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FWGRADJOBS  April 2017, Week 2

FWGRADJOBS April 2017, Week 2


FW: Birdjobs -- April 13, 2017


"Schneider, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>


Schneider, Jim


Fri, 14 Apr 2017 13:14:32 +0000





text/plain (1 lines)

From: <[log in to unmask]> on behalf of Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 7:37 PM
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Birdjobs -- April 13, 2017
Resent-From: Jim Schneider <[log in to unmask]>
Resent-Date: Thursday, April 13, 2017 at 7:38 PM

There have been major changes at OSNA. For now, as a consequence, to POST or FIND ornithological jobs online, please go to the Ornithology Exchange,

The Birdjobs-L e-list will continue to be an option for receiving notices about ornithological jobs. Subscribers to this list will receive the same announcements that appear on Ornithology Exchange in a weekly/biweekly list. To subscribe, send the following message to:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> , in the body of the message type: join Birdjobs-L "your name". The subject line should be bl ank. Please use the "plain text only" e-mail format option, include your own name in the message, and put quotation marks around your name.  If you need help, contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

To prevent the harvesting of email addresses in this list, all email addresses have had the '@' sign replaced with ' AT '. To reduce the possibility of typing in the wrong address when responding, please cut and paste the whole address and then replace the ' AT ' with [log in to unmask]

Employer: Conservian
Location: Bahamas
Country: Bahamas
Last Date to Apply: 20 Apr 2017 Open until filled
Description: Conservian Bahamas April/May 2017 Live-aboard Schooner Expedition: Shorebird Habitat Conservation
Conservian is seeking a few enthusiastic volunteer field assistants for our Bahamas shorebird habitat conservation project in April & May 2017 aboard our 75ft research schooner. Field assistants will assist project director with daily project activities. The focus of the work is surveying for beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, and working with local volunteers to implement protective measures in the field. Focal species include Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Assistants will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment, and human-created disturbance. Assistants will complete various data forms, perform data entry, and help director supervise field crew and local volunteers. Assistants will also assist director with daily planning/prep duties onboard the research schooner. This is an excellent opportunity to gain field experience and shorebird ID skills.
Trip cost for one week is $1,250 and includes your bunk, onboard meals, water, and ground transportation associated with project. Participants will fly to the Bahamas to designated airports for shuttle transport to schooner. A valid passport is required. Airfare and insurance are not included. NOTE: Scholarships are available for qualifying applicants to cover part of above live-aboard costs.
Project Summary: Conservian and partners will continue on-the-ground protective and restorative measures to limit human-caused disturbance, and control invasive Australian pine at key Piping Plover, shorebird, and seabird sites in the Bahamas. Field volunteers will participate in collecting new data on shorebirds and seabirds of the Bahamas. Selected sites include globally and locally Important Bird Areas and national parks of the Bahamas, such as Lucaya National Park IBA, Peterson Cay National Park IBA, Joulter Cays National Park IBA, and the Berry Islands, as well as additional key shorebird sites on Grand Bahama Island and Great Abaco.
Project partners include: BirdsCaribbean, Bahamas National Trust, International Conservation Fund of Canada, USFWS/NMBCA, LightHawk, Dow AgroSciences, Grand Bahama Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Grand Bahama Port Authority, Bahamas Public Parks & Beaches Authority, Bahamas Environment, Science & Technology Commission, Rand Nature Center, Abaco Friends of the Environment, Treasure Cay Community Center, Royal Bahamas Police Force/Marine Support.
Volunteer Field Assistants will work closely with project director to accomplish the below activities.  Project Activities: · Protect, post & sign shorebird & seabird sites  ·  Collect new data on nesting shorebirds & habitat  ·  Observe/assist with bird banding (conditions permitting)  ·  Control invasive Australian pine on beach habitats  ·  Work with local volunteers to accomplish the above goals
Our days will be filled with much adventure. We will work in both populated and remote areas, sail blue Caribbean waters, visit white sandy beaches, boat to little islands, conduct ground surveys for beach-nesting birds, nests, and downy chicks, and meet new people. We will work with local volunteers to post and sign shorebird sites and control invasive Australian pine. Crews will assist with shipboard duties; sailing, cooking and cleaning. There will be time to fish, snorkel, and visit local island towns.
Qualifications: Applicants must be responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, enjoy working in teams and capable of walking several miles during warm weather in the Caribbean. Applicants must be comfortable living communally onboard a schooner and riding in small boats to access survey sites. Prior field experience and/or leadership skills are required for trip scholarship consideration.
April/May expedition schedule and locations:  Assist for one week or more: Week 1: Grand Bahama Island- April 23-30 (Freeport GBI Int. Airport); Week 2: Great Abaco, west- Apr/May 30-7 (Freeport/Marsh Harbour Airport); Week 3: Great Abaco, east- May 7-14 (Marsh Harbour Airport); Week 4: Berry Islands & Joulter Cays-May 14-21 (Marsh Harbour/Nassau Int.Airport)
If you would like to join our conservation crew for a week or more as a Volunteer Field Assistant: Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 2 references to Margo Zdravkovic: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applicants is ongoing and will continue until positions are filled.
See link to article on 2016 project from our supporters at LightHawk  Follow link for story of our successful 2016 expedition Go to our website for more information about our 2017 expedition. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s coastal bird conservation work.

Employer: Conservian
Location: Alabama
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   15 May 2017   Open until filled
CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Shorebird Intern Volunteer for monitoring of beach-nesting birds on the Alabama and Mississippi coast.  Work begins in April/May(start dates negotiable) and continues through July 30th.  Shared housing is provided
. The focus of the work is monitoring and protecting beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, including Snowy and Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Intern will work cooperatively with Conservian field staff as part of a team.  Intern will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment, erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas, and be required to keep organized field notes, complete various data forms and perform regular data entry using Excel.
Requirements:  Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, and adventurous, in good physical condition, like traveling, working in teams, and comfortable riding in small boats to access some survey sites. This position often requires working long hours, 6 days a week including weekends. Applicant must enjoy walking many miles at remote locations, in hot temperatures on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior shorebird experience preferred, but not required. All training is provided.
This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird monitoring experience.
Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver’s license and own reliable vehicle required for travel between work sites. Cost of gasoline will be reimbursed for travel between field work sites. Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).
Please label all attachments with your name.  The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s work on the Gulf Coast.

Employer: University of Delaware
Location: Newark, DE
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   05 May 2017
The Aeroecology Program ( at the University of Delaware has a two-year M.S. graduate research assistant position (pending funding) in Wildlife Ecology to begin September (fall) 2017. The student will help conduct a study in collaboration with University of Southern Mississippi and USGS to improve understanding of migratory land bird habitat use along the northern Gulf of Mexico (GOM) coast and inform stopover habitat objectives for land managers and conservation planners. The project will involve collecting data on stopover ecology of forest migrants at six banding stations in Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas in spring and fall and also mapping bird stopover densities across the GOM using 10 weather surveillance radars. The student will help coordinate the field work and setting up field sites for each season. The student will also work as a bander for 2 seasons at a site, and share in the banding and radar data analysis using established methods. Here is your chance to see the spectacle of bird migration along the GOM firsthand and be trained as a radar aeroecologist!
Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree in wildlife ecology, biology or a related field. Must have bird-banding experience. Experience with GIS, R statistical software, radar, and land bird biology is preferred. Strong quantitative skills and a strong work ethic are essential. Salary is ~$24,000/year plus tuition waiver and reduced-cost health care benefits. Please email application materials (cover letter, resume, copies of transcripts, GRE scores, and contact information for 3 references) to Dr. JEFFREY BULER (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).Formal applications are due May 5th, but please contact Dr. Buler as soon as possible.

