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FWGRADJOBS  February 2017, Week 1

FWGRADJOBS February 2017, Week 1


FW: Birdjobs -- January 31, 2017


"Schneider, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>


Schneider, Jim


Wed, 1 Feb 2017 15:29:58 +0000





text/plain (650 lines)

From: [log in to unmask] [[log in to unmask]] on behalf of Cheryl Trine [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2017 11:43 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Birdjobs -- January 31, 2017

There have been major changes at OSNA and as a consequence To POST or FIND ornithological jobs online, please go to the Ornithology Exchange,

The Birdjobs-L e-list will continue to be an option for receiving notices about ornithological jobs. Subscribers to this list will receive the same announcements that appear on Ornithology Exchange in a weekly/biweekly list. To subscribe, send the following message to:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>; in the body of the message type: join Birdjobs-L "your name". The subject line should be bl ank. Please use the "plain text only" e-mail format option, include your own name in the message, and put quotation marks around your name.  If you need help, contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.

To prevent the harvesting of email addresses in this list, all email addresses have had the '@' sign replaced with ' AT '. To reduce the possibility of typing in the wrong address when responding, please cut and paste the whole address and then replace the ' AT ' with [log in to unmask]

Employer: Suffolk County Parks
Location: Suffolk County, New York
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 14 Mar 2017
CONTACT: Emily Lauri (631) 854-4980
Suffolk County Department of Parks is currently accepting applications for seasonal openings in its Endangered Species Protection Program for the 2017 season. The positions involve helping to manage nesting shorebirds (piping plovers and least terns) at seventeen sites throughout Suffolk County. While this job is anything but a “day at the beach,” the candidates will gain an intimate knowledge of bird behavior and of the unique management issues their presence creates.
Qualifying Candidates must:
    Have an interest and/or coursework in ornithology, ecology, and natural resources
    Be able to meet the physical demands of the job such as walking miles on the beach, carrying heavy fencing materials, digging trenches, and installing fencing and barricades in summer weather conditions
    Be meticulous and concise in recording data
    Have an ability to interact professionally with the general public and co-workers
    Demonstrate an ability to work effectively with others and independently under stressful conditions
    Work weekends & holidays, and flexible hours (average 35 hours/week)
    Have a valid driver’s license (often required to drive 2-3 hours a day to visit sites) (Use of your personal vehicle may be required in limited circumstances)
Hourly wage is $10.75. Crew Leader positions are available for those with prior experience at $11.50/hour. Basic housing may be available, indicate your interest.
There is no application, send letter of interest and resume to: DIANA SANFORD
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> FAX: 631.854.4603  SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 14, 2017

Employer: University of Exeter & Macquarie University
Location: Fowlers Gap Arid Zone Research Station
Country: Australia
Last Date to Apply: 13 Feb 2017
Description: We are looking for 2-3 research assistants to help with our long term study of Chestnut-crowned Babblers (Pomatostomusruficeps). Thesebirdsarehighly socialcooperative breedersthatlive in the arid regionsof South East Australia, breedingin largedomes nestslocated typically ata height of3-8m. Research is varied with focuses on physiology, reproductive behaviours, group structuresand the evolution of language. Typical days involve early starts, walkingbetween 5 and15km off trackto investigate different areas for the presence ofBabblers.The aim is to find breeding groups in these areas to then monitor them throughout the season.Some days require startsbefore sunrise, andsomedayswatching the babblers go to roost at dusk. Monitoring nestscomprisescarrying ladders to the nesting tree(which can be several hundred metres)inspecting,measuringand monitoringthe contents. All individuals are fitted with colour rings, numbered bands and PIT tags in order to monitor movements and activity throughout the breeding season.  For each group, adults will be caught, identity and biometrics recorded and released. This is a stimulating experience, and ability to work as a teamunder pressureis an absolute must.  Duties will mainly be concentrated on outdoor fieldwork, however depending on year to year protocols, laboratory and aviary experiments may be running alongside the fieldwork.Laboratory work in the past has involved incubator monitoring; aviary workinvolves conducting playback experiments as well as regular monitoring for behaviour and health. One potential aim of this position will be to try and create mini-projects for each assistant to run and hopefully publish.
The ideal candidate will:
· Bephysicallyfit – able to walk up to 20km off track,
· Be interested in conservation/behavioural ecology,
· Bea confident independent worker, spending several hours alone in secluded areas,
· Beable to collect and enter data accurately,
· Have a positive attitude even when working long, irregular hours,
· Have previous fieldwork experience (preferably of severalmonths’duration)
· Be able to navigate using GPS and labelled aerial photographs,
· Cope with working and living in close quarterswith a small research team,
· Work well in a team,engaging in effective communication,
· Enjoy working in the outdoors in all conditions (~0-5°Cat dawn in July, ~30-40°C in Nov)
· If over 25, have experience driving off road
· Egg handling/nest monitoring is a bonus but is not necessary
· Bird handling/bleedingexperience is a bonus but is not necessary
This position will run from the ~5thJuly to ~30 November.Housing will be provided at the research station and a stipend of $200 AUD/month will be provided.Applicants will preferably stay for the duration of the season.
To apply, please sendyourCV(with your references)and cover letter outlining why this project interests you and why youbelieve you are a suitable candidate, with your name as the title (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).  If you would like to watch a video about the fieldwork,or read a bit more about our future research aims, please visit (video available) and

Location:  Lompoc, CA
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  06 Mar 2017
Open until filled
Description:  ManTech International is a leader in advanced technologies to help government and industry manage and protect information, support and maintain critical systems, and develop integrated systems to handle complex needs.  However, ManTech also has a small team (~18 people) of biologists, ecologists and GIS professionals based out of California who work on federal contracts with various military installations across the Western region. This satellite team works with military and civilian personnel on federal landholdings to responsibly and effectively manage land and wildlife for conservation. Our corporate website does NOT detail the type of conservation work we conduct.  We are looking for one enthusiastic and hardworking individual to perform riparian bird point count surveys in Santa Barbara County on Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB), one of the largest stretches of undeveloped coastline in California. This is part of a long-term monitoring effort to determine population trends in abundance and distribution of riparian songbirds on VAFB. Applicant will be tasked to perform standard five-minute avian point count surveys following Point Blue guidelines at 148 stations along 12 routes in four watersheds. This is a temporary, seasonal position with a start date of approximately 10 May 2017 and an ending date of 30 June 2017. However, applicants with interest in performing other wildlife surveys or restoration work may be given preference and an offer for extended seasonal employment.  The applicant is expected to be well versed in visual and auditory cues for the following species: Pied-billed grebe, Double-crested cormorant, Great blue heron, Great egret, Snowy egret, Green heron, Black-crowned night-heron, Gadwall, Mallard, Cinnamon teal, Northern pintail, Ruddy duck, White-tailed kite, Northern harrier, Cooper's hawk, Red-shouldered hawk, Red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, Peregrine falcon, California quail, Virginia rail, Sora, American coot, Spotted sandpiper, California gull, Western gull, Mourning dove, Greater roadrunner, Barn owl, Western screech owl, Great horned owl, Common poorwill, White-throated swift, Black-chinned hummingbird, Anna's hummingbird, Costa's hummingbird, Rufous hummingbird, Allen's hummingbird, Belted kingfisher, Acorn woodpecker, Red-breasted sapsucker, Nuttall's woodpecker, Downy woodpecker, Hairy woodpecker, Northern flicker, Olive-sided flycatcher, Western wood-pewee, Willow flycatcher, Pacific-slope flycatcher, Black phoebe, Say's phoebe, Ash-throated flycatcher, Cassin's kingbird, Western kingbird, Loggerhead shrike, Hutton's vireo, Warbling vireo, Western scrub-jay, American crow, Horned lark, Tree swallow, Violet-green swallow, Northern rough-winged swallow, Bank swallow, Cliff swallow, Barn swallow, Chestnut-backed chickadee, Oak titmouse, Bushtit, Bewick's wren, House wren, Winter wren, Marsh wren, Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Western bluebird, Swainson's thrush, Hermit thrush, American robin, Wrentit, Northern mockingbird, California thrasher, European starling, American pipit, Cedar waxwing, Phainopepla, Orange-crowned warbler, Yellow warbler, Yellow-rumped warbler, Common yellowthroat, Wilson's warbler, Yellow-breasted chat, Western tanager, Spotted towhee, California towhee, Rufous-crowned sparrow, Lark sparrow, Savannah sparrow, Grasshopper sparrow, Song sparrow, White-crowned sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, Black-headed grosbeak, Blue grosbeak, Lazuli bunting, Red-winged blackbird, Tricolored blackbird, Western meadowlark, Brewer's blackbird, Brown-headed cowbird, Hooded oriole, Bullock's oriole, Purple finch, House finch, Lesser goldfinch, Lawrence's goldfinch, American goldfinch, and House sparrow.  This job requires driving 4WD vehicles off-road and navigating dense vegetation on foot to access point count stations. The employee must be available for the full season. Days will be split between field work in the early morning and data entry in the afternoons for a 40 hour/week schedule. The employee must be able to work under the supervision of the project manager, but conduct data collection independently in a remote environment. As part of the interview process, an auditory test may be required.
Exposure to poison oak and stinging nettle plants is likely. Orienteering skills, including the use of maps, compass, and handheld GPS units are essential. The work is physically strenuous and involves working and hiking in early morning hours in difficult terrain. All duties must be performed with a high degree of quality, uniformity, and timeliness. This is a full-time appointment which requires a minimum of 40 hours per week for the duration of the season.
Salary is competitive dependent on experience. Applicants must be willing to relocate to Santa Barbara County in California, housing is not provided.
Requirements:  · B.S. and 5+ years applicable experience with auditory identification of Western bird species listed above
· GPS (Trimble or Geo Xplore or similar) required
· Hand held GPS units, map and compass skills
· Off-paved 4WD vehicle experience
· Ability to identify 200+ species of Western birds by sight and PRIMARILY by sound
· Ability to work independently for the duration of the field season
· Careful and accurate data collection/entry/management
Application Instructions:  Please email (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) with a relevant cover letter, current resume, and references. Applications will be considered until a qualified candidate is selected.

