preparing: (1) your CV inclusive of publications, awards, and field experience, (2) a cover letter discussing your qualifications, research interests, and motivations for this position, (3) a 1-2 paragraph summary about your commitment to and/or experience with furthering diversity in the sciences, (4) a 1-2 paragraph statement regarding your interest in and/or experience with engaging growers and interdisciplinary research teams, and (5) contact information for 3 references. Send all materials to (EM: dkarp AT with the subject line: ‘Post-doc USDA BENRE application.’ For more information about research in DANIEL KARP’S lab, visit:

Employer: City University of New York (CUNY)
Location: Baltimore, MD
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
The Baltimore Ecosystem Study and City University of New York (CUNY) are
seeking an avian point count technician with strong Maryland bird identification skills to work with a team of field researchers to conduct bird surveys in private yards, parks and natural areas in and around the Baltimore metropolitan area. The technician will also be responsible for sampling for insect diversity, but does not need to have insect identification skills. Applicants should be organized and detail-oriented, and prepared to work as part of a team, spending long days conducting field work. Experience identifying birds is essential and conducting point sampling is desired. The position is envisioned as 15-35 hours a week for approximately 8 weeks beginning June 1st2017. The study is part of an NSF funded Macrosystems Biology project investigating ecological futures of urban America across seven metropolitan regions. Please visit for additional information on the project.
Qualifications: Strong applicants will have lots of enthusiasm, experience conducting point counts, working cohesively as a crew member, and strong work ethic. Lots of driving in a metro area environment required. Technicians will provide their own binoculars and use of personal vehicle. Salary will be based on education level and prior experience ($15-$18 per hour).
Interested applicants should send a cover letter summarizing relevant experience and interest in the position, a current CV/resume, and a list of 3 references to LAURA TEMPLETON (EM: laura.templeton.k AT

Employer: Cornell University
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Country: Australia
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
Description:  VOLUNTEER FIELD ASSISTANTS NEEDED (6) –  Behavioral ecology of Variegated & Red-backed fairy-wrens
Duration: 5 months
Job Type: Volunteer
Number of Openings: 6
Description: Volunteer field assistants are needed from ~ Aug. 10, 2017 – Jan. 9, 2018 (dates somewhat flexible) for a study of the social and breeding behavior of Variegated and Red-backed fairy-wrens in Queensland, Australia. One field variegated field assistant will be needed to start work on ~ Aug. 5, 2017. Research will focus on continuing a long-term monitoring project and conducting behavioral studies conducted by graduate students from Cornell University (additional information at<> and<>). Research is conducted in collaboration with Dr. William Feeney, a research fellow at the University of Queensland (AUS)/University of California, Berkeley (USA) and his cuckoo research group (for additional information on Dr. Feeney’s work, see
Variegated fairy-wrens (3 assistants needed): study focuses on understanding social conflict and cooperation and the role of behavioral and plumage traits, particularly in females. Field assistants will assist with continued monitoring of reproductive behavior, social affiliations, and experiments aimed at understanding aggressive and cooperative behavior, and how they relate to an individual’s phenotype.
Red-backed fairy-wrens (3 assistants needed):  study focuses on the role that social environment plays in determining whether young males to molt into nuptial breeding plumage and their subsequent reproductive success. Field assistants will assist with continued monitoring of reproductive behavior, social affiliations, and experiments including simulated territorial intrusions and how they relate to male phenotype.
Overall duties for all assistants will include nest searching and monitoring, assisting with target netting, collection of blood samples, behavioral observations, territory mapping, and data entry. Previous experience with nest searching is highly desired. Mist netting, banding, and bleeding experience is also preferred, but not required. The study site is rugged, hot, and venomous snakes and ticks are quite common. Therefore, applicants must be able to hike rough areas off-trail, withstand harsh conditions at the site, and maintain a positive and energetic attitude despite long hours in hot and humid conditions. Work schedules and duties will vary, so flexibility is a must.
Accommodation is shared between two research groups and there will be opportunities to assist with both projects, if desired (the latter being a broad field-based study of brood parasite-host interactions, especially host defenses against brood parasitism). There will also be opportunities to become more involved in the research, if desired.
Assistants will enjoy fantastic wildlife viewing opportunities (Wallabies, platypus, koalas, kookaburra, etc.), proximity to Queensland rainforest and the surrounding area of Brisbane. Food and housing will be provided, however, assistants will need to provide their own airfare to and from Australia. Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.
Qualifications: Previous experience with nest searching is highly desired. Mist netting, banding, and bleeding experience is also preferred, but not required. Applicants must be self-motivated and be able to maintain a positive attitude despite challenging field conditions. To apply, please send a cover letter detailing interests and previous experience as well as dates of availability, CV, and a list of 3 references to the Cornell Fairy-wren Research Team (EM: cornellfairywrens AT Please feel free to enquire with any questions pertinent to the application process or about the project in general. If you have a preference for one position over the other (Variegated or Red-backed Fairy-wrens) please include that in your application.

