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FWGRADJOBS  January 2017, Week 2

FWGRADJOBS January 2017, Week 2


FW: Birdjobs -- January 11, 2017


"Schneider, Jim" <[log in to unmask]>


Schneider, Jim


Thu, 12 Jan 2017 13:44:21 +0000





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From: <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>> on behalf of Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Reply-To: Cheryl Trine <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 12:12 AM
To: "[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>" <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Subject: Birdjobs -- January 11, 2017
Resent-From: Jim Schneider <[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>>
Resent-Date: Thursday, January 12, 2017 at 12:15 AM

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MIGRATION MONITORING ASSISTANT at Thunder Cape Bird Observatory.  <><>  Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada.  Duration: 3-6 weeks; Seasonal Spring and Autumn.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Application Deadline: 15 Sep 2017.  Description: Duties include formal visual observations of passerines, raptors, and waterfowl, monitoring mist nets, banding, data entry, assisting in the maintenance of station and associated chores. Accommodation and food are provided at our remotely located station for those who volunteer for three weeks or more. Shorter stays can be arranged for a small fee.The shared cabin, occupied by a maximum of 6 offers sporadic limited internet with little electricity.  Qualifications: We require keen, fit, individuals who have enthusiasm for the natural world, possess at a minimum, basic avian identification skills, have bird handling experience and/or are willing to learn. Familiarity with basic computer programmes is essential.  Compensation: Volunteers will be transported to and from Thunder Bay and housed in our comfortable field station. Access is by small boat or 13 km hike dependent upon the weather conditions on Lake Superior. Food is provided. Supper cooking is rotated by the crew.  To Apply: Please visit our website and complete the application form sending it to RINCHEN BOARDMAN, Programme Coordinator, (EM: arbyboardman AT