Employer:  Intermountain Bird Observatory
Location:  Near Boise, Idaho
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  01 May 2017
Open until filled
Description:  RAPTOR TRAPPER/BANDER NEEDED (1) to assist with long-term study of raptor migration near Boise, Idaho conducted by the INTERMOUNTAIN BIRD OBSERVATORY. WANTED: a mature, experienced, self-motivated field biologist to conduct daily hawk banding from approximately 21 August – 21 October 2017. Raptor Bander ($600-$800/mo.; depending on experience) must have prior field experience, must be an experienced and accomplished raptor trapper and bander, must be able to work and live alone, must be able to set up, maintain, and take down a raptor migration trapping station, must be able to collect, record, and organize detailed banding data, and must have a reliable 4-WD vehicle to access the field site. BOISE PEAK is possibly the premier raptor banding site in the western United States: forested, remote, quiet, and incredibly scenic, this site typically bands 500+ raptors per season including SSHA, COHA, MERL, RTHA, NOGO, AMKE, and other species. YOU SHOULD PAY US TO DO THIS JOB! Only experienced, serious, and qualified applicants, please.
Send a resume, cover letter, and at least three references (with phone # and e-mail if possible) as soon as possible but no later than 1 MAY 2017. If sending applications as attachments (MS Word) via e-mail (PREFERRED), please send to (EM: Otherwise, send to: GREG KALTENECKER, Director, Intermountain Bird Observatory, Department of Biology, Boise State University, 1910 University Dr., Boise, ID 83725. The position will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant is found.

Employer:  Everglades Foundation
Location:  Miami, FL
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  31 Mar 2017
Open until filled
The Everglades Foundation is accepting applications for the John Marshall Everglades Internship. During this 8-week (May 18th – July 14th) undergraduate internship program, qualified students will learn about the Everglades ecosystem, history, water management issues, and policies related to Everglades restoration. Interns will go on site visits to: major restoration sites, water management structures, and effected natural areas. They will grow their professional networks while meeting with scientists, stakeholders, and policy makers who are participating in the most comprehensive restoration project in the world. Interns select from one of four categories for their capstone projects: policy & advocacy, science & engineering, education, and communications.  Interns will be provided with a small stipend and room and board.  The Everglades Foundation is dedicated to protecting and restoring America’s Everglades. This unique ecosystem provides economic, recreational and life-sustaining benefits to the millions of people in Florida who depend on its future health. Through the advancement of scientifically sound and achievable solutions, the Foundation seeks to reverse the damage inflicted on the ecosystem and provide policymakers and the public with an honest and credible resource to help guide decision-making on complex restoration issues.  Please pass this announcement along to any interested undergraduate students. The internship would be of interest to students studying: environmental policy, advocacy, environmental studies, biology/ecology, communications, science communications, environmental engineering, hydrology, ecological economics, environmental education, etc.
For more information about the program and how to apply, please see our website:<UrlBlockedError.aspx>

Employer:  Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
Location:  north Dakota, eastern Montana
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  12 Feb 2017
Open until filled
Salary: $2,200 per month; lodging provided
Duration: 3 months
Start Date May 8, 2017
ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION:  Bird Conservancy of the Rockies conserves birds and their habitats through an integrated approach of science, education and stewardship. Our work extends from the Rockies to the Great Plains, Mexico and beyond. Our mission is advanced through sound science, achieved through empowering people, realized through stewardship and sustained through cross-border collaborations. We monitor and identify population trends, research habitat needs, engage landowners and managers in wildlife and habitat stewardship, and inspire audiences of all ages to be better stewards of the land. Together, we are improving native bird populations, the land, and the lives of people. Learn more about our work and programs at our website:<>:  PROJECT OVERVIEW:  Grassland bird populations, including those migratory species breeding in the mixed-grass prairies of the northern Great Plains, have declined more than any other guild of birds over the past few decades. This project aims to determine basic demographic rates of grassland-nesting songbirds on their breeding grounds including nest success and productivity, in addition to adult and juvenile survival. Focal species include Baird’s Sparrow, Grasshopper Sparrow, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Lark Bunting, and Sprague’s Pipit.
JOB DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  Technicians (10) are needed for a demographic study of grassland-nesting songbirds in northeastern Montana and western North Dakota. Technicians are needed from early-May through early/mid-August 2017. Field duties include telemetry tracking, nest-searching via rope drag, vegetation sampling, performing point counts, assistance with mist-netting and banding birds as needed, and daily data entry. Applicants must be able to walk long distances carrying field equipment, and be able to work long days that begin pre-dawn. Applicants must also be comfortable working independently in the field. Preference will be given to those candidates demonstrating most, or all, of the following requirements:  REQUIRED KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS AND ABILITIES:  · Tracking birds via VHS radio telemetry
· Ability to identify western birds by sight and sound
· Nest-searching
· Diligence in recording all data collected
· Strong work ethic and enthusiasm while in the field
· Must have the ability to share living quarters with others
· Valid driver’s license with proof of auto insurance
· Sense of humor and winning attitude
REQUIRED EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE:  · Bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent field experience in ecology or a related field
TO APPLY:  E-mail cover letter stating interest, resume, and contact information for three references in a single PDF to: (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Applications will be evaluated as they are received; final deadline is February 12, 2017.

Employer: Toucan Ridge Ecology and Education Society (T.R.E.E.S.)
Location: 27.5 Hummingbird Highway, Stann Creek, Belize
Country: Belize
Last Date to Apply: 06 Mar 2017
Open until filled
Description: Bird banding internship at T.R.E.E.S., a conservation ecological research station and hosting centre. The internship is 6 weeks long, starting on March 20th. Interns will learn skills such as setting up mist nets, extracting passerine birds, banding birds, and how to take morphological data from a bird in hand. Interns will get experience banding neotropical migrant birds, as well as resident species of Belize. Banding will be 5/days a week. Interns will also learn bird sampling techniques such as, point counts and transect surveys, nest searching, and experience banding alongside many certified bird banders.These internships are a good opportunity for new ecologists/biologists looking to grow their CV and experience for future job employment. Past interns at T.R.E.E.S. have had a high rate of employment after completing our internship program.
Internships has a fee of US200$/week which includes training by profesional on-site biologists, free WIFI, hot showers, access to lab/lab equipment, 3 full meals/day, and a bed in a jungle cabana.
Contact: (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) to register
Facebook: Toucan Ridge Ecology and Education Society

Employer: USGS Alaska Science Center
Location: Nome, Alaska
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 15 Apr 2017
Job Description: We are seeking four motivated individuals to work on an avian demographic study on the Seward Peninsula in northwestern Alaska from approximately May 17th through July 31st, 2017 (some flexibility with start date). The Seward Peninsula is an incredibly diverse area attracting over 150 migratory birds from across the globe. This is an exciting opportunity to gain experience assisting with long-term field research on migratory landbird and shorebird response to changing environmental conditions in the boreal-arctic transition zone. Primary field duties will include nest searching for ground- and shrub-nesting birds, nest monitoring, avian behavioral observations, habitat surveys, invertebrate sampling, data entry and management, and assisting with handling, banding, and collecting morphological measurements on nestling passerines.
Required qualifications: Applicants must be in excellent physical condition and capable of hiking long distances (up to 20 km/day) across uneven tussock tundra carrying up to a 30 pound backpack, comfortable working in remote brown bear country, experienced with the use of GPS for navigating and marking waypoints, and willing to maintain a positive attitude in variable weather conditions with hordes of biting insects. This position also requires the ability to collect accurate and legible field data, maintain and operate field equipment in a responsible manner, work long hours (>40 hours per week) with early mornings and minimal days off, effectively communicate with supervisors and crew members, and happily live in a rustic (but comfortable) communal tent camp without running water or electricity for two months with the same small group of people. Must also possess a current and valid driver’s license.
Desired qualifications: Experience with identifying birds by sight and sound, nest searching, behavioral observations, and handling and banding birds. Experience with backcountry camping and certification in CPR/Basic First Aid is also a plus. Preference will be given to individuals with nest searching experience that have a Bachelor’s Degree in a science-related field; however, upper-level undergraduates working toward a degree with a strong interest in avian ecology and prior field experience are highly encouraged to apply.
Compensation: This is a volunteer position. Round-trip airfare to Alaska, primitive housing, food while in the field, camping gear, field equipment, and a small stipend (~$650) will be provided.
Application Instructions: Interested individuals should email in one Microsoft Word or PDF document: (1) A cover letter addressing the qualifications listed above, why you are interested in this position, and your earliest date of availability; (2) A detailed resume; and (3) Contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) for at least three professional references to RACHEL RICHARDSON (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please write “Avian Field Research Intern” in the subject line of the email. Review of applications will begin immediately and positions are often filled before the closing date so please submit your applications early for priority consideration.