Employer: Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center
Location: Key Largo Florida
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   05 May 2017
Organization:  Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center
Location: Mission Wild Bird & Laura Quinn Wild Bird Sanctuary,
Tavernier, Florida, United States
Exempt or Non-exempt: Non-exempt
The mission of the Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center is to rescue, rehabilitate, and release native and migratory wild birds that have been harmed or displaced, to provide or locate a humane shelter for those birds that cannot be released, and to educate the public toward the importance of coexistence with all wild bird species.
Job Title:  Education Coordinator
Reports to:  Executive Director but works with and/or coordinates with the Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager
Supervises:   Volunteers
Job Summary:  The Education Coordinator is responsible for and oversees all education and outreach/community efforts made by the Florida Keys Wild Bird Center. Education efforts include field trips, in-classroom visits, afterschool programs, camps, and all other public educational events. Outreach/community efforts include building/maintenance of all FKWBC social media platforms, festivals, tabling events, expos, and other non-profit related events. This position also includes the training and maintenance of the education ambassador bird program. This is a full-time position (40 hours per week).
Essential Duties:  ┬á **Develop and implement the educational program for visiting school groups, local clubs, and the general public. **Update all educational program curricula as needed when needed. **Plan and direct on-site and off-site programs for the general public, schools, and other groups. **Evaluate the effectiveness of educational efforts. **Assist volunteers with FKWBC educational programs and maintain a supply of educational collateral for these programs. **Develop programs and workshops to integrate environmental/wildlife concepts into established school curricula. **Oversee the maintenance of the educational exhibits at Mission Wild Bird. This included repairing and updating existing exhibits as well as implementing new exhibits in the changeable exhibits area two to five times per year. **Write monthly board reports to be submitted to the Executive Director about the educational progress. **Participate in the planning, setup, and implementation of special events such as fundraisers, special outreach events, and others as needed. **Manage and evaluate effectiveness of content of website and other social media platforms by working with the Executive Director and the Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager. **Work with the Development Coordinator to research, compose, and submit potential educational fundraising efforts such as grant applications, FWC programs, and public outreach of funds. **Work with the Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager to oversee the educational sanctuary and ambassador birds. Help in cage/ perch design, advancements in educational tools used at sanctuary, and spend time talking to guests. **Weekly checks of the educational sanctuary permanent residents and enclosures. Alert rehabilitator of bird issues and maintenance foreman of structural issues. Help interns with education bird enrichment. **Participate in the development of FKWBC’s FOOTPRINTS by providing pictures and articles in addition to assisting with the editing and producing of each FOOTPRINTS publication. **Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Director.
Non-Essential Duties:  **Attend and participate in meetings, events, training workshops, and public outreach. **Respond to the public’s curiosity of the organization, i.e. the mission, sanctuary information, patient status, bird advice, etc. **Network with Education Coordinators and Program Directors of other environmental education organizations to form collaborative efforts. **Assist with the management, training and scheduling of volunteers for the educational programs and community outreach. **Assist the hospital and sanctuary team in the rare case that they become overwhelmed or in emergency situation.
Job Specifications:  Ability to pick up and carry 50 pounds, possibly into and out of vehicles. **Ability to work both indoors and outdoors despite poor weather conditions. **Ability to respect FKWBC’s properties as smoke free zones. **Ability adapt to a changing work schedule to accommodate events that occur on weekends and holidays.
Qualifications:   **Bachelor’s Degree in biological sciences, education, or a similar field.
 **At least two years of experience in environmental education that include bird focused programs. **At least one year of experience training and working with live animals during educational programs. **Ability to glove-train non-releasable raptors to be used for education purposes. **Extensive and growing knowledge of ecological principles, and ability to quickly master South Florida ecology. **Ability to teach at all age levels including pre-school, elementary, middle, secondary, post-secondary, and seniors. **Ability to learn and understand basic medical terminology, avian physiology and anatomy. **Demonstrated experience managing volunteers, interns, or students. **Extensive knowledge of social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and others. **Thrives in a fast-paced and team-oriented environment. **Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. **Basic computer, telephone, data collection and data filing skills. **Possess great time management skills with the ability to plan, organize, and multitask. **Self-motivated, confident and disciplined with excellent work ethic. **Valid driver’s license and clean driving record.
The job description is subject to change at any time.
The Florida Keys Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center is an equal opportunity employer.
Send Resume's to (EM:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Employer: Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Princeton, Oregon
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   15 May 2017
Job Announcement: Executive Director
Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (FOMR) was formed in 1999 and is an independent, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation committed to: **Conserving, enhancing, and restoring fish and wildlife habitat and cultural history in the Harney Basin in southeast Oregon through the support of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge staff and programs. **Assisting the Refuge in providing wildlife-dependent educational and recreational opportunities while enhancing public knowledge and appreciation of the Refuge mission. **Advocating for support of the Refuge and the National Wildlife Refuge System.
LOCATION, STATUS, REQUIREMENTS: Job Location: Harney County, Oregon –Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters.  Status: Salaried (exempt), full-time, regular. Requirements: The successful candidate will demonstrate competency in the following areas: **Competency in managing a non-profit organization **Fundraising and development **Building effective relationships and partnerships **Skills in interpretation and natural resource education **Development of interpretive materials **Recruiting and supervising volunteers **Communicating effectively in both written and oral formats
POSITION DESCRIPTION: Reporting: The Executive Director reports to the President of the Board of Directors.
Responsibilities: The Executive Director is responsible for the daily management of the organization, including fundraising, membership development, budgeting, program planning and implementation, volunteer recruitment and supervision, program oversight, office management, nature store management, and complying with the legal responsibilities of non-profits. The Executive Director is also responsible for working in close partnership with the Board of Directors to manage the financial health and overall direction of the organization and coordinating closely with refuge staff.
I. Organizational Administration: The Executive Director will work with the Board of Directors to meet all legal, financial, and ethical obligations of the non-profit organization and all requirements pertaining to and interacting with operations on a National Wildlife Refuge.
II. Fiscal and Staff Administration: The Executive Director directs all fund raising activities, including grant writing, major donor solicitation, and special events. The Executive Director works with the Board to develop the annual budget, oversees income and expenditures, monitors budget, and compiles internal and external fiscal reports that comply with accepted standards for nonprofits. The Executive Director is responsible for all fiscal, grant and board documentation and reporting requirements, including public education through annual organizational reports and other communication tools. The Executive Director is responsible for all administrative duties including supervision of volunteers and special project contractors.
III. Development: The Executive Director is responsible for securing the funds necessary to achieve the objectives of the organization’s Annual Work Plan and long-term Strategic Plan. Specific responsibilities include:  Articulates the organization’s overall mission, as well as specific project needs, to existing and prospective donors; communicates with FOMR’s individual, corporate, and foundation donors on a regular basis. **Maintains the organization’s member and donor database; ensures that all records are up-to-date. **Prepares and executes (1) annual renewal, and (2) end-of-year, fund raising appeals for the organization – plus any other (direct mail) fund raising appeals that may be required. **Prepares and executes regular “e-News” updates for the organization, as well as quarterly FOMR newsletters. **Works with the Board?s Dinner & Events Committee to plan and execute the organization?s Annual Dinner & Auction, as well as any special events. **Oversees the development of a planned giving and major gift strategy for the organization. **Cultivates strong relationships with existing and potential donors. **Identifies and secures potential sources of revenue and fund raising.
IV. Board Communication and Development: The Executive Director works with the Board to facilitate internal communication networking which supports the fiscal and program goals of the organization, including a quarterly emailed staff report to the Board and quarterly financial reports.
V. Program Administration: The Executive Director works with the Board and refuge staff to develop an annual work plan for Board approval, and implement annual program priorities. The Executive Director will evaluate program success and report at least quarterly to the Board.
VI. Public Relations: The Executive Director represents FOMR and Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to the public. This includes making presentations to refuge visitors, leading tours, giving talks at regional meetings of wildlife organizations (e.g., Audubon chapters), working closely with the media, and overseeing the website and publications.
Desired qualities: **Belief in the mission of FOMR, the National Wildlife Refuge System and evidence of a commitment to the conservation and protection of public land resources. **Bachelor’s Degree is required; Graduate Degree preferred. **Proven success as a fund raiser and administrator **Educational and/or professional background in natural resources, preferably wildlife oriented **Experience in 501©3 nonprofit management, program development, and public relations **Experience in grant writing **Passion for wildlife conservation **Excellent written, verbal, and interpersonal skills **Self-directed, thoughtful, and innovative thinker **Experienced at building partnership and leveraging resources
Duties:  **Manages day-to-day operations and business of non-profit management, including fund-raising and development. Provides general office/administrative support related to public use programs. **Oversees Nature Store operations including supervising opening and closing, stocking publications, cleaning/maintaining exhibits, keeping visitation records, managing bulletin boards, information desk and general outreach, performing basic building maintenance and/or informing Visitor Services Manager of maintenance needs. **Manages the FOMR volunteer program, Nature Store volunteers, and other volunteer crews working on projects. Includes, recruiting, training, scheduling, managing day-to-day volunteer activities, tracking volunteer data and hours contributed, and nurturing the program. **Maintains databases to record volunteer hours, program attendance, and other key public use data. **Assists Refuge Visitor Program Manager and Friends with planning and implementation of special events as assigned, including with public outreach and education activities with a focus on the Refuge’s aquatic health program and interpretive plan..Includes assisting with teacher workshops, accompanying/leading field trips, and providing feedback for program evaluation.
Work Environment & Compensation: The Executive Director position is currently the only staff position for the organization, and is based at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters, 32 miles SSE of Burns, Oregon.. The successful applicant will be expected to travel (at his/her own expense) to local meetings. Some weekend and/or evening hours will be required. Compensation will be commensurate with skills and experience.
To Apply: Friends of Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is an equal opportunity employer. Interested applicants are encouraged to review the organization’s website at for background on our organization. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, salary requirements, and references via e-mail with the subject line “Executive Director” to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) not later than 5/15/2017.
We require pre-employment background checks.
No phone calls, please.