FUEL MODIFICATION ZONE BIRD SURVEYING INTERN at National Park Service.  <><>  Location: Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, Thousand Oaks, CA.  Duration: 6 months.  Job Type: Intern.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 20 Jan 2017.  Description: ~February 1 to July 31 Introduction The Fire Management Program and the Division of Planning, Science, and Resource Management lead the park's compliance with the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act as well as California and local laws that protect covered birds from harm or harassment. We are seeking a dedicated and skilled biologist or naturalist for a full-time, six month internship to help our park survey for nesting birds inside, and possibly outside of, defensible space and fuel modification zones (i.e., mowed grasslands) prior to treatment, and therefore comply with applicable regulations. Interest and experience in ornithology, as well as a solid work ethic, and an ability to work early in the morning, and follow maps and instructions are required. The intern will be increasing our scientific understanding and protection of our regional birds, while at the same time hopefully enjoying living and working in one of the most scenic areas of southern California! Major Duties **Nesting bird surveys primarily in disturbed grasslands, but also in adjacent woodland and shrubland communities. Most surveys will be composed of walking zigzagging transects to visually survey 100% of the target area. Walking up to about 6 miles within a relatively small to large area is required on a given morning. **Record bird observations on standard field observation datasheets. **Use a GPS/smartphone/tablet to reliably record the surveyed tracks each day, and follow maps with target area boundaries. **Establish non-disturbance buffer zones around any active nests found. **Coordinate field schedule and other logistics with supervisor(s) and the Fuels Technician. **Office duties will be limited, but performed at SMMNRA headquarters in Thousand Oaks, CA, and include the following: **Scanning and filing datasheets & marked-up maps; **Entering into eBird the day's observations; **Filing GPS tracks and photos; and **Performing any research necessary to summarize the estimated breeding milestone dates for any active nests found. **Additional field duties may or may not include: **Establishing and surveying control (i.e., unmowed, relatively undisturbed grassland) plots for comparing bird activity/breeding to the fuel mod zones; **Working with the Western Foundation of Vertebrate Zoology's volunteer crew conducting project-specific bird counts; and **Conducting stream surveys for breeding amphibians and invasive aquatic species. **Duties may be shared with current park staff. Physical Demands and Work Environment The field sites are located in the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, on NPS, State or other partners' lands; for example, Rancho Sierra Vista / Satwiwa, Zuma and Trancas Canyons, Cheeseboro Canyon, King Gillette Ranch and Paramount Ranch. A government vehicle, based out of NPS HQ in Thousand Oaks, will be used for each survey morning; a government vehicle may be taken to the intern housing on the prior evening when that makes logistical sense. Driving up to 1 hour to/from the field sites furthest from the office/housing will be required. Bird survey work will include hiking on uneven surfaces through acres and acres of annoyingly seedy grasslands, in chilly to downright warm weather. Most surveys will be suspended in rainy or red-flag (i.e., hot/windy) weather. Typical natural hazards such as, but not limited to, rattlesnakes, yellow-jackets, ticks, and poison-oak are possible.  Qualifications: Knowledge and Skills Required The abilities to identify by sight and sound the vast majority of birds occurring in Southern California, and to follow instructions and maps are most important. Additionally, experience conducting nesting bird surveys is preferred, and a comfort with portable technology (GPS units, smartphones/tablets) will be key. The intern should be personable and willing to work with others on flexible scheduling, including occasional last-minute changes. For office work, a familiarity with common computer programs such as Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat, Google Earth, and email will be helpful. Training Required Again, the intern is expected to come into the position already able to identify by sight and sound the majority of the region's birds. However, additional training, e.g., on protocols, will be provided by an NPS employee/partner. The intern will be made aware of our park's natural hazards, driving and other safety policies. Time Requirements The intern will work up to five days per week, up to eight hours per day, with breaks. It is likely that some days will not be full 8-hour days, and even possible that some days require no work at all, due to weather or other unforeseen conditions. However, the supervisor(s) will attempt to fill nearly 40 hours of work for most weeks. All holiday and sick leave will be granted, and personal leave requests considered. Supervision & Evaluation The intern will typically work independently, but be supervised by one or more NPS employees/partners from the Fire Management Program and/or Planning, Science and Resource Management division. The assigned supervisor(s) will observe, train and provide guidance to the intern. Uniform Requirement & Equipment The intern will receive direction on appropriate clothing for assigned duties, and will be offered an NPS t-shirt and head wear. For the purpose of official identification, this uniform clothing must be worn when working in the field. Clothing not provided by NPS should be appropriate to the working conditions. Additional equipment and resources will be provided by NPS, with the exception of food, standard field attire (including hiking boots and hydration pack), and a personal smartphone. The intern may use NPS binoculars, or optionally bring one's own set.  Compensation: Benefits & Compensation The intern will make significant contributions, including: **Ensuring the park's compliance with laws safeguarding our diverse natural resources; **Increasing our knowledge of the life histories of our park's native and non-native birds, and how they are faring in fuel modification zones; and **Enabling fire management and other park staff to better manage our lands for fire prevention and biodiversity preservation. The intern will gain invaluable experience with scientific bird surveys and navigation, and become familiar with a gorgeous and diverse national park. Additionally, **A stipend of $20 per workday is usually available. **Intern will be paid monthly or as worked out by the intern supervisor(s). **Full-time interns from outside the area may be eligible for shared housing. **The intern may be offered park tours and/or the opportunity for special wildlife encounters or botanical forays to broaden their knowledge and enhance their internship.  To apply, please submit the following documents via email to (EM: marti_witter AT **Letter of intent (include how the position will benefit your career, the dates you are available, whether you need housing, your understanding that this internship is unpaid, except for the stipend, and that you have your own vehicle for transportation to and from work) **Resume **Transcripts (unofficial are acceptable) **Three references For additional questions contact (EM: marti_witter AT