Employer:  University of Montana Bird Ecology Lab
Location:  Florence, Montana
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  28 Feb 2017
Open until filled
2 SONGBIRD FIELD TECHNICIANS needed from early-May -August 2017 to study avian response to restoration in wooded draw and riparian habitats in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. Technicians will work with project biologists to map focal songbird locations and behaviors, perform nest searches, monitor nests, measure habitat features, re-sight color-banded birds, and possibly assist targeted banding efforts. This project is part of a larger restoration monitoring program located on a private ranch along the Bitterroot River in western Montana, and interested applicants will also have an opportunity to participate in other bird monitoring projects. The work involves extensive daily hiking in rugged terrain, and keen observational skills to detect bird behavior.
Pay will be $13-14 hourly depending on experience, and reimbursement for project related driving.
Qualifications: Ideal candidates will have experience conducting bird surveys (ability to identify western bird species by sight and sound), and songbird nest-searching and monitoring skills. Applicants must be able to work alone, follow detailed protocols, and hike uneven terrain. A valid driver’s license and a strong work ethic are required.
To Apply: Please email a cover letter addressing qualifications specific to this position, resume, and contact information for 3 references as a single document to TRICIA RODRIGUEZ (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Positions open until filled.

Employer:  Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit
Location:  Western U.S.: various locations
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  20 Feb 2017
Description: FIELD ASSISTANTS (4-5) are needed for ongoing studies of Burrowing Owl breeding behavior, life histories, and demography. Study sites include southeastern California, southern Nevada, central New Mexico, north-central Utah, and northeastern Oregon. Field assistants will work primarily at one of these sites but may have opportunities to work at multiple sites. Successful applicants will receive training at the California study site during March and then spend much of the remaining field season working independently at their assigned study site(s). Primary duties include: 1) installation and maintenance of nest cameras inside burrowing owl nest boxes, 2) locating and monitoring active owl nests, 3) capturing, processing, and banding owls, 4) performing standardized burrowing owl surveys, 5) assisting with ecological and behavioral experiments, 6) installation and maintenance of burrowing owl nest boxes, 7) reviewing and transcribing nest videos, and 8) data entry.
Applicants should be in excellent physical condition, willing to work long and unusual hours alone in the field under hot, dry, cold, wet, windy, dusty, and other adverse weather conditions, able to pass a background check and obtain security clearance to work on military installations (at 2 of the 4 study sites), and in possession of a valid driver’s license. Preferred qualifications include experience handling, capturing, banding, and processing wild birds, comfort with camera equipment and other electronics, the ability to work independently, and excellent attention to detail.
Positions will begin in early March and end in late June- mid July (the tech at the New Mexico study site may work until late-August or early September), start and end dates are somewhat negotiable. Salary: $1600-2000 per month, depending on experience. Housing will be provided at some study sites. Field transportation will be provided for work use.
Send cover letter and resume (with names, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least 3 references) by email to CARL LUNDBLAD (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please write FIELD ASSISTANTS in the subject line and indicate which of the 5 study site(s) you wish to be considered for.

Employer:  New Mexico State University
Location:  National Grasslands in SD and private lands in NE
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  07 Mar 2017
Open until filled
Description: Field technician needed to work alongside a graduate student on a Burrowing Owl nest monitoring project in Buffalo Gap NG of South Dakota and privately owned land in the Nebraska panhandle. Technician duties will include walking transects on prairie dog colonies to identify nest burrows and using a camera peeper probe to monitor nest status. This will entail a considerable amount of walking (can be ~ten miles/day during nest searching), carrying equipment, and early mornings with long days in inclement weather (high speed winds and cold spring storms will be common). Must be willing to be flexible with schedule as field issues come about, schedule and days off may be irregular. We will spend a large amount of time driving between field sites, which will be 10-14 prairie dog colonies. The approximate four-hour drive from South Dakota to Nebraska will be about every 5 days. Salary is ~$4,000 for the season. Trailer housing will be provided, with the possibility of camping when at our Nebraska field site. Must be available to start April 30th at latest, and position will continue to July (potentially extending to mid-August).
Some wildlife experience is required, along with a positive attitude and enthusiasm for field work. Field skills for this job are trainable however the fitting personality traits are essential. This includes:  - Maintaining amiability while working and living in close quarters with only one other person (possibly two)
- Willingness to endure highly repetitive work and keep a firm attention span necessary to ensure data integrity
- Should take pleasure in solitude as we work in remote areas, at times without cell phone service, and potentially long distances to grocery stores
- Tolerant to numerous encounters with snakes and likely swarms of irritating flies
Other relevant skills include: navigating and marking waypoints with handheld GPS, familiarity with binocular and scope use, operating 4WD vehicle, experience in grassland habitats, experience working with private land owners, and prior duties of data collection and note taking.
Valid driver’s license required (field vehicle provided).
Please email a letter of interest that details relevant experience, a resume/CV, and contact information for three references to CATIE PORRO (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Also include earliest date of availability. Feel free to email before applying with any questions you may have. This is an excellent opportunity to work with a charming bird species of conservation concern in an esteemed landscape. Although the work can be challenging, it will be rewarding and will open the door to more wildlife jobs in your future conservation career!

Employer:  Loon Preservation Committee
Location:  New Hampshire
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  None provided
Open until filled
FIELD BIOLOGISTS (5) needed to survey and manage New Hampshire’s Common Loon population by kayak and motorboat on over 350 lakes, from mid-May to early August, 2017. Field staff and citizen-science volunteers record loon abundance, breeding success and supporting data on nest failure causes, loon behaviors and lake habitat. Duties also include coordinated nest site protection, loon rescues and mortality collections, and assisting with the capture, banding, and band-resighting of adult and juvenile loons. These positions provide excellent hands-on exposure to the conservation biology of this charismatic species.
All positions involve extended independent work and teamwork at key times. Applicants must enjoy or at least cheerfully tolerate strenuous physical work in harsh weather, with rough water and biting black flies and mosquitoes. Reliable transportation is required. Applicants must be willing to approach lake users and solicit their cooperation. Qualifications include coursework or degree in wildlife biology or similar field, field experience with bird or wildlife surveys, and boating experience. Compensation: $325/week stipend and mileage reimbursement, with rustic housing provided for some positions. Applicants with serious interest should email or send a resume and cover letter to JOHN COOLEY, Loon Preservation Committee (EM: jcooley AT; P.O. Box 604, Moultonborough, NH 03254. Applications will be accepted until positions are filled.

Employer:  Mackenzie Nature Observatory
Location:  Mugaha Marsh, Mackenzie, BC
Country:  Canada
Last Date to Apply:  03 Mar 2017
Volunteers needed for Fall Banding Season 19 July until 23 September, 2017.  We encourage people with a true interest in birds to consider donating their time to volunteer at our banding station. Experience working at a banding station would be a great asset.
A small travel trailer is available as accommodation for visiting volunteers. This sleeps two people. Kitchen facilities and an outhouse are on site. Bring your own bedding.
We would like volunteers to be able to commit to being at the station at least a week. Please contact Mackenzie Nature Observatory for more information – send an email to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer:  Mackenzie Nature Observatory
Location:  Mugaha Marsh, Mackenzie, BC
Country:  Canada
Last Date to Apply:  03 Mar 2017
Banders & Volunteers Needed for Fall Season 19 July until 23 September 2017.  Banding Positions available: 3.  Two banders are needed from 19 July - 23 September. One will be BIC and he/she will start on 18 July - set-up day; the other bander will start on July19. Banders will have two days off each week. We need a third bander to work when other banders have days off (normally 4 days each week, often on weekends, but at times on week days).
Where:  Mackenzie, BC, Canada at Mackenzie Nature Observatory’s banding station at Mugaha Marsh. Mugaha Marsh is located 14.5 km northwest of Mackenzie via a logging road. The banding lab is a 12 x 20 frame building.
Requirements: Canadian master banding permit or Canadian sub-permit or you need to be eligible for a sub-permit under Mackenzie Nature Observatory’s station permit. When applying please list the qualifications that are listed on your permit (eg: use mistnets, band passerines, band raptors, band hummingbirds, etc.)
    Good knowledge of Western Birds
    Knowledge of moult, hybrids (we are in the overlap zone for some species & subspecies), juvenile birds
    Know how to take measurement – we get several empidonax flycatchers and at times measurements are needed to separate them.
    Ability to work with others banders and volunteers
    Willingness to share knowledge with others
    Computer skills – you will need to enter data into Bandit and the Daily Estimated Totals program, plus you will need to do a report on the season. Knowledge of how to use excel
Duties:      Operation of 12 mistnets daily following our station protocol
    A one hour census done daily on a standardized route
    Casual observations during the day
    Compiling an estimated total of each species using the number birds banded, the # of returns, # of repeats, # censused and # observed. Possible and known stopovers also need to be documented.
    Entering data into Bandit and the Daily Estimated Totals program
    Training volunteers Volunteers experience will vary greatly, from those just starting to some who have many years of experience.
    End of season report
Accommodations: The accommodations on site are rustic (two older small travel trailers and a camper). There is electricity on site, but no running water. Showers are available at the municipal campground in town. Drinking water has to be brought out to the station, volunteers will bring out some, but banders are expected to fill the water jugs when they are in town. It is recommended that applicants have their own personal transportation.
Wages: Banders are hired as employees of Mackenzie Nature Observatory. This means you will have two days off each week. You will be paid biweekly at a rate of $160 to $200 Canadian per day worked depending upon your experience.
Applications: Please submit your applications to Mackenzie Nature Observatory, Bird Committee, c/o VI LAMBIE, banding station coordinator (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Deadline for submitting applications is March 3, 2017