Employer: North Dakota State University
Location: Central Grasslands Research Extension Center--Streeter, ND
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   25 Apr 2017   Open until filled
Description: We are hiring1 technician to aid in data collection for a PhD project associated with North Dakota State University. The main objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of the effects of fire and grazing on mixed-grass prairie bird nest survival. Research will be conducted at the Central Grassland Research Extension Center near Streeter, ND. Preference will be given to applicants that are familiar with mixed-grass prairie birds and vegetation. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to gain experience nest searching, doing line transect sampling for birds and butterflies, and mixed-grass vegetation identification. Typical challenges associated with working in grasslands do apply. Expect to deal with wide ranging climatic conditions, bugs, intense sun, and long days in the field. Applicants must work well in a team and will be expected to live in close quarters with other researchers. Housing will be provided.
Preferred qualifications:  -Previous bird survey work  -Experience with mixed-grass prairie vegetation identification  -Ability to work independently and take direction  -Valid driver’s license  -Ability to work long hours in variable weather conditions  -Ability to walk long distances.
To APPLY: Submit a cover letter, CV, and three professional references to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer: Life Net Nature
Location: Ecuador - Reserva las Tangaras
Country: Ecuador
Last Date to Apply:   None provided   Open until filled
Dr. Dusti Becker of Life Net Nature seeks two more capable volunteers to help with bird banding in a protected area in the Andes of western Ecuador, July 16-29, 2017. These are cost-share volunteer positions that provide substantial training. Reserva Las Tangaras boasts more than 25 species of hummingbird, one of the largest regional cock-of-the-rock display leks, and over 300 bird species including many Choco and Andean endemics.
Our goal is to advance scientific understanding of cloud forest avian communities, including species responses to deforestation, grazing, and climate change over time. Life Net banding assistants help with mist-netting of birds at several banding stations and do bird surveys in and around the Las Tangaras Reserve, Mindo, Ecuador. Volunteers help set up and monitor mist nets, extract birds from nets, carry birds from nets to a banding station, and record basic ecological data. Training in extraction, bird handling, making standard measurements and banding birds is part of the project. Extraction and banding is not required of those who do not feel comfortable with those tasks.
Accommodation is in the loft of a large research cabin (hot showers, indoor flush toilet). Meals are home-style Ecuadorian prepared by excellent local cooks.Volunteers will have some afternoons and possibly a full day \"off\" to explore and/or bird the Mindo area. We will bird high elevation Bellavista Reserve at the end of the monitoring project, on the final day.
The cost-share donation of $1650 covers transportation in Ecuador, meals, lodging during the conservation research program, reserve fees, salaries for Ecuadorian cooks and para-biologists, and entrance and lunch at Bellavista Reserve on the final day of the project. Airfare to and from Ecuador and expenses in Quito are not included. The partially tax-deductible donation contributes to annual expenses to protect and manage the Las Tangaras Reserve and to provide educational programs about cloud forest wildlife for guests and local people.
The conservation expedition begins and ends in Quito, Ecuador. Contact Dr. DUSTI BECKER (EM:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) for further details. Experience with mist-netting is desirable, but not required. Students, recent graduates and others looking for hands-on training and resume building experience will benefit greatly from this project. Visit the for more details about Life Net Nature and Reserva Las Tangaras.
To apply send a brief cover e-mail detailing your experience, and interest in participating on the team to Dr. Dusti Becker, [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. (Resume is optional, and helpful). Dr. Becker will send you more information and an official application form.