Employer: Biodiversity Research Institute
Location: New England
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
Labor Category:
Full time, temporary/seasonal
Summary:  Field technician needed for studies of breeding birds in Maine, Massachusetts, and other locations in New England as needed, from at least mid-May to mid-July. Ability to work independently and identify eastern birds by sight/sound required. Position will be based in Portland, Maine, with housing provided. For travel to other locations, per diem and housing will be provided.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Duties are expected to consist of standardized point count surveys and/or transect surveys using standardized protocols. Driving between sites and data entry will be required. Activities may include: ┬╖ Conduct standardized point count surveys in Maine, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. Ability to identify eastern birds by sight/sound. Must be able to work independently in remote areas. Duties will include travel to survey locations, conducting independent point counts, recording and data entry, reporting, and logistics. ┬╖ Conduct Bicknell’s Thrush surveys in western Maine. Ability to identify BITH by ear, hike to survey areas in potentially rugged terrain, navigate off-trail via GPS. May involve overnight camping in some locations. Must be able to work independently in remote areas. Duties will include travel to survey locations, conducting independent surveys, recording and data entry, reporting, and logistics. May also include backcountry camping and off-trail navigation to points via GPS. ┬╖ Conduct data entry and data management activities and assist with end of season reporting. ┬╖ All other duties as directed or assigned. Motivated candidates may have the opportunity for involvement with a variety of other field and analytical efforts at BRI (migration and breeding season banding stations, at-sea surveys, avian tissue sampling for contaminants analysis, bat and raptor studies, shorebird surveys, nanotag retrieval, outreach and education activities, data analysis, manuscript development, etc.).
Dates of employment: May 15- July 15 (start and end dates flexible). Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Qualifications: Applicants should be highly proficient at identifying eastern birds by sight and sound. Must be able to work independently or in a small group, be able to carry 50 lbs. and walk for several miles per day in potentially rugged terrain, and have a valid driver’s license. A strong work ethic, professionalism, and sense of humor are a must. Desired qualifications include prior experience conducting point count surveys, vessel-based seabird surveys, songbird banding during migration and breeding seasons, camping, long distance hiking, and navigating in the backcountry.
Work Environment: BRI is a nonprofit based in Portland, Maine whose mission is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers. More information is available at BRI’s website:<>. Biodiversity Research Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.
Compensation: $480-$600/week DOE, plus per diem (which could be >$1000 over course of the season) and housing.
Contact: Please send a cover letter, resume, and 2-3 references (all in one document) to (EM:  jobs AT using the subject line: Point Count Technician.

Employer: Biodiversity Research Institute
Location: Maine
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided  Open until filled
Labor Category: Full time, temporary/seasonal
Summary: Field technician needed for work at migration and breeding bird monitoring stations in Maine from at least mid-May to early August, with possibility of extension through October. Substantial experience with songbird banding required. Ability to identify eastern birds by sight/sound also desirable. Position will be based in Portland, Maine, with housing provided. For travel to other locations, per diem and housing will be provided.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Duties are expected to consist of migration and breeding season songbird banding using standardized protocols. Driving between sites and data entry will be required. Activities may include: ┬╖ Full-time operation of a migration banding station near Portland, Maine (through early June) and summer MAPS banding stations at locations throughout Maine (June-August). Possibility of extension through fall banding season at Portland-area banding station for qualified candidates. Duties will include extracting birds from mist nets, banding, identifying to species, ageing, and sexing birds, data collection, data entry and management, reporting, working with interns and permanent staff, and banding station logistics. ┬╖ Conduct data entry and data management activities and assist with end of season reporting. ┬╖ All other duties as directed or assigned. Motivated candidates may have the opportunity for involvement with a variety of other field and analytical efforts at BRI (point count and transect surveys, vessel-based seabird surveys, avian tissue sampling for contaminants analysis, bat and raptor studies, shorebird surveys, nanotag retrieval, outreach and education activities, data analysis, manuscript development, etc.).
Dates of employment: May 15- Aug 4 (start and end dates flexible; possibility of extension through October). Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Qualifications: Applicants should be highly proficient at songbird banding during migration and breeding seasons, including species identification, aging, sexing, mist net extraction, banding, and safe handling of songbirds of the eastern United States. Desired qualifications also include identifying eastern birds by sight and sound. Must be able to work independently or in a small group, be able to carry 50 lbs. and walk for several miles per day in somewhat rugged terrain, and have a valid driver’s license. A strong work ethic, professionalism, and sense of humor are a must.
Work Environment: BRI is a nonprofit based in Portland, Maine whose mission is to assess emerging threats to wildlife and ecosystems through collaborative research, and to use scientific findings to advance environmental awareness and inform decision makers. More information is available at BRI’s website: Biodiversity Research Institute is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.
Compensation: $455/week, plus housing. Per diem will also be paid for overnight travel away from the Portland area.
Contact: Please send a cover letter, resume, and 2-3 references (all in one document) to (EM: jobs AT using the subject line: Bird Banding Technician.

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