Employer:  Arkansas Tech University
Location:  AR
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  31 Mar 2017
Open until filled
Description:  Four field technicians are needed during the 2017 Interior Least Tern breeding season on the Arkansas River and surrounding area as part of a research and monitoring project with Arkansas Tech University. Breeding season is usually late May to early Aug. Preference will be given to individuals with previous field work experience. Primary duties will include; nest monitoring, nest searching, banding and handling chicks, working with endangered species, maintaining equipment, and navigating by boat on the Arkansas River. Successful candidates must be able to work well during the early hours of the day and comfortable working on boats daily. Hours may be subject to weather and river conditions.
To apply send a letter of interest addressing the following qualifications listed below, resume/CV, and contact information for three references to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Use the subject line “Least Tern Field Tech” and name a single attachment containing cover letter, resume, and reference information with your last name and title of the job (LASTNAMETECH). Applications will be reviewed as they are received.
Qualifications:  Required Qualifications:  • Currently enrolled or completed bachelor’s degree in wildlife biology, environmental science, or closely related field
• Ability and desire to work long, irregular hours (including weekend hours) often before sunrise
• Ability and desire to work outdoors in adverse conditions (intense heat, biting insects, etc)
• Ability to collect accurate data and enter into Microsoft access and excel databases
• Must possess a Boater’s safety card or be able to get one
• Must possess a valid driver’s license
Desired Qualifications:  • Previous field experience with ground-nesting birds / nest searching
• Experience with handheld GPS and Trimble GPS units
• Bird identification skills
• Attention to detail
• Ability to maintain a positive attitude and sense of humor
• Ability to work independently and as part of a team
To apply send a letter of interest addressing the following qualifications listed below, resume/CV, and contact information for three references to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Use the subject line “Least Tern Field Tech” and name a single attachment containing cover letter, resume, and reference information with your last name and title of the job (LASTNAMETECH). Applications will be reviewed as they are received.

Employer:  Conservian
Location:  Bahamas-GBI, Abaco, Berrys, Joulters
Country:  Bahamas
Last Date to Apply:  25 Apr 2017
Open until filled

NOTE: If you applied for this position between Jan 15-25, our server was down. Please reapply. We need your help to protect beach-nesting birds, nests, and young. Conservian is seeking a weekly crew of 8-12 enthusiastic volunteers for our Bahamas shorebird habitat conservation project in May 2017 aboard our 75ft research schooner. Field crew will assist project director with daily project activities. This is an excellent opportunity to gain field experience and shorebird ID skills. Trip cost for one week is $1,250 and includes your bunk, onboard meals, water, and ground transportation associated with project. Participants will fly to the Bahamas to designated airports for shuttle transport to schooner. A valid passport is required. Airfare and insurance are not included.  Project Summary:  In 2017, Conservian and partners will continue on-the-ground protective and restorative measures to limit human-caused disturbance, and control invasive Australian pine at key Piping Plover, shorebird, and seabird sites in the Bahamas. Field volunteers will participate in collecting new data on shorebirds and seabirds of the Bahamas. Selected sites include Globally Important and locally Important Bird Areas and national parks of the Bahamas, such as Lucaya National Park IBA, Peterson Cay National Park IBA, Joulter Cays National Park IBA, and the Berry Islands, as well as additional key shorebird sites on Grand Bahama Island and Great Abaco.  Project partners include: BirdsCaribbean, Bahamas National Trust, International Conservation Fund of Canada, USFWS/NMBCA, LightHawk, Dow AgroSciences, Grand Bahama Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Grand Bahama Port Authority, Bahamas Public Parks & Beaches Authority, Bahamas Environment, Science & Technology Commission, Rand Nature Center, Abaco Friends of the Environment, Treasure Cay Community Center, Royal Bahamas Police Force/Marine Support.
Project Activities:
· Protect, post & sign shorebird & seabird sites
· Collect new data on nesting shorebirds & habitat
· Observe/assist with bird banding (conditions permitting)
· Control invasive Australian pine on beach habitats
· Work with local volunteers to accomplish the above goals
Our days will be filled with much adventure. The focus of the work is surveying for beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests and young, and working with local volunteers to implement protective measures in the field. Focal species include Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. We will work in both populated and remote areas, sail blue Caribbean waters, visit white sandy beaches, boat to little islands, conduct ground surveys for beach-nesting birds, nests, and downy chicks, and meet new people. We will work with local volunteers to post and sign shorebird sites and control invasive Australian pine. Field crew will assistant with collecting data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment and human-created disturbance. Field crew will also assist with shipboard duties; sailing, cooking and cleaning. There will be time to fish, snorkel, and visit local island towns.
Qualifications: Applicants must be responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, enjoy working in teams and be capable of walking several miles during warm weather in the Caribbean. Applicants must be comfortable living communally onboard a schooner and riding in small boats to access survey sites.
May expedition schedule and locations (final dates TBD)
Assist for one week or more:  Week 1: Grand Bahama Island- (Freeport GBI Int. Airport)
Week 2: Great Abaco, west- (Freeport/Marsh Harbour Airport)
Week 3: Great Abaco, east- (Marsh Harbour Airport)
Week 4: Berry Islands & Joulter Cays-(Marsh Harbour/Nassau Int.Airport)
If you would like to join our conservation crew for a week or more as part of our Volunteer Field Crew:  Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 2 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC: (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applicants is ongoing and will continue until positions are filled.
See link to article on 2016 project from our supporters at LightHawk
Follow link for story of our successful 2016 expedition
Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s coastal bird conservation work.

Employer:  Conservian
Location:  Alabama/Mississippi
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  15 Mar 2017
Open until filled
NOTE: If you applied for this position between Jan 15-25, our server was down. (1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Shorebird Intern Volunteer for monitoring of beach-nesting birds on the Alabama and Mississippi coast. Work begins in early April and continues through July 30th. Shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring and protecting beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, including Snowy and Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Intern will work cooperatively with Conservian field staff as part of a team. Intern will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment, erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas, and be required to keep organized field notes, complete various data forms and perform regular data entry using Excel.
Requirements: Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, and adventurous, in good physical condition, like traveling, working in teams, and comfortable riding in small boats to access some survey sites. This position often requires working long hours, 6 days a week including weekends. Applicant must enjoy walking many miles at remote locations, in hot temperatures on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior shorebird experience preferred, but not required. All training is provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird monitoring experience. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver’s license and own reliable vehicle required for travel between work sites. Cost of gasoline will be reimbursed for travel between field work sites. Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s work on the Gulf Coast.

Employer:  Conservian
Location:  Alabama
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  15 Mar 2017
Open until filled
NOTE: If you applied for this position between Jan 15-25, our server was down.
(1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Beach Ambassador/ Shorebird Monitor Volunteer intern for monitoring of beach-nesting birds and pubic beach use at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores Alabama. Work begins in early April and continues through early August. Intern is required to commit 32 hours per week to Gulf State Park. Intern may work over 32 hours and qualify for hourly pay of $ 9.01. Shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring and protecting beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, including Snowy Plovers and Least Terns, and increasing public compliance with park rules and protective measures in place for beach-nesting birds. Intern will also engage in general education and monitoring of beach-going public. As a Beach Ambassador, intern will be provided a park utility vehicle (UTV) for beach patrolling. Additional security duties include monitoring the parking lot and beach for trash compliance, ensuring the safety of all beach patrons, contacting law enforcement in the event of emergencies, and ensuring that park patrons are in compliance with Alabama State Park 220 Laws. Intern will record data on breeding, beach-nesting bird pairs, habitat assessment, and public compliance, erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas, keep organized field notes, complete various data forms and perform regular data entry using Excel. Intern will report to and work cooperatively with Conservian Shorebird Assistant and Gulf State Park Supervisor. Training will be provided prior to beginning these job duties. Intern will also have opportunities to work with Conservian field staff at other shorebird sites in Alabama.
Requirements: Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, in good physical condition, and enjoy working in warm summer temperatures on the Gulf Coast. Shorebird familiarity and experience working with the public is preferred. UTV certification and shorebird monitoring training is provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird monitoring experience. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x 42). Valid driver’s license and own a reliable vehicle. Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to Margo Zdravkovic: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s work on the Gulf Coast.

Location:  Alabama/Mississippi
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  15 Mar 2017
Open until filled
NOTE: If you applied for this position between Jan 15-25, our server was down. Please reapply. (1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Shorebird Monitoring Assistant for monitoring of beach-nesting birds on the Alabama and Mississippi Coast. Work will begin in early April and continue through early August. A weekly salary of $450 and shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, and working with site managers and local volunteers to implement protective measures. Focal species include; Snowy Plovers, Wilson’s Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Assistant will report to and work cooperatively with Conservian Director to implement and conduct fieldwork. Assistant will professionally represent Conservian when interacting with the public, site managers, and partners. Assistant will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment and human-created disturbance, and erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas. Assistant will be required to keep organized field notes, complete various data forms, perform data entry, and supervise one Conservian intern, and local steward volunteers.
Requirements: Applicant must possess strong verbal communication and leadership skills, and be comfortable working with volunteers and the beach-going public. Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, and adventurous, in good physical condition, like traveling, working in small groups, and independently, and be comfortable riding in small boats to access island survey sites. Position often requires working long hours, 6 days a week, including weekends. Applicant must enjoy walking many miles at remote locations, in hot summer temperatures on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior field experience and supervisory experience is required for this position. Plover/tern/shorebird experience preferred. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver’s license and own reliable vehicle required for travel between work sites. Cost of gasoline will be reimbursed for travel between work sites.
Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian’s work on the Gulf Coast.