AVIAN FIELD TECHNICIAN at University of Georgia.  Location: Otto, North Carolina.  Duration: three months: 4/18/17-7/20/17.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 01 Mar 2017.  Description: The Chandler Applied Ecology Lab is looking for a field technician to assist in a study of Canada Warblers in the mountains of North Carolina. Duties will include: Point-counts, target netting Canada warblers (occasionally other species), passive netting passerine species, re-sighting color banded warblers, banding passerines, color banding Canada warblers, assisting graduate students with projects, and significant data entry. Position also necessitates attention to detail, self-motivation, a positive attitude, and the ability to work long days (10-14hrs) in the field with biting insects. Field days will often begin before dawn. We are looking for someone who can be independent when needed but able work and live closely with co-workers. Work begins mid to late April and lasts until mid-July. Shared housing and a stipend of $1200-$1600 per month, commensurate with experience, will be provided.  Qualifications: Experience banding, mist net extraction, and taking feather samples of small songbirds is required. Position also requires good color vision, ability to identify eastern birds by sight and sound, the ability to hike navigate, and work alone in rugged terrain and variable weather conditions, and an interest in avian ecology. Technicians will have opportunities to assist with an adjacent long-term study of black-throated blue warblers and a newer project working with veery.  Compensation: Shared housing and a stipend of $1200-$1600 per month, commensurate with experience, will be provided.  To Apply: Please send a cover letter, resume/CV, and contact information for 3 references as a single document to SAM MERKER at (EM: cardellina.canadensis AT Please put CAWA in subject line.

SALT MARSH INTERN at USFWS - Rachel Carson NWR.  Location: Wells, Maine.  Duration: Internships last 12-weeks (40 hr/week) beginning mid-May through September. Starting dates are negotiable.  Job Type: Intern.  Application Deadline: 17 Feb 2017.  Description: Work with refuge staff on a variety of duties, primarily (80%) working in small teams measuring and surveying salt marsh habitat parameters, carrying heavy equipment and installing Surface Elevation Tables (SETs), entering data, and maintaining project equipment. Other duties include occasionally assisting visitors in our contact station, developing and delivering outreach talks to the public, conducting wildlife surveys and assisting with invasive plant control. Must be able to work under difficult climatic conditions, including hot and insect infested environments. Must be able to walk over uneven ground and carry heavy objects for long distances. Must possess valid driver's license. Required to work some weekends. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge protects more than 5,600 acres of predominately coastal marsh in southern Maine. Refuge lands are rich in diverse habitats and wildlife. Annually, over 260,000 visitors participate in hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation.  Qualifications: 1.Knowledge of wildlife biology, coastal ecology, and coastal botany through course work and/or experience. 2.Ability to speak to the public about wildlife conservation and management in formal and informal settings and the ability to communicate effectively in writing. 3.Ability to identify plants and fish through previous knowledge or use of field guides. 4.Ability to work well in small teams as well as independently. 5.A passion for wildlife conservation, a strong work ethic, and a good attitude.  Compensation: $200 per week living allowance for qualified applicants. Communal, co-ed government housing may be available or intern may provide own housing within commuting distance of Wells, ME.  To Apply: Submit: (1)An updated resume. All employers and references must include current telephone numbers. (2)Two references who can represent your academic and/or work experience. (3)Written statements addressing the Qualifications and Requirements below. (4)Current college course transcript. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Address packet to: Internship Coordinator Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge 321 Port Road Wells, Maine 04090. Applications must be postmarked by February 17th, 2017 (EM: susan_adamowicz AT For additional information: call the Refuge Office (PH: 207-646-9226) or send an email to (EM: susan_adamowicz AT