Employer: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Eastern Shore of Virginia NWR
Location: Cape Charles, Virginia
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   None provided   Open until filled
WILDLIFE BIOLOGY INTERN needed from mid-April through August 2017 to assist in conducting wildlife surveys on Eastern Shore of Virginia and Fisherman Island National Wildlife Refuges located at the southern tip of the Delmarva Peninsula.
DUTIES: include assisting refuge biologist with beach-nesting bird monitoring, invasive species monitoring, diamondback terrapin surveys, predator surveys and data entry. Some work with technical equipment (i.e., GPS, remote cameras) may be needed. Candidate selected should be reliable and willing to endure heat, humidity, various biting insects and flexible schedules including weekends and holidays. Work may be conducted in thick shrub-scrub vegetation. Area is relatively rural with most services located approximately 10 miles away. Housing is provided; however, this is an UNPAID internship position. This is an excellent opportunity to obtain field experience. Position located in area ideal for excellent birding, kayaking and fishing. A driver’s license is required.
QUALIFICATIONS: Coursework toward a degree in wildlife management, natural resources, or related field, or recent graduate (within one year); Strong work ethic, organizational skills, and attention to detail; Ability to work independently and as part of a team; Effective oral and written communication skills. An interest in avian ecology is preferred.
TO APPLY: Please e-mail the following materials to PAMELA DENMON (EM: pamela_denmon AT 1) cover letter, 2) resume, and 3) list of three references (names, email addresses, and phone numbers). Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

Employer: Western EcoSystems Technology,Inc
Location: Imperial County, California
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply:   06 May 2017   Open until filled
Western EcoSystems Technology, Inc. (WEST), a dynamic medium size consulting firm with offices in 12 states.  WEST has a permanent core of professionals with broad experience in basic and applied ecological studies and the sophisticated analysis of natural resource data.  This unique blend of disciplines and our years of experience in both areas allow us to provide original solutions to a wide range of natural resources issues from inventory to permitting to risk assessment to basic research.  WEST provides consulting services to government, industry and other organizations.
WEST, Inc. has an opening for a fulltime, limited tenure Biologist (full-time, non-exempt temporary position)
Description:  The primary duty is to conduct golden eagle monitoring surveys at a wind energy facility (Ocotillo Express Wind Energy Facility) in Imperial County, California. Candidates with previous eagle monitoring experience and/or experience in avian survey efforts in the Desert Southwest are preferred. Candidates must be in good physical condition as surveys l may require walking over uneven terrain in hot desert conditions and walking up five flights of stairs on a daily basis. This is a full-time (40hrs/week); 4-month position. The anticipated work schedule will include some weekends and holidays. Temporary housing will be provided during the term of this appointment. Transportation to and from the job site is the responsibility of the employee. Health insurance will be provided.
Fieldwork will include following standardized survey protocols for a golden eagle monitoring program conducted from a biological monitoring tower. This will require long days and may include field work in hot conditions (100+ degrees) with hazards typical of this desert environment (sharp vegetation, rattlesnakes, hiking in rugged terrain, dust extreme heat, and sun). The ability to climb 5 flights of stairs several times each day is required. The technician will primarily work independently but must be able to communicate and coordinate effectively with site management and WEST supervisors. Technicians will be required to follow all safety protocols for WEST and clients
Compensation:  $16-20/ hr DOE
Start date:  ASAP
Duration:  August 20, 2017
Requirements:  The successful candidate must be a self-starter who possesses:  **Strong academic background and performance. Degree in biology or related field is preferred **Significant birding skills, including experience conducting golden eagle (or other raptor species) surveys and behavioral observations and the ability to take detailed field notes. They must have the ability to identify raptors present in the western US and southern California desert, by sight, sometimes at great distances **Good observation skills with good vision and hearing **Have excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to work independently and interact positively with project managers, clients, agency personnel, and other technicians as this position entails acting as liaison and communicating among various entities including scientists from environmental consulting firms and state and federal agencies **Appear for work on time **Be technically proficient with computer systems including accurate data entry. **Have skilled use of MS office including spreadsheet experience, topographic maps, compass, GPS units, 4x4 vehicle, and other field **The ability to climb five flights of stairs in the biological monitoring tower on a daily basis and walk through rugged terrain **An overall dedication to excellence and a sense of pride in their work **Good organizational skills, attention to detail and flexibility
Join WEST and you will discover a company comprised of dedicated employees, with a tradition of professional integrity dedicated to a family atmosphere and a diverse workforce.
Key Benefits:  **Competitive salary **Comprehensive Medical (working 30 or more hours a week) **Sep IRA (100% employer contributions) **Scheduling Flexibility
Successful candidates must be able to pass a background check; a pre-employment drug screen; and a DMV records check that meets WEST’s minimum criteria to operate a motor vehicle on behalf of the company. A valid driver’s license will be required. Candidates must adhere to all health and safety requirements. This is a general description of the functions for this position and is not inclusive of the duties which may be associated with this position.
WEST provides equal employment opportunities to all individuals regardless of their race, color, creed, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, veteran status or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. Further, WEST takes affirmative action to ensure that all individuals are treated fairly, and without discrimination, for recruitment, selection, advancement and every other term and privilege associated with employment.
To Apply: visit the WEST, Inc. Careers Page,  and select the job in which you are applying for). The application system allows for only one attachment (.doc or .pdf file) so combine the following prior to uploading: **Cover letter convincing the hiring manager why they should interview you **Resume which includes education, current and prior employment (with dates, address and phone number for each employer) **Three professional references (preferably those that have supervised you in the past) with phone numbers and email addresses  *Please note email applications will not be accepted*

Employer:  HawkWatch International
Location:  multiple: AZ,NM,NV,OR,TX,WA,WY
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     None provided   Open until filled
Description: Seeking enthusiastic team players to staff HawkWatch International’s (HWI) network of HawkWatches in Washington, Oregon, Nevada, Wyoming, New Mexico, Texas, and Arizona. Crewmember duties will include a combination of standardized daily counts of migrating diurnal raptors, delivering outreach and education to site visitors (both scheduled and impromptu), and assisting with capture and banding of migrating raptors at HWI sites where banding operations occur (WA, OR, NV, WY, and NM). Individuals will be compensated a per diem that will range between $38 to $45 depending on experience and site location and a $150 travel stipend to offset travel costs to the site. Per diem disbursed bi-weekly via direct deposit. Fall migration seasons run from mid-August through mid-November, specific dates are site-dependent.
Applicants must have: good eyesight; be able to endure long hours in the field in highly variable weather; and have demonstrated birding and/or raptor-in-flight I.D. skills. They will also be able to pleasantly and professionally engage site visitors while representing HWI; be able to work well in a remote small team setting; and have excellent data-taking skills (detailed, accurate, and in accordance w/ protocols). Top applicants will possess previous raptor capture/handling and observation experience, currently hold or have previously held a banding sub-permit, and have extensive experience educating the public about raptors. Most of HawkWatch locations are in high-elevation remote areas and require camping; all crewmembers must supply their own camping gear and should have their own vehicle to access the sites (or trailheads near sites). Accommodations for days-off (one per week) or weather episodes are generally available in nearby local communities.
Send inquiries or application packet (a single file (preferably pdf) including cover letter, resume, and contact information for three current references) to DAVE OLEYAR (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>); and JESSE WATSON (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please include location preferences and dates available in your cover letter. Visit for project descriptions and past technical reports. Review begins 1 May and positions are open until filled.