Employer:  University of Montana
Location:  Florence, MT
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  None provided
Open until filled
One field technician is needed to assist with a PhD project at the University of Montana exploring the mechanistic basis of nest abandonment. This research takes place primarily at the MPG Ranch in Florence, MT. The technician will maintain and check nest boxes, assist in capture using mist nets and nest box traps. The technician will bleed all target species, deploy nest cameras and monitor nests for abandonment. The technician will be supervised by the graduate student on the project but expected to work alone or with volunteers.
The position will begin May 1st (some flexibility) and will end mid-July. The position will be an average of 40 hours/week over the course of the season, but the work schedule will be variable and may depend on weather. A vehicle will be provided while working on the field site.
Qualifications: Applicants must have previous bird handling experience. Must be willing to work long and odd hours and able to work independently. Applicants must have a valid driver's license, and be able to maintain a positive attitude while working long and sometimes tedious hours in the field. Much of the work will involve driving and hiking to nest boxes on a very large multi-use ranch. Must be able to work well with others. Strong applicants will have previous experience with brachial bleeding, mist-nets, banding and nest searching.
Salary: $13.00/hr (40 hours/week). Housing not included but possibility to camp at field site and there are many subleases in the area.
Start Date: 05/01/2017
To apply:  Please e-mail a cover letter, resume and information for three references (all in one document) to HANNAH BEYL (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Application deadline of March 31st but application review will begin immediately.

Employer:  Baggs, Wyoming
Location:  University of Wyoming
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  None provided
One research technician position is available to assist on a University of Wyoming study evaluating the annual space-use patterns, habitat selection, and demographic rates of Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in southern Wyoming (Baggs, Wyoming).  This position will last for 5-6 months from April 1st to August/September (ending date is flexible) and responsibilities will include capturing grouse; locating radio-marked grouse with radio telemetry and GPS; monitoring nests; nighttime brood counts; evaluating microhabitat plots at bird-use and random locations; data entry and proofing; and operating 4WD trucks and ATVs. Work will require sharing housing with other technicians, extensive hiking, long hours (>40/wk), and a willingness to endure adverse environmental conditions. It is essential that applicants are able to work well with others and also work independently. Field work will be conducted in remote landscapes. Technicians will gain valuable wildlife and vegetation monitoring experience.
Applicants should have the desire and ability to:  -Legibly record field data and enter it into a database
-Navigate using maps and GPS equipment
-Capture and handle wildlife
-Monitor wildlife using radio telemetry
-Work and live side-by-side with co-workers
-Work under harsh weather conditions
-Assist with vegetation sampling and identification
-Safely operate 4WD pickups and ATVs
-Work long days with variable work schedules (including nighttime hours)
Please apply by sending a 1-2 page letter of interest and your resume (with 3 references) as a single attached file (with just your name as the filename) via email to AARON PRATT. In your application please include an answer (1-2 paragraphs) to the following question: Why is it important to study sharp-tailed grouse habitat selection and demography? Applicants should apply ASAP because first suitable candidate will be hired.

Employer:  Memorial University of Newfoundland
Location:  Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador
Country:  Canada
Last Date to Apply:  17 Feb 2017
Memorial University of Newfoundland is seeking 3 avian point count research assistants for work based in western Newfoundland, Canada. Positions will run from the beginning of June through mid-July. Research focus is on the influence of silviculture and red squirrels on Gray-cheeked Thrush abundance and distribution. You must have prior experience identifying birds of eastern North America by sight and song, or experience from other regions and a demonstrated ability to learn bird identification quickly. Surveys will be away from roads and trails in rugged terrain with lots of biting insects. Applicants should be physically fit (5-15 km off-trail hiking per day) and comfortable with navigation in the backcountry. Experience mist-netting would be an asset to provide occasional help with a related project. All applicants must have the ability to collect and record detailed and accurate field data, follow directions, work without direct supervision, and maintain enthusiasm and a positive attitude while working in challenging field conditions. Experience using hand-held GPS units and navigating with map and compass is an asset. A valid driver’s license and first aid certification will be considered useful. Pay will be $818 CAD per week plus a small food allowance. Housing will be a backcountry cabin (shared with other assistants and a graduate student) and on-site transportation will be provided.
TO APPLY: Please submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for 3 professional references (e-mail AND phone number) for receipt by 17 February 2017. Applications should be sent via e-mail to JENNA MCDERMOTT, Cognitive and Behavioural Ecology, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer:  United States Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center
Location:  Outer coast of Yukon Delta NWR (gear prep in Anchorage)
Country:  United States
Last Date to Apply:  30 Mar 2017
Open until filled
Salary: $1,000 plus air travel expenses.
Duration: Late May/Early June to Late June/early July (~ 1 month). Please send resume, contact information for 3 references, and a cover letter to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.
 Description: We have a 22-year demographic study of the rare endemic Emperor Geese ongoing in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. This tundra ecosystem is one of the richest in the world for ground nesting birds, particularly for shorebirds, waterfowl, and other waterbirds. Current foci are the survival and breeding consequences of climate variation, disease (avian influenza and blood parasites), nutritional strategies for egg production, and year-round migration via geolocators. Work entails continual long days of walking to locate nests, resight banded birds, and capture and bleed birds. The habitation is a remote, communal, tent-based camp of 6-8 people. Travel and logistics through local indigenous communities (Yu’pik) periodically. Each crew member may be required to compose a short report about their work after the field work has been completed.
Qualifications: Enthusiasm for long, physically tiring days (hiking the tundra for ~10 miles/day), and an ability to joyfully weather the mud and bugs. Similarly, a collaborative and congenial demeanor is needed to coexist in communal camps where all share in camp chores. Days off only occur if a storm descends upon us. Small outboard boating experience in tidal environments helpful, as is experience handling, banding, and bleeding birds. Skill at manipulating digital databases (Excel or Access) and GIS are useful, though not mandatory. Advanced undergraduate standing (or higher) and some field experience is necessary.
Please send a resume, cover letter, and contact info for 3 references to JOEL SCHMUTZ, USGS Alaska Science Center, (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer:  RSPB
Location:  Gough Island
Country:  United Kingdom
Last Date to Apply:  28 Feb 2017<UrlBlockedError.aspx> vacancies
Senior Field Assistant
Reference number: A6250117
Location: Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha
One Senior Field Assistant will be recruited to carry out eradication of Sagina procumbens, seabird monitoring and other field work on Gough Island. The post holder will work along side two Field Assistants. All three posts will be for a period of 15 months, consisting of two months pre-deployment training and 13 months deployment on Gough.
Gough Island (6,500 ha) is located in the South Atlantic and is part of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. These posts are funded through the collaborative Gough Island Restoration Programme, which aims to eradicate both Sagina and house mice from Gough Island. The collaboration involves the RSPB, Tristan da Cunha Island Council and DEFRA.
The primary rationale for this position is to support the restoration of Gough Island. See for more information. We wish to attract committed candidates who will adapt to the requirements of this restoration programme and remain focused on the outputs needed to progress this globally important effort. This position will offer a unique opportunity for highly motivated and disciplined individuals with relevant fieldwork skills and a keen interest in wildlife, who will adapt well to small island living in a challenging sub-Antarctic environment.  Work in the wildlife breeding season at Gough Island is very intensive, with frequent long hours of fieldwork and data preparation, so it is important to be well organised. Data are collated using databases and by submitting reports, observing deadlines at frequent intervals. The results underpin efforts to restore the Gough Island World Heritage Site.  The candidates will be joining and living with the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) over-wintering team of 6 people, bringing the total team size to 9 people. They will be required to work within the requirements of SANAP's over-wintering teams, including sharing cooking and cleaning duties on the base. It will be an asset if the post holders have prior experience of working with one or more other team members.  The learning curve is very steep and so all candidates must have previous experience of handling appropriate wild animals, but RSPB will provide a finishing school (at the Lodge and on Gough Island) to hone these skills. Two recent blogs provide excellent resources on what it is like to live and work on Gough Island:
 Please review the candidate information pack for more information on this post.
The starting date for these positions can not be any later than the 30th of May 2017 due to the pre-deployment training requirements.  Pre-deployment training provided by the RSPB will take place in either the UK or South Africa. A final decision will only be taken once the entire team has been appointed. All applicants must therefore be available to depart their home country to attend this training on or near the starting date, if required.  No candidate will be permitted to travel to Gough without satisfactorily completing the pre-deployment training. No candidate will be permitted to travel to Gough without satisfactorily passing a medical
Salary: £22,073 to £23,912 per annum (Pro-Rata)  Hours & contract information: Hours: Part time, 35 hours per week. Contract: 15 months.
Closing date: 28 February 2017  Interview date: 20 March 2017, 27 March 2017
How to apply: You can find more information about the role in the downloads below. Please make sure you include reference number A6250117 on any correspondence.
Role Profile: (Word 178Kb, requires Microsoft Word)  Additional information: 619Kb, requires Adobe Reader). Application details: (Word 29Kb, requires Microsoft Word)
For questions about this post: JOHN KELLY (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>  PH: 01767 693666). Send application details to PETER TAYLOR (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).  The RSPB, The Lodge, Potton Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, 01767 693527