VOLUNTARY RESEARCH ASSISTANTSHIP IN SEABIRD BEHAVIOUR & ECOLOGY at OxNav, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford.  <><>  Location: Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK.  Duration: ~5 months.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 12 Feb 2017.  Description: We are looking for an enthusiastic, hardworking young biologist to work as a voluntary Research Assistant to help with our pelagic seabird research on Skomer Island, Pembrokeshire, Wales, in Spring and Summer 2017. The work will involve several research projects coordinated by Prof Tim Guilford at Oxford's Department of Zoology (see the OxNav website). We utilise state-of-the art tracking technologies (miniature GPS, geolocators, time-depth recorders, etc) on several species of seabirds but mainly on Manx shearwaters. Most work will involve assisting doctoral students with the day-to-day monitoring of breeding birds and with deploying and retrieving tracking devices. It will also involve entering data collected in the field into appropriate databases. There will be a significant amount of nocturnal work, since the primary study species is the Manx Shearwater, which only arrives at the colony after dark. The role will also involve monitoring Atlantic puffins tracked with geolocators and helping with their recapture (with some work to be carried out at dawn) as part of a project led by Dr Annette Fayet. The project is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience in modern field ornithology. There will also be opportunities for the assistant to learn some analytical techniques applied to animal movement data. Skomer has mobile coverage and some access to Internet, however movements to and from the mainland are limited due to unpredictable wind conditions. There is a small community of wardens, assistants and volunteers, who are involved in the running and conservation of the Nature Reserve, monitoring the seabird populations, and managing the daily and over-night visitors. There might be opportunities to visit other UK island reserves during the project. There will also be scope for involvement in other conservation and ecological projects on the island, which is a National Nature Reserve administered by the Wildlife Trust of South and West Wales.  Qualifications: we are looking for a motivated and hardworking biologist, who likes working in the field and can cope with difficult working and living conditions, and who can work with us between April and September 2017 (with some flexibility for the start and end dates). Previous experience in the field or in harsh conditions is desirable, but not essential. Work on Skomer requires long hours (with some work at night and at dawn) spent in a cold and wet environment and considerable manual work. A good candidate should be able to work independently and have a reasonable level of fitness. Planning to embark on further research degrees in the future would be a plus (previous assistants have engaged in doctoral studies afterwards). It is also important that the assistant feels comfortable sharing sometimes crowded accommodation with a number of colleagues over long periods of time, and can cope with the occasional untidiness inevitably associated with fieldwork. Unfortunately, for administrative reasons, we can only accept applications from people having permission to work in the UK (UK and EU citizens, UK residents, or persons with a UK work permit).  Compensation: Unfortunately we cannot provide a stipend but (shared and basic) accommodation on Skomer will be provided.  To Apply: If you are interested, please email a CV and a statement of interest, and arrange for two letters of reference to be emailed to (EM: tim.guilford AT – with oliver.padget AT, james.evry AT and annette.fayet AT in cc). Please note that providing names of referees is not enough, the candidate needs to arrange for their referees to email us a reference (unfortunately we do not have time to contact each referee individually). The deadline for submitting applications (including reference letters) is the 12th February 2017. We will interview the best candidates on Skype shortly after and we expect to make a decision by the end of February.