Employer: Save Our Shearwaters - Kauai Humane Society
Location: Kauai, Hawaii
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 05 May 2017
Description:  The Kauai Humane Society (KHS), through its Save Our Shearwaters (SOS) program, seeks a wildlife rehabilitator to aid in its wild bird response and recovery effort. SOS, a 38-year program, was formerly operated by the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife on Kauai. SOS now operates under a contract between the Kauai Island Utility Cooperative (KIUC) as the funder of the program and KHS as the operator. The focus avian species of this project include Newell’s Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, and Band-rumped Storm-Petrel, state and federally listed (Endangered Species Act) seabirds that suffer from light attraction when fledging out to sea. The SOS Program seeks to band and release all grounded fledgling seabirds (initially rescued by concerned citizens) and successfully return them to sea in the best possible weight and condition. Heavy fledgling fallout primarily occurs between September and December, but the SOS program responds to fallout from adult seabirds and aids other native water birds outside of this period. Some of the grounded birds require rehabilitation prior to release if found in a compromised condition. The others are processed (banded, weighed and measured,) by the SOS program team and released. As KHS/SOS is the only permitted rehabilitation facility on the Island of Kaua‘i, we accept and rehabilitate all native Hawaiian species.
The duties of the Wildlife Rehabilitation Manager include the following:   **Participates in all wildlife care duties and the daily operation of the center, including rescue and rehabilitation of native wildlife. **Work in a humane, professional, and responsible manner, and encourage by teaching and example, other staff and volunteers to show the same qualities **Maintain operations in accordance to the SOS Procedure Manual and in conjunction with IWRC/NWRA minimum standards and best practices for wildlife rehabilitation. **Maintain the sanitation and husbandry for the intake clinic and holding room, in addition to outdoor enclosures and pool systems **Direct and/or assist in the modification of all seabird-related facilities as needed, within operating budget determined by the SOS Coordinator **Design basic fluid therapy and treatment schedules based on medical diagnosis, seeking consult and/or coordinating with local avian veterinarians, wildlife biologists and SOS Coordinator. **Manage shifts required for patients, utilizing permitted volunteers, relevant Kauai Humane Society part-time SOS staff, and the SOS Coordinator for a 7-day operating week **Complete intake examinations for Program consistency, with the exception of weekends and fledgling season (September—December) limitations **Contributes to the yearly update of the SOS Procedure Manual **Assists in Kauai’s native avifauna and SOS outreach and education activities **Monitor and organize food, medications, and cleaning supplies and reorders as needed with assistance of Coordinator and KHS Veterinary Staff **Promptly greets all visitors in a courteous and professional manner and assists them with SOS program information and services. **Treats all animals humanely, professionally, and with compassion.
A typical work week will consist of 40+ hours. Flexibility with the work week and days off is a must. On-call duties and evening/weekend shifts will also be incorporated into this position during the off-season when necessary, in which case field vehicles will be provided for work use and wildlife response. The Rehabilitation Manager must be comfortable working with a wide range of programs and personnel housed by the Humane Society. The Rehabilitation Manager will be responsible for transportation to Kaua’i, in addition to finding appropriate housing.
Required qualifications:   **A college degree in biology or wildlife or a related field. **At least two years’ experience working in wildlife rehabilitation. Previous experience with seabirds, specifically procellarids, preferred. **Computer skills including use of Word, Excel, GIS and specialized databases. **Valid driver’s license with a good driving record. **Good communication skills. **Ability to work under pressure and without direct supervision. **Previous experience working with and supervising volunteers. **Must be able to handle physically rigorous work in a warm/hot climate including the ability to lift and carry 20 lbs. **Must be flexible and capable of working independently and as part of a team. **Must be able to live and work on a relatively remote and rural island. **Must have attention to detail.
Preferred Qualifications:   **Completion of IWRC’s Basic rehabilitation course 1AB desired. **Banding experience (seabird-specific a strong consideration) **Knowledge of Hawaiian wildlife and natural history **Animal health technician training
SOS will seek applicants with an ability to work independently, in a group of three (with the SOS coordinator and Wildlife Rehabilitation Technician) as well as with a staff of up to 5 seasonal technicians. The rehabilitator must also have the ability to trouble-shoot when concerns arise. SOS also hopes to find applicants who have specifically worked with state and/or federally listed species.
Application Deadline: May 5th, 2017. Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible.
Start Date: June 5th 2017.
Salary: Starts at $35,360 and is commensurate with experience. Benefits provided.
Please email a cover letter, resume, and three references in one document to (EM:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please put ‘Rehabilitation Manager Position’ in the subject line.