Employer:  RSPB
Location:  Gough Island
Country:  United Kingdom
Last Date to Apply:  28 Feb 2017<UrlBlockedError.aspx> vacancies
Field Assistant - Gough Island - 2 roles
Reference number: A6230117/A6240117
Location: Gough Island, Tristan da Cunha
Two Field Assistants will be recruited to carry out eradication of Sagina procumbens, seabird monitoring and other field work on Gough Island. The post holders will work along side a Senior Field Assistant. All three posts will be for a period of 15 months, consisting of two months pre-deployment training and 13 months deployment on Gough.  Gough Island (6,500 ha) is located in the South Atlantic and is part of the Tristan da Cunha archipelago. These posts are funded through the collaborative Gough Island Restoration Programme, which aims to eradicate both Sagina and house mice from Gough Island. The collaboration involves the RSPB, Tristan da Cunha Island Council and DEFRA.
The primary rationale for these positions is to support the restoration of Gough Island. See<> for more information. We wish to attract committed candidates who will adapt to the requirements of this restoration programme and remain focused on the outputs needed to progress this globally important effort. This positions will offer a unique opportunity for highly motivated and disciplined individuals with relevant fieldwork skills and a keen interest in wildlife, who will adapt well to small island living in a challenging sub-Antarctic environment.  Work in the wildlife breeding season at Gough Island is very intensive, with frequent long hours of fieldwork and data preparation, so it is important to be well organised. Data are collated using databases and by submitting reports, observing deadlines at frequent intervals. The results underpin efforts to restore the Gough Island World Heritage Site.  The candidates will be joining and living with the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) over-wintering team of 6 people, bringing the total team size to 9 people. They will be required to work within the requirements of SANAP's over-wintering teams, including sharing cooking and cleaning duties on the base. It will be an asset if the post holders have prior experience of working with one or more other team members.  The learning curve is very steep and so all candidates must have previous experience of handling appropriate wild animals, but RSPB will provide a finishing school (at the Lodge and on Gough Island) to hone these skills. Two recent blogs provide excellent resources on what it is like to live and work on Gough Island:  •<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Please review the candidate information pack for more information on these posts.
The starting date for these positions can not be any later than the 30th of May 2017 due to the pre-deployment training requirements.  Pre-deployment training provided by the RSPB will take place in either the UK or South Africa. A final decision will only be taken once the entire team has been appointed. All applicants must therefore be available to depart their home country to attend this training on or near the starting date, if required.
No candidate will be permitted to travel to Gough without satisfactorily completing the pre-deployment training.  No candidate will be permitted to travel to Gough without satisfactorily passing a medical.
Salary: £19,602 to £21,236 per annum (Pro-Rata) Hours & contract information: Hours: Part time, 35 hours per week. Contract: 15 months.
Closing date: 28 February 2017  Interview date: 20 March 2017, 27 March 2017
How to apply:  You can find more information about the role in the downloads below. Please make sure you include reference number A6230117/A6240117 on any correspondence.
Role Profile: (Word 254Kb, requires Microsoft Word). Additional information: (PDF 618Kb, requires Adobe Reader). Application details: (Word 29Kb, requires Microsoft Word).
For questions about this post: JOHN KELLY  (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> PH: 01767 693666)
Send application details to: PETER TAYLOR (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). The RSPB, The Lodge, Potton Road, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, 01767 693527

Employer:  The Conservation Land Trust
Location:  Ituzaingo, Corrientes
Country:  Argentina
Last Date to Apply:  01 Jun 2017
We seek volunteer field assistants for a two/three-month period starting February 2017 for a rewilding project of the Red and Green Macaw (Ara chloropterus) in the savanna of Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina. Volunteer’s activities involve helping with the daily routines of the field site, which include: introducing the captive macaws to a native diet, flight training, antipredator training, monitoring feeding behavior and diet, collecting their native food, maintaining their enclosure and surveying food availability in nearby forests and data entry. Volunteer field assistants will also be involved in the release and post release processes which will include VHF monitoring.
Applicants must be responsible, self-disciplined, hardworking, self-motivated, tolerant of tropical weather and biting insects (mosquitoes, ticks, flies), willing to work in a group and able to tolerate rustic isolated living conditions. A sense of humor is vital. Applicants will share a room in a small cabin at the field site, located at 40 km from the city of Ituzaingó. Radio-telemetry is a big plus but not required. Fluent Spanish skills required. Volunteer field assistants must be a minimum of 18 years old.
We provide the necessary equipment for the fieldwork activities, as well as food and lodging. Applicants must arrange their own transportation to Ituzaingó, Corrientes province, Argentina.
TO APPLY: Send cover letter and resume with contact of two references to NOELIA VOLPE (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please include the time period in which you would be able to come in the subject of the email. Individuals interested in applying to this position are strongly advised to check the cost of flights from their native country to Argentina prior to applying to the position. Feel free to email for further information. Closing Date: Until Filled.

Employer: University of New Brunswick
Location: Fredericton, NB
Country: Canada
Last Date to Apply: 15 Feb 2017
Relationships between behaviour, habitat use, and parasite burden in Ruffed and Spruce Grouse
Migrant birds are an important carrier/host of the Lyme disease vector, the black-legged tick (Ixodes scapularis). The acceleration of global warming has allowed rapid expansion of the geographic range of the tick. Northern areas, such as New Brunswick (Canada), were not historically part of the range of I. scapularis. New Brunswick (NB) now has populations of I. scapularis in the southern part of the province; prevalence in the northern part is unknown but predicted to be low. Little is known about 1) the importance of non-migrant birds as carriers/hosts of I. scapularis, and 2) how habitat and behavioural variation alters a host’s importance. This MSc will address the relationship between I. scapularis and two closely-related and sympatric non-migrant birds in NB: Ruffed Grouse (Bonasa umbellus) and Spruce Grouse (Falcipennis canadensis). The data to be collected will not only be used to examine avian ecological questions, but will also have ramifications for understanding human health risks from Lyme disease in Canada.
We seek a Master’s student to answer these questions as part of a fully-funded multi-year collaboration between the University of New Brunswick, the NB Department of Health (Office Chief Medical Officer of Health), and the Public Health Agency of Canada (National Microbiology Laboratory). Field work will be primarily in southern NB and will involve extensive sampling for a) I. scapularis distributions, b) grouse abundance, and c) grouse habitat use. A non-trivial portion of the field work will require collecting data on I. scapularis distributions to answer important public health questions. Full funding is available to support an MSc student and all field work. The project is set to commence in May/June 2017.
Qualifications: Applicants should hold an undergraduate degree in biology, forestry, environmental studies, or the equivalent from a recognized university with a minimum 3.0 (B) average. Preference will be given to candidates with research experience that would make them competitive for external and internal scholarships.
To Apply: Further details regarding the project can be obtained by contacting Dr. JOSEPH NOCERA (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) at the University of New Brunswick or Dr. Jackie Badcock at the NB Department of Health. Interested applicants should submit a covering letter, a CV, and contact details for three possible referees to Dr. Joseph Nocera. We will begin to accept applications immediately, and will continue to do so until February 15, 2017.

Employer: Texas A&M University
Location: College Station, TX
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 01 May 2017
Open until filled
We are seeking applicants for a master’s student to join our lab in August 2017. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to develop an independent project within the research interests of the lab. The lab focuses on animal communication and sensory ecology using birds (primarily galliformes and passerines) as model systems. Please review our lab website to learn more about our research:<>.
Qualifications: Applicants should possess a strong understanding of basic principles of animal behavior, ecology, and evolution. They will ideally have prior research experience.
Apply: Formal applications are due May 1st, but potential candidates should contact Dr. JESSICA YORZINSKI by email (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>) as soon as possible, including a brief statement of previous research experience and plans for future research, CV, unofficial transcript, GRE scores, and contact information for three references. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue on a rolling basis. Successful applicants will need to apply to the graduate program at Texas A&M University (<UrlBlockedError.aspx>).

Employer: Ecostudies Institute
Location: Homestead, FL
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 28 Feb 2017
Salary $45,000 annually, commensurate with qualifications of successful applicants
Start Date 04/01/2017
Ecostudies Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to understanding and conserving native populations of birds and other wildlife and their habitats. We are committed to finding practical solutions that help recover and maintain wildlife populations. We conduct sound science to collect the information needed to help manage species and develop conservation strategies, and we incorporate outreach to ensure that partners and citizens have the information necessary to be involved in conservation decisions.
We are currently seeking a POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE to join our organization to assist with a long-term demographic study of the federally endangered Cape Sable seaside sparrow in Everglades National Park. Cape Sable seaside sparrow numbers have declined in response to past water management actions in the Everglades ecosystem, and despite recent modifications to water delivery systems recovery has been slow. Current Everglades restoration plans are expected to improve habitat conditions for sparrows in some areas, but models show that other areas might be negatively affected resulting in further loss of suitable marl prairie breeding habitat. In order to assess the effects of future restoration actions on sparrow populations we have been working towards developing a spatially-explicit population estimator using existing long-term survey data to derive an unbiased population estimate. The post-doctoral research associate will primarily be responsible for completing this analysis, and will help develop new survey protocols to be recommended to agency partners to modify and improve current methods. There will also be opportunities to assist with other ongoing analysis of our long-term demographic data for additional publications.
We are looking for applicants who have strong quantitative analytical skills, a demonstrated ability to publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and are able to work well independently or as part of a team. This position will primarily be responsible for data analysis and writing manuscripts; however, applicants should expect to participate in some fieldwork in south FL, assist with project logistics, and act as a liaison with agency partners.
Appointment: This position will have a 1-year term, with the possibility of extension for a second year dependent upon performance and available funding. Desired start date is April 1, 2017. The position will be based out of Homestead, FL. Qualifications Qualifications: Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in ecology or a related field, and have previous avian research experience. The strongest candidates will have analytical skills in population estimation (e.g., N-mixture models, distance sampling analysis, etc.) and demographic modeling (e.g., survival analysis). Previous experience working with grassland passerines or in the Everglades ecosystem is a plus. Candidates should also have excellent written and verbal communication skills.
To Apply: Send a letter of interest addressed to Dr. TOM VIRZI, CV, three references (include names, emails, and phone numbers), and at least two writing samples to (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Please include “CSSS Post-Doc” in the subject line of your email. Contact Person Dr. Tom Virzi Contact (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Employer: The Nature Conservancy
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 01 Mar 2017
Website https://careers.natu...85&PostingSeq=1<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Salary: He/she will be a full-time employee of The Nature Conservancy with competitive salary and benefits. Position will be supported for 1 year with potential of extension for an additional year pending satisfactory progress. Funding is available to for travel costs to attend team meetings and professional conferences.
Start Date 06/01/2017
Last Date to Apply 03/01/2017
The Nature Conservancy’s Global Lands Program (http://www.nature.or...ation/index.htm<UrlBlockedError.aspx>) is recruiting a Postdoctoral Research Associate to work with an interdisciplinary team to examine the ecological roles of wild birds on west-coast organic vegetable farms in California, Oregon, and Washington. Wild birds serve both as predators of herbivorous insects and as vectors of human/livestock pathogens and parasites. This USDA-funded project seeks to understand the trade-offs between avian conservation and farm production to inform practical, science-based recommendations and to tailor tools to farmers for wild-bird management. This research will integrate avian ecology, landscape ecology, molecular biology, host-parasite interactions, and disease modeling in agroecosystems. Project and partners include The Nature Conservancy, Washington State University, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, and University of California-Riverside. For more information, see<UrlBlockedError.aspx>.
Position Description:
The Postdoctoral Research Associate will integrate species distribution modeling and land cover data to synthesize relationships among wild birds, on-farm practices, landscape patterns, and food safety and will utilize this information alongside published research to help tailor online tools for farmers. Within this scope, opportunities exist to develop and explore novel research questions of interest.
Responsibilities will include:
• Utilize citizen science datasets on bird spatial patterns (eBird, Breeding Bird Survey data) to model species occupancy and abundance metrics that account for common biases.
• Utilize spatial data on regional land cover/land use and potentially augment with farm-scale habitat features (e.g. habitat patches, paddock trees, hedgerows, field margins) where possible via compilation of multi-resolution imagery and employing image classification techniques.
• Develop statistical models that assess the relationships between wild bird activity, on-farm practices, and landscape patterns based on secondary data sources (eBird) relative to those derived from primary field data.
• Based on modeling work and existing literature, work with project team to tailor existing Bird ID and land mapping tools (i.e., Merlin Bird ID and YardMap) and pilot web content to help farmers identify benefits/risks of birds, and provide site-specific farm-management advice.
• Disseminate research by publishing in peer-reviewed science journals, producing funder reports, presenting at national conferences, and communicating findings within conservation and agricultural communities.
This position will be supervised by Dr. Christina Kennedy (http://www.nature.or...ina-kennedy.xml<UrlBlockedError.aspx>) and will interact closely with faculty at Washington State University (Dr. William Snyder and Dr. Jeb Owen), participating farmers, TNC staff in CA, OR, WA, and Cornell eBird ( and YardMap programs (http://content.yardm...-network-intro/<UrlBlockedError.aspx>). Qualifications Required Qualifications:
• A Ph.D. in Ecology, Environmental Science, Geography, or related fields.
• Demonstration of robust analytic and spatial skills. Strong background in statistical analysis software (R, Matlab, SAS), and modeling species-habitat patterns. Programming background is strongly desired.
• Experience working with eBird and/or BBS data and modeling species occurrence patterns using citizen science datasets in a way that accounts for detection biases. Understanding of or interest in learning downscaling of species distribution models.
• Background in community and landscape ecology. Familiarity with landscape pattern analysis and species occurrence/community models.
• Excellent written and oral communication skills with a proven publication record, in peer-reviewed scientific journals, and the ability to write technical reports.
• Willingness to work with diverse stakeholders and to travel throughout the project area in the western US.
Desired Qualifications:
• Familiarity with Geographic Information Systems software and Remote Sensing and (ENVI, ERDAS, ArcGIS, QGIS) and related programming/scripting environments (Python, IDL, EML).
• Experience in acquiring, processing, manipulating multi-resolution spatiotemporal data for land cover classification, modeling structural vegetation composition and image analysis.
• Experience in agroecosystems and familiarity with related literature on farm and landscape metrics that impact bird diversity.
• Willingness to learn new statistical models and software as needed for research.
• Ability to work effectively with an interdisciplinary team to meet deadlines. Highly motivated and capable of working independently to complete projects.
• Strong organizational and communication skills (both oral and written).
Start Date:
Anticipated start date flexible but no later than June 2017.
Application: Apply through The Nature Conservancy Careers at: https://careers.natu...85&PostingSeq=1<UrlBlockedError.aspx>    Apply to Job ID #45085, submit letter of interest, curriculum vitae, and contact information for three references. All applications must be submitted prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on March 1, 2017. Contact Person Dr. CHRISTINA M. KENNEDY Contact (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Employer: Ben Gurion University,
Location: Negev
Country: Israel
Last Date to Apply: None provided
Open until filled
*Looking for 2 Post Docs for a research on the behavioral game between a
predator and prey (Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel)*
*Project Background*: A predator in a patchy environment should consider
the anti-predatory behavior of its prey and use tactics such as managing
the fear of the prey to maximize prey capture. To avoid predation, the prey
should use time allocation and vigilance. The prey behavior is also
dependent on prey density and the behavior of other prey individuals in the
other patches. We study the behavioral game of two players in an artificial
arena that was built specifically for this purpose in which a fish eating
bird – little egret – is free to capture fish that are found in three
different fish pools. The fish can choose to either hide undercover or to
forage for food in the risky part of the pool. The ongoing study, which is
supported by an ISF grant, deals mostly with building and testing the
predictions of game models. Prof. Bill Mitchell (Indiana State University)
is in charge of the game modeling effort.
We offer *2 Post-doctoral positions* (duration: 1/2/2017 – 30/9/2018). We
prefer candidates with previous experience in behavioral ecology and game
theory. Candidates with a strong experience in theoretical and
mathematical approaches to game theory are preferred. Experience and
fluency in programming language (MATLAB or equivalent), database and
statistical analysis is desired.
Earlier results of this study can be seen in the following publications:
1. Katz, M. Z. Abramsky, B. P. Kotler, O. Altstein & M. L. Rosenzweig.
2010. Playing the waiting game: predator and prey in a test environment.
Evolutionary Ecology Research. 12: 793-801.
2. Katz, W. M. Z. Abramsky, B.P. Kotler, M.L. Rosenzweig, O. Alteshtein &
G. Vasserman. 2013. Optimal foraging of Little Egrets and their prey in a
foraging game in a patchy environment. American Naturalist 181: 381-395.
3. Katz, W.M. Zvika Abramsky, Burt P Kotler, Inbar Roth, Ofir Altestein1&
Michael L. Rosenzweig. 2014. A predator-prey behavioural game: How does
number of food patches influence foraging tactics? Evolutionary Ecology
Research 16: 19-35.
4. Katz, M. Zvika Abramsky, Burt P. Kotler, Inbar Roth, Stav. Livne Ofir
Altstein, and Michael L. Rosenzweig. 2015. A predator-prey foraging game:
How does prey density influence tactics? Evolutionary Ecology Research.
5.Merav Wacht Katz , Zvika Abramsky , Burt P. Kotler , Ofir Altstein ,
Inbar Roth , Michael L Rosenzweig , and C. Klimovitsky. 2015. Comparing
the non-lethal and lethal effects of predation risk on goldfish
anti-predatory behavior. Israel J. of Ecology & Evolution. 62:121-127.
For more details, please get in touch with *Prof. ZVIKA ABRAMSKY, *Dept of
Life Sciences, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. (PH: +972 528795851 EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

West Virginia Wesleyan College
West Virginia
United States
Last Date to Apply:
10 Feb 2017
The Department of Biology and Environmental Science at West Virginia
Wesleyan College seeks a broadly-trained animal physiologist/animal
scientist with expertise in animal physiology, nutrition, zoology, or other
related field. In addition to courses in the candidate's field of
expertise, teaching responsibilities will include introductory courses for
majors and non-majors. Active participation in the biology and
environmental studies curriculum is expected. The candidate will establish
an active research program involving undergraduates. Candidates with
experience in implementing innovative pedagogy across the biology
curriculum are strongly encouraged to apply. Ph.D. required.
Founded in 1890, West Virginia Wesleyan is a private residential liberal
arts and sciences college located in the foothills of the Appalachians in
Buckhannon, WV, named one of the "100 Best Small Towns in America." The
College is related to the United Methodist Church, with a curriculum
committed to intellectual rigor, self-discovery, human dignity, mutual
support, social justice, self-discipline, mental and physical wellness, the
appreciation of diversity and the natural world, and the judicious use of
resources. The College has over 40 undergraduate academic majors, 10
graduate programs, 19 NCAA Division II sports, comprehensive student life,
community engagement, and outdoor recreation programs.
TO APPLY: Please submit the following items as a *single electronic PDF
file* to the Office of the VP for Academic Affairs, West Virginia Wesleyan
College ([log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>): letter of application, CV, unofficial
graduate and undergraduate transcripts, brief statements of teaching
philosophy and research interests, syllabi from courses taught, and the
names and contact information of three references. For consideration,
applications must be complete. Questions regarding this position should be
directed to Dr. KIM BJORGO-THORNE (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). Candidates must
provide documents that demonstrate eligibility to work in the United States
and must pass a criminal background check before being offered a contract
for employment. Minority and female candidates are especially encouraged to
apply. Review of applications will begin February 10, 2017 and continue
until the position is filled. EOE.