Employer:  Woods Hole Research Center
Location:  Boston, MA
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     None provided   Open until filled
The Woods Hole Research Center seeks an avian point count technician with strong Massachusetts bird identification skills to work with a team of field researchers to conduct bird surveys in private yards, parks and natural areas in and around Boston. The technician will also be responsible for sampling for insect diversity, but does not need to have insect identification skills. Applicants should be organized and detail-oriented, and prepared to work as part of a team, spending long days conducting field work. Experience identifying birds is essential and conducting point sampling is desired. The position is envisioned for approximately 8 weeks beginning in late May / early June 2017. The study is part of an NSF funded Macrosystems Biology project investigating ecological futures of urban America across seven metropolitan regions. Please visit for additional information on the project.
Qualifications: Strong applicants will have lots of enthusiasm, experience conducting point counts, working cohesively as a crew member, and strong work ethic. Lots of driving in a metro area environment required. Technicians will provide their own binoculars and use of personal vehicle with mileage reimbursed. Salary will be based on education level and prior experience ($14-15 per hour).
Interested applicants should send a cover letter summarizing relevant experience and interest in the position, a current CV/resume, and a list of 3 references to CHRIS NEILL (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer:  St. Paul Island Tour
Location:  St. Paul Island, Alaska
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     16 Apr 2017   Open until filled
Summary of positions:  The tour guides are responsible for visitor management, public relations, and interpretive services for the visiting public.
Tour guides are responsible for conducting guided tours of St. Paul Island and the management and escorting of the tour groups. Heavy emphasis is on public relations and interpretive services covering the ecology and history of the island. Interpretive themes typically center on birds, marine mammals, and Aleut history. Under the Tour Director’s guidance tour guides make decisions concerning the daily scheduling of tour vehicles and participants based upon specific visitor requests and expectations.
Applicants must be willing to work in adverse weather conditions in a remote location. Normal conditions are overcast with drizzle, rain, or fog and an average high temperature during the summer of only 50 F. St. Paul Island is located over 750 miles from Anchorage within the Pribilof Islands and is only accessible by semi-weekly flights.
Duties:  1. Communicate and interpret to the visitor in a pleasant and informative manner information on the wildlife, natural history and cultural history of St. Paul Island. Provide exemplary customer service on a daily basis.  2. Work cooperatively with the Tour Director, other tour guides, the Hotel Manager and other TDX Corporation staff to give the best possible tour for the visitor. Guides are often an informal liaison between tourists, the tour program and local residents.  3. Educate the visitors on the delicate balance of the Bering Sea ecosystem, the fragile nature of the tundra, and the rich culture of the Aleut people, in a manner that is non-political and responsible.  4. Conduct both driving and walking tours of the island, especially to seal and sea bird rookeries. Many times such tours will occur during inclement weather.  5. Lead tours to search for vagrant and accidental species of birds both for organized birding groups and independent birdwatchers of varying interest, expectations and abilities.  6. Lead tours for groups of cruise ship passengers, Elderhostel participants, VIP’s and other special trips.  7.
Tour guides are required to extensively read and research the major themes and topics of this tour. They should be prepared to spend at least some free time birding, botanizing and “naturalizing” in the field.  8. Assist Tour Director with various special projects and clerical duties designed to improve tour programs, as well as with all aspects related to visitor services. These duties may include cleaning tour vehicles and buildings, picking up garbage, and lifting up to 50lbs.  9. Tour guides are to drive a 22-passenger bus and be responsible for fueling and cleaning the bus, including regular upkeep of portable style “heads”. Occasionally light maintenance of these buses will be required. Defensive driving and safe operation of vehicles is required.
Job requirements: **Two years college education in natural science or the equivalent in work experience, familiarity with Pribilof flora, fauna and history and/or a demonstrated ability to quickly learn and be comfortable explaining these subjects to groups of up to 40 people. **Preference will be given to persons with strong birding skills and experience, knowledge of marine ecosystems, and those who can speak and/or write European languages. **Ability to identify difficult groups of birds, including those in immature and juvenile plumage such as: gulls, shorebirds and Asiatic vagrants. Ability to scan bodies of water, shorelines and tundra and identify bird species in cryptic plumage. **Strong communication, interpretive and people skills and willingness to work intensively with a diversity of people under difficult conditions is essential. Guides must have strong people skills. **The ability to work independently with a minimum of supervision. The ability to live and work cooperatively and cheerfully with others from many different backgrounds with different abilities. **Valid driver’s license required with a good driving record. Must be 21 years of age or older. **Willingness to work up to seven days a week and long hours required, especially at the peak of tour season. The ability to work and function and maintain a sense of humor in adverse weather conditions. Guides should be in good physical condition. **Must supply your own optics (binoculars and spotting scope) and rain gear. **Native and Alaskan preference.
Living arrangements:  TDX Corporation will provide housing, meals, and transportation to and from St. Paul. Housing is dormitory style and will be shared with other tour guides.
Contact: Send resume, cover letter, and 3 references to: SCOTT SCHUETTE, Director, St. Paul Island Tour, 615 E 82nd Ave. Suite 200, Anchorage, Alaska 99518 (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Employer:  Turnstone Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Location:  Astoria, Oregon and Chiloquin, Oregon
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     21 Apr 2017   Open until filled
Turnstone is currently accepting applications for avian field biologists for the 2017 field season to conduct colonial waterbird monitoring and management and transect surveys for raptors and woodpeckers. Biologists would be stationed in Astoria, OR from mid-April until mid-May or late June, subsequently relocating to Chiloquin, OR for the duration of their position (anticipated ending late July). Housing will be provided in Astoria; surveyors may be required to camp for extended periods of time in Chiloquin and occasionally camping on project islands while working out of Astoria. Surveys activities will include: (1) boat- and ground-based monitoring of double-crested cormorant nesting colonies; (2) monitoring and managing islands for Caspian tern breeding activity, including ground- and boat-based observations, bird hazing, and nest disuassion fence construction, (3) hiking off-trail transects while conducting broadcast surveys for northern goshawks and recording all observations of diurnal raptors and woodpeckers. Biologists will work both independently and in a team setting and spend long hours in the field. They will be required to hike long distances, spend long periods of time on boats, often using binoculars on choppy water, work in high heat conditions, and carry 50+ lbs, all while working in a safe and efficient manner. Applicants should have reliable personable transportation to commute to nearby project activities; personal vehicle use will be reimbursed for travel to any project sites greater than 10 miles one way. Salary will be $2,100-$3,100 per month, depending on experience.
Minimum Requirements:  A minimum of one year of field experience and a BS degree in wildlife biology or a closely-related field is strongly preferred, along with strong field skills, basic bird identification skills, and an interest in avian biology. Biologists with previous experience monitoring colonial waterbird colonies and/or conducting surveys via mid-sized boats are highly desirable. Successful candidates will possess all of the following characteristics:  **A consistent track record of working in a safe and efficient manner. **Excellent field skills: orienteering, GPS, map-reading skills, hiking alone in backcountry terrain. **Working knowledge of western bird identification by sight and sound. **The ability and willingness to spend long hours in the field and work odd hours, including early morning. **The ability to spend long hours on boats, using binoculars without seasickness. **Integrity, quality, and accuracy in adhering to scientific protocols. **The ability to record accurate, legible and reliable field data. **Flexible, detail-oriented, resourceful, and comfortable working independently or as part of a team. **A valid driver’s license and the ability to navigate forest roads and operate a 4WD vehicle.
To apply, please complete an application through the employment section of our website: EMAILED APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Application review will begin immediately.

Employer:  Beijing Forestry University
Location:  Beijing
Country:  China
Last Date to Apply:     20 May 2017
Description:  We are seeking an international MS student and an international PhD student to join our lab in September, 2017. Based in Beijing Forestry University, China, our studies use Black-throated Tit and Silver-throated Tit as subjects to answer questions in life history, behavioral ecology and population ecology, from the perspective of adaption and evolution. The successful applicants will work on existing research projects, or develop an independent project within the research interests of the lab. Funding for research projects will be provided, and the selected candidates will have opportunity to apply for Chinese Government Scholarship which can fully or partially covers tuition waiver, accommodation, stipend, and medical insurance.
Applicants for Master degree program should have a Bachelor degree, while applicants for Doctor degree program should have a Master’s degree. All applicants are expected to possess strong interests in ornithology, animal behavior and ecology. Also, the candidates who have strong writing and oral communication skills, and an ability to work independently and within a team, are preferred.
For information of the graduate programs for international students at Beijing Forestry University, please visit: For more about our tit projects, please visit our website:
If you have interest to apply for the positions, please email Dr. JIANQIANG LI (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) a cover letter explaining your research interests and qualifications, a CV and names and contact information of three references. Informal inquiries are also welcome.