Employer: Cleveland State Community College
Location: Cleveland, Tennessee
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 04 Mar 2017
Salary $41,328 - $51,660
Start Date 08/01/2017
Last Date to Apply 03/04/2017
Full-time academic year tenure-track faculty position. To ensure full consideration, applicants must submit a completed application packet including a letter of intent and a statement (not to exceed 300 words) describing the role of community colleges in higher education, an application form, current resume, three letters of recommendation, and official transcripts of all degrees by March 3, 2017.
Please visit this website for full description, minimum qualifications, and salary ranges. Applications and all documents must be submitted to:
Qualifications Minimum qualifications are a Master's degree from a regionally accredited institution with 18 graduate semester hours in any of the qualifying fields: Ecology, Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries, Conservation, or Natural Resources Management. Contact Person ANNE CLARK Contact (PH: 423-473-2397 EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>)

Employer: University of Michigan-Flint
Location: Flint, MI
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 31 Mar 2017
Website http://careers.umich...essor_-_biology<UrlBlockedError.aspx>
Salary Commensurate with experience
Start Date 09/01/2017
The Biology Department at the University of Michigan-Flint seeks applicants for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level starting in September 2017. A candidate is sought with a strong background in Organismal Biology and Ecology. A candidate with post-doctoral research or management experience is preferred. Teaching responsibilities will include teaching an introductory organismal biology course and development and teaching of upper-level ecology courses (lecture and laboratory). Applicants must be willing to work collaboratively with colleagues in course activities, as well as participate in service activities. Applicants also must be willing to actively involve graduate and undergraduate students in research. Post will remain open until filled; however, the review of applications will begin January 20, 2017. Qualifications A Ph.D. in biology or related discipline with a strong background in organismal biology and ecology. A successful candidate must have: a broad background in biology (e.g., coursework such as cell biology, genetics, organismal biology, ecology, zoology); significant coursework in biology and ecology; ability to teach an introductory organismal biology course and upper-level ecology courses (as evidenced by student teaching evaluations, presentations at professional meetings, or from references); a commitment to undergraduate and graduate teaching and research; and a record of scholarly research (i.e., publications and presentations at scholarly meetings on topics of basic science, organismal biology, and ecology). Contact Person JENNIFER PHILLIPS Contact (PH: 810-762-3360 EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer: Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation
Location: Front Royal VA
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: None provided
Open until filled
George Mason University seeks a Conservation Biologist for a full-time, Term Instructional position for the 2017-18 academic year (12-month appointment, renewable) to participate in the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation (SMSC) ( The position will be based at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) in Front Royal, VA (
In this unique immersive teaching framework, the successful applicant will work as part of a team of core faculty to provide instruction for a diverse portfolio of academic programming including the Smithsonian-Mason Semester for Conservation Studies, an in-residence program for undergraduate students based at SCBI. Students spend 16 weeks participating in intensive, interdisciplinary, field and lab-intensive coursework. This program focuses on building conservation-related skills and professional development opportunities for students interested in becoming conservation professionals. Faculty should expect to engage in at least 16-20 contact hours with students weekly.  Additional duties will include continued planning for the undergraduate program, and may include opportunities to develop new courses in the applicant's area of expertise, as well as planning and instructional activities to support SMSC's graduate/professional program and programming for high school, undergraduate, and international audiences.
Position requirements include a Ph.D., a demonstrated dedication to teaching, and professional experience in a conservation-oriented field that will intersect with and add diversity to current programming and courses (see courses at<UrlBlockedError.aspx>).
Review of applications begins March 5, 2017, and will continue until the position is filled. The start date for this position is June 1, 2017 or earlier. For full consideration, please apply online at<><>, position number F112AZ, complete the online faculty application, and attach a cover letter, CV, contact information for at least 3 references, and a teaching vita that includes a teaching philosophy and summary of evaluations and course development work.
Information about SMSC may be obtained at or by contacting Dr. GEOFF BIRCHARD (EM:  [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>).

Employer: Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve / FIU
Location: Naples, FL
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: 26 Feb 2017
Job Summary
    Evaluates, strengthens and enhances existing programming, and develops and implements new programs designed to enhance the connection of the Reserve's research programs to the education and stewardship community.
    Conducts monitoring of shorebirds and wading birds within and adjacent to the Reserve.
    Coordinates avian monitoring, education and outreach, and database management with Audubon, FWC, and universities as well as other partners.
    Coordinates the seasonal closing of beach nesting bird areas within the Reserve and posts and maintains educational signs at critical nesting areas closed to public access.
    Coordinates annual shorebird partners meeting.
    Updates and maintains the Reserve library database.
    Independent operation of boats and vehicles in a field setting.
    Coordinates and leads field trips for events.
    Assists with the recovery, calibration, maintenance and deployment of environmental monitoring equipment; assists with field research field monitoring as needed.
    Manages the avian monitoring database for the Reserve as well as other databases associated with biological monitoring projects in the Reserve as assigned.
    Supervises volunteers, student workers and OPS employees as assigned.
    Prepares and maintains biological monitoring budget.
    Performs other duties as assigned.
    Manages confidential data according to the rules established by the State of Florida.
    Assists with other aspects of research at or management of the Reserve and facilities as needed.
    Provides assistance in the event of an emergency on/at the Rookery Bay Reserve site including pre-storm preparation, post-storm clean-up and replacement of stored goods to ready the site for operation after a storm; or other services assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:  Bachelor's degree and two (2) years of office or related experience.
Desired Qualifications: Master's degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education in Biology, Environmental Science or related field preferred; OR a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in Biology, Environmental Science or related field and two years of applicable experience. Knowledge of basic estuarine ecology and coastal waterbird ecology, identification, and related management issues; laboratory and field QA/QC protocols for environmental sampling and analysis, laboratory safety procedures, small vessel operation, navigation and safety.
Advertised Salary: $38,256

Employer: Meadowside Nature Center
Location: Montgomery County, Maryland
Country: United States
Last Date to Apply: None provided
Open until filled
Salary: $51,704.00 - $88,476.00 Annually
Job Type: Career Full-Time
Candidate will provide interpretive and educational programs in natural history to various groups such as schools, scouts, general public and summer youth campers. Conducts research in various subject matters and upon approval of senior staff, will present the material in programs and camps. Respond to visitor, telephone, and staff inquiries concerning natural history and conservation matters. Greets visitors, provides interpretive program information, promotes positive public relations for the nature center programs and encourages public appreciation for the natural environment. Will provide care, enrichment, training, and maintain health of live amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, and birds of prey. For full job description and application details please see:
PAUL GRINDROD, Meadowside Nature Center, 5100 Meadowside Lane, Rockville, MD 20855
(PH: 301-258-4033)

Employer: Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge
Location: Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, AK
Country: United States
Open Until Filled: Yes
The biology program of Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge is recruiting several volunteers for the summer of 2017 to assist with our seabird monitoring program. This is a unique opportunity to experience a wildlife refuge that spans much of the coastline of Alaska, covers nearly 3.4 million acres, and provides essential habitat for some 30 million seabirds, hundreds of thousands of marine mammals, and numerous plant and animal species found only in Alaska.
Position Description: Volunteers will perform a variety of scientific and technical tasks to assist in a long-term seabird monitoring program. Species being studied will differ by location but may include storm-petrels, cormorants, kittiwakes, murres, pigeon guillemots, auklets, and puffins. The fieldwork will require volunteers to follow established, standardized procedures for field data collection, biological sample collection and storage, data entry, and data management. Volunteers will be collecting data on seabird breeding chronology, reproductive success, population changes, adult survival, and food habits.  Volunteers will work as part of a field crew consisting of 2-5 individuals, supervised by an experienced crew leader. It is very important that volunteers are able to live and work amicably in small groups for over three months. In addition to collecting scientific data, volunteers will assist with the maintenance and upkeep of the field camp, including assisting with meal planning and food preparation.  The work is conducted at remote field camps spread across the breadth of the Refuge including Aiktak, Buldir, Chowiet, St. George, and St. Paul islands. All of the sites are located along the coast of Alaska, so wet, windy weather and spartan living conditions are the norm. The hard work and remote locations can be very challenging and this opportunity is not for everyone, but for the right person this experience will be very rewarding.
Qualifications: Best qualified applicants will possess (or be working toward) a degree in biology or related field and have some field experience. All applicants should be in excellent physical condition and able to live and work happily with a small group of people in an extremely remote and isolated environment. Applicants must be willing and able to work in cold, wet weather, doing sedentary work, for hours at a time. Previous experience working with birds is desirable but not required. This position requires applicants to be willing and able to work a varied schedule, including long days (10+ hours), weekends, and holidays. Some positions may require applicants to be comfortable with heights.
Duration: May 1 through early September. Only applicants available for the entire period should apply, as transport to and from the islands is very restricted.
Compensation: Transportation to and from Homer, Alaska from any of the 50 states is provided. Housing is provided both in Homer during training and in the field. A small stipend will be provided to cover food costs while in Homer and incidental costs while in the field. All food in the field is provided, and it is prepared by the field crew (so bring your favorite cookbooks!).
To Apply: Please submit a brief cover letter, detailed resume, three references and any college transcripts (unofficial copies are OK) to MARC ROMANO (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>). You must be a U.S. citizen or national to apply. We will be filling these positions on a rolling basis, so please apply early.For More Information: Please feel free to contact Marc Romano (EM: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> PH: 907-226-4608).

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