Employer:  Peters Avian Behavioural Ecology Lab
Location:  Melbourne
Country:  Australia
Last Date to Apply:     None provided   Open until filled
We are looking for a full-time volunteer field assistant to help with research on colour signals and seasonal colour change in superb fairy-wrens in south-eastern Australia. We are looking for an experienced mist-netter, who is organised, respectful of animals and enjoys being outdoors. The work involves mist-netting for superb fairy-wrens (banding, blood samples, photography and spectral measurements). A volunteer position is available either for a short period, from May 25th - June 30th (exact dates flexible but need to be around this time) OR for a longer stay (May 25th - September 25th).
Our field site is around an hour east of Mebourne city and provides many opportunities to see unique Australian wildlife, including kangaroos, wallabies and echidnas. The site has diverse range of native birds, such as crested shrike-tits, sacred kingfishers, spotted pardalotes, red-browed finches and gang gang cockatoos. Food, accommodation and local travel expenses are compensated (to be discussed with the applicant). To apply please send a cv including relevant mist-netting and field experience, references and a bit of about yourself (hobbies etc). Feel free to contact ALEX MCQUEEN (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) for more information:

Employer:  Hilliardton marsh research and education centre
Location:  Hilliardton marsh  near newlsikeard  north eastern Ontario
Country:  Canada
Last Date to Apply:     17 Apr 2017
The Hilliardton Marsh Research and Education Center is pleased to announce we have just received funding to offer a paid internship position.
Due to the funding there is very tight criteria.
All applicants must be Canadian citizens and must have graduated from a science or technology college or university program within the last two years and all applicants must be under 30 years of age.
The intern needs to be an energetic self motivated individual that thrives around people and enjoys being around school aged children. Priority will be given to candidates with bird banding and bird net extraction skills . Candidates need to be prepared to work before sunrise in the spring and will also be sleep challenged during owl banding in the fall. The Internship will last 6 months so the successful candidate will enjoy a spring and fall bird banding season and a fall owl migration where we focus on sawwhet, boreal and long eared owls. The successful candidate will be expected to fully participate in our visiting school groups to the banding station and will be expected to take on many different roles as can be anticipated at a bird banding lab.The Intern is expected to help with data entry and needs to be comfortable with excel.
Salary is expected to be between 12,000-15,000 and the term of the internship is for 6 months.
The Hilliardton marsh averages close to 10,000 birds banded annually and has banded 147 different species.
For more information about the Hilliardton marsh candidates are urged to check out our website<> to get a sense of our dedication to the education young people about birds and banding and wetlands to see if this banding station might be a fit for you.
Applicants should submit resumes complete with cover letter and references to BRUCE MURPHY via email (EM:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Any questions regarding this posting can also be directed to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).
As this funding has just been confirmed we have a quick turnaround to receive applications and conduct interviews. The banding season and this contract begins May 1st. To any interested applicants good luck and to those who do not qualify under the criteria please note that they were conditions of funding not our organization. We appreciate the efforts of all banders and birders outside of Canada in fact we have a few volunteering this spring season. All the best banders and birders and researchers.

Employer:  The Ohio State University
Location:  Lake Erie, OH
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     01 May 2017
1-2 field technicians are needed to assist with a graduate project examining post-fledging and migration ecology of a state-threatened population of Black-crowned Night-Herons. Research will take place at multiple locations in the western Lake Erie region. Responsibilities will include capturing, measuring, banding, and placing radio transmitters on adult and juvenile night-herons, tracking movements and deploying camera traps on night heron colonies. The technicians will also assist with vegetation surveys and data entry. More information on the project can be found here:
Depending on availability of applicants, 1-2 technicians will be hired for this project.
Position 1:  June-July. Visiting breeding colonies to set up trail cameras and monitor nests. Capturing, measuring, banding, and fitting radio and satellite transmitters on adult and juvenile night-herons.
Position 2:  August-November. Tracking radio-tagged juvenile night-herons via hand-tracking, aerial telemetry (flights in a small plane), vehicle telemetry, and use of an automated telemetry array. This position will involve a great deal of driving.
Position 3:  June-November. All duties as listed in position 1 and 2.
Salary will be $1700/month. If applying for position 2/3, be aware that months August - November will involve working and living independently for much of the season. Housing and transportation to field sites will be provided. The position will be an average of 40 hours/week, but work schedule will be variable. The graduate student on the project will supervise the technicians.
Applicants must have a valid driver’s license, strong work ethic, be willing to work long hours in the field, can work well independently and with others, and be comfortable navigating using maps and GPS. Work may involve wading through water in hot/buggy conditions. Previous tracking and bird handling experience is highly desired.
To apply:  Please send a resume, contact information for three references, and a cover letter highlighting relevant experience in one document by email with the subject “Black-crowned Night-Heron Field Technician” to KRISTIE STEIN (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). State dates of availability and which position you are applying for. Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

Employer:  Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Location:  Whitehorse, YT
Country:  Canada
Application Deadline: May 5, 2017 –  Applications will be assessed as they are received.
Employment Dates: mid August/Sept 1 – mid December/December 31, 2017 (90 D Max)
Employment Description: The Canadian Wildlife Service in Whitehorse, YT (Environment and Climate Change Canada) is seeking a qualified individual to (1) enter and transfer avian survey data (landbirds, shorebirds, waterbirds, waterfowl) to a relational database, (2) interpret and transcribe avian data from autonomous recording units (ARU), and (3) conduct fieldwork in late summer/early fall (August, Sept). Candidates should expect late summer/early fall fieldwork exploring high elevation systems in central and southern YT and a small office environment in a diverse, outdoor-oriented community at the edge of the beautiful coast mountains.
Compensation: Up to EG-05 level (~$26-29/Hr) depending on experience + Isolated Post Allowance. Full-time casual position (must have 90 D available time as Gov of CAN employee in 2017 calendar year).
Food, accommodation, and transportation while conducting fieldwork are provided. Relocation costs and transportation to and from Whitehorse, YT are the responsibility of the applicant.
Job offers are conditional on passing security screening. Applicants must be Canadian Citizens or hold valid working permits for Canada.
f interested, e-mail a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 2 relevant references as a single document to C. LISA MAHON (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer:  Richardson Bay Audubon Center & Sanctuary
Location:  Tiburon, CA
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     28 Apr 2017   Open until filled
The Biological Aide will provide support for our San Francisco Bay conservation and engagement programs. Depending on the time of the year, the position will assist with restoration work including propagation of native plants, seed collection, and invasive plant removal on-site, as well as, at restoration sites. S/He will also facilitate weekend volunteer workdays, and as needed, will help with engagement programs such as Audubon Youth Leaders (AYL) and Audubon Adventure Summer Camp. The Biological Aide will assist in biophysical monitoring surveys including water quality sampling and waterbird counts. This opportunity provides a diversity of experiences in a learning environment.
This is a full-time (40 hours/week), temporary position that will run from April 17th to October 17th (6 months).
The Biological Aide position will include on-site housing provided by Audubon as a condition of employment to perform onsite functions including assisting with safekeeping the center (securing doors, gates, and alarms), monitoring evening facility rentals, and reporting ordinance violations on the Richardson Bay sanctuary. Living on-site will afford the opportunity to develop a first-hand understanding of the operation of the center and sanctuary as well as live in the scenic San Francisco Bay area.
Housing will be provided on the center grounds at 376 Greenwood Beach Road, Tiburon, CA 94920. Tiburon is located in Marin County, home of Muir Woods and Marin Headlands.  San Francisco is 16 miles away and easily accessible by ferry. Available space includes an apartment for one person in the historic 1876 “Lyford House” with a kitchen and restroom, and an upstairs room with double beds for up to two people sharing space in the “Main Building” with shared kitchen and restroom. No minors are allowed. Utilities are paid by Audubon.
Essential Functions:  **Support San Francisco Bay program activities including monitoring, restoration, invasive species control, office work, and site maintenance. **Assist Sanctuary staff with Audubon Adventures Summer Camp, helping with the development and implementation of curriculum. **Assist with other program assignments in various capacities including: creating and delivering Saturday programs for Sanctuary visitors, working with students, working with community members on volunteer projects. **Monitor the Richardson Bay sanctuary during evenings and weekends for any ordinance violations. Serve as an observer during evening hours throughout fire season to report any human-caused wildfire.
Qualifications and Experience:  **Bachelor's Degree in biological science or related conservation field or equivalent experience required **Experience with ecological monitoring and restoration **Basic knowledge of ecology and identification of birds **Excellent communication and motivational skills **Highly motivated, detail-oriented, independent worker, capable of working well in a team **Must be flexible and willing to work on a wide range of relevant conservation activities **Willing to work outdoors in varying terrain and weather conditions **Experience, organizational skills, and initiative to work with volunteers or children (ages 4–18) to increase ecological knowledge **Previous teaching or curriculum development experience preferred **Commercial Driver’s License is advantageous, but not required **Must be available for occasional weekend and evening work **Boat experience skills are a plus
Please provide a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references when applying. Applications without cover letters will not be reviewed.

Employer:  Indiana Audubon Society
Location:  Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     30 Apr 2017
POSITION OVERVIEW: The Indiana Audubon Society, Inc. Executive Director has overall responsibility for advancing the Society’s mission to educate its members and the public about the natural world and the threats it faces, to engage in advocacy to preserve and protect natural systems, and to promote stewardship and conservation in conjunction with the Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary. Under general oversight and direction from the Board of Directors, the Executive Director will fulfill a contract in order to implement the strategic plan and pursue funding opportunities to ensure the Society’s success. Future contracts dependent on funding. The position would report to the IAS Executive Committee; a part of the IAS Board of Directors. A large percentage of the position’s responsibility would be focused on the Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary (MGBS) in Fayette County. Additional work would be done statewide promoting state initiatives that IAS provides, such as Bird Town Indiana.
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  For period: July 1, 2017-December 31, 2017(with possibility of renewal pending funding)
EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT:  **Serve as an effective spokesperson to promote the IAS mission. **Create and assist in the implementation of community initiatives through the Bird Town Indiana project, with the goal of establishing 3 new Indiana Bird Towns. **Assist the Field Trip Chair with regular field trips, both in and out of state, for IAS and the public, with a goal of 12 field trips. **Develop and implement monthly education programs to groups, with emphasis on the Fayette County region. **Engage and educate the public and IAS members through social media channels with a goal of reaching 40,000 people. **Cultivate active and diverse volunteer participation in IAS initiatives and at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary. **Promote use of Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary through stewardship days, educational programs, natural resource management programs, and publicly promoted activities.
FUNDRAISING AND DEVELOPMENT:  **Cultivate partnerships with local non-profits, organizations, and state chapters of National Audubon Society for collaborative programming and promotion. **Pursue and implement funding opportunities for IAS, including long-term operational funding. **Develop relationships with public officials and business leaders to help IAS promote its mission. **Develop and promote protocols for individuals and organizations to support IAS via donations, gifts, wills, and trusts.
OPERATIONS AND MANAGEMENT:  **Assist with communications on behalf of the IAS, including the creation of a Director’s Message and/or article for each Cardinal issue. **Provide assistance to appropriate IAS Committees as determined by the Board of Directors, including recruitment of editors for IAS publications. **Attend and participate in all regular Board of Directors meetings. **Complete monthly activity reports to be given to the Executive Committee.
SALARY: Salary is commensurate with experience. The individual selected for this position will be an Independent Contractor. This position does not include benefits.

CONTACT INFORMATION:  Questions about the position should be directed to JEFF CANADA, IAS President (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).
APPLICATION:  More information at Interested candidates should fill out the online application form, supply 3 references, upload a current resume, and may upload up to 2 additional supporting documents at

Employer:  Audubon Greenwich
Location:  Audubon Greenwich, 613 Riversville Rd, Greenwich CT
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     None provided   Open until filled
Audubon Greenwich is seeking a seasonal Camp Director for its Summer Nature Day Camp.
The Camp Director position manages Audubon Greenwich’s Summer Nature Day Camp, an 8-week camp that runs from the last week of June through the middle of August and serves approximately 250 children from K-9th grade. The Camp Director oversees 8 full time seasonal counselors, 12 counselors-in-training, and an education intern, and works in partnership with our two year-round Education Specialists and our Operations Manager.
The Camp Director is responsible for planning, developing, operating, and managing the Summer Nature Day Camp. The position is 35 hours per week from June 19th ΓÇô August 18th, and 5 hours per week from May 1st ΓÇô June 16th. In May and early June, the Camp Director finalizes hiring of camp staff, and coordinates permit applications, first aid training, vehicle inspections, camp supplies, communications with parents and other preparations for camp. In mid-June, s/he helps lead a one-week counselor training session together with our Education Specialists. During camp sessions, s/he supervises all camp staff, interacts daily with parents and campers, and is responsible for regular email communications with parents.
Essential Functions: **Manage all aspects of camp programming **Train and supervise camp staff **Oversee counselor-developed camp programming, providing guidance for strong weekly planning **Serve as public face for camp, interact daily with camp parents **Assign age and grade appropriate camp groups each week **Help lead weekly staff meetings for all summer staff **Manage and organize camp materials **Maintain files on staff and campers, including first aid files and medical logs **Administer evaluations **Send regular communications to parents
Qualifications and Experience: **Minimum of four years working in or leading summer camp or similar environmental education or outdoor education programs **Experience working with and managing staff and youth volunteers **Able to interact well with children, teens and adults, especially parents **Experience developing and leading environmental education curriculum **Excellent organizational skills, written and verbal communication skills, and computer literacy, particularly word-processing, e-mail, and database functions **Self-motivated, detailed-oriented with the ability to work both independently and as part of a team **Interest in local natural history and the outdoor environment **Willing to work outdoors in any weather as necessary\\ **Current First Aid/CPR certification required **Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) preferred
For more information or to submit an application, select here:

Employer:  Pueblo of Santa Ana Department of Natural Resources
Location:  Pueblo of Santa Ana, NM
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:     28 Apr 2017
Job Description: We are looking for an enthusiastic biologist with demonstrated wildlife and vegetation skills for a DNR technician position. This person will be responsible for 1) the assessment, collection, management, and analysis of biological data and 2) maintenance and monitoring of infrastructure related to the Pueblo's natural resources. The ideal candidate should be motivated to work on anything from avian and small mammal surveys, to monitoring locations of collared ungulates and predators, and from collecting precipitation and vegetation data, to maintaining rangeland infrastructure.
Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Science, Biology, Wildlife Management, Ecology or related field, plus 2 years work experience conducting flora and/or faunal surveys. Must have demonstrated through past work experience their ability to successfully perform in a team environment. Must be able to successfully pass a pre-employment drug/alcohol screen and background investigation including a motor vehicle check. Must possess and maintain a valid New Mexico driver’s license and be insurable under the Pueblo’s insurance.
For a full job description please see:  Please submit an on-line job application or apply to the Human Resources Department (VICTORIA WHORTON, EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

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