SONGBIRD RESEARCH AND EDUCATION INTERN at Alaska Songbird Institute.  <><>  Location: Fairbanks, Alaska.  Duration: 5.5 months.  Job Type: Intern.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 10 Feb 2017.  Description: POSITION DESCRIPTION: This position will assist with research and education at the Alaska Songbird Institute in Fairbanks, Alaska. The intern will work alongside ASI biologists and community volunteers on two long-term research/education projects. The Creamer's Field Migration Station is a mist netting station operating during spring and fall migration. The Tree Swallow Ecology Project is a nest monitoring/youth education project. Training will be provided in: bird banding & mist netting techniques, bird identification, environmental education, nest box monitoring and banding adult and nestling Tree Swallows. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES: Duties may include but are not limited to: monitoring up to 200 Tree Swallow nest boxes (approximately 75 active nests), recording nest chronology, capturing and banding breeding adults, banding and recording physiological data on nestlings, collecting nests, and entering data. The intern will also help supervise and mentor up to 15 youth volunteers (ages 10-14), and up to five high school interns (ages 14-17). Additional duties include: operating mist nets, monitoring and removing birds from mist nets, recording data, leading 1-hour field trips (grades K-12), leading 1-hour bird walks for visitors, station maintenance, interacting with volunteers, greeting independent visitors, and entering data in a manner that is consistent with ASI procedures. Responsibilities are expected to break down as follows: research & monitoring (50%); environmental education and community interaction (30%); data summation and entry (10%); and field logistics (10%). HOURS: Variable, averaging 40 hours /week from April 15-September 30, 2017. Required to work many weekend days.  QUALIFICATIONS: Interns must possess a demonstrated interest in ornithology, environmental education, mentoring youth and teens, a strong work ethic, meticulous approach to collecting and recording data, positive attitude, good interpersonal skills, a genuine desire to gain experience in nest monitoring, banding, and working in a community-based research model. Interns must make common sense decisions concerning wildlife interactions (e.g., moose, bear), be able to work independently and as part of a team, to actively involve youth and volunteers in all aspects of the projects, and work well as a leader of youth, teens, and adults. In addition, this position requires many early mornings (starting at 5:30 AM), weekend days, and the ability to follow a work schedule that is dependent upon changing weather and field logistics. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Nest monitoring and bird banding require good manual dexterity and eyesight and involve long periods of being on your feet with few or no breaks. Interns must be able to access all nest boxes and mist nets and travel with groups of children through and to the study areas. This job may require walking through waist deep water and vegetation, carrying a backpack with gear (~25lbs), stepping over logs and fences, crossing uneven terrain, riding a bicycle, and carrying heavy objects in high levels of insect activity and inclement weather conditions.  Compensation: SALARY & BENEFITS: The intern will earn a living stipend of $1,250 per month, partial months will be pro-rated. Stipends are taxable and paid in monthly installments. Housing is not provided.  To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and three references (at least one should be familiar with your experience/skills working with youth) as a single document to: (EM: April.HardingScurr AT by February 10, 2017.

AVIAN FIELD TECHNICIAN at Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.  <><>  Location: Pittsburgh, PA.  Duration: mid-May to late-July 2017 (8-10 weeks).  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 10 Feb 2017.  Description: Western Pennsylvania Conservancy will be collecting data throughout Pennsylvania as part of bird monitoring and research efforts for use in biodiversity conservation. The Avian Field Technician will work in conjunction with other WPC staff to accomplish goals outlined in the specified project, WPC's strategic plan, and/or the Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program Operating Plan. The Avian Field Technician will conduct off-road point counts surveys to collect abundance and diversity information on bird species and assemblages at targeted sites of ecological value across Pennsylvania. The successful applicant will be expected to work independently or alongside WPC staff to complete surveys, bush-whacking on foot to most locations and navigating through rugged and sometimes dangerous terrain (i.e. rocks, insects, poison ivy, and rattlesnakes). Other duties may include desktop field preparations, site access communications with private landowners and public land managers, data entry, and assisting with forest stand validation.  Qualifications: Must have experience and familiarity with the birds and ecosystems of Pennsylvania and the mid-Atlantic region. Working knowledge and experience with identification of birds by sight and primarily sound is required. Candidates should have experience with intensive scientific field studies, ecological research techniques (especially avian surveys), working in remote locations and extended field excursions. Must be able to travel throughout Pennsylvania and be able to work various hours, as needed. Must have ability to hike long distances over steep, hilly, and/or rocky terrain and work long hours in cool, hot, or wet spring/summer conditions. Familiarity with GPS and map navigation in remote settings preferred. Valid U.S. driver's license required. Qualified individuals should have completed or be currently pursuing a B.S. degree in Biology, Ecology, Wildlife Biology, Zoology or related field, or equivalent combination of education and experience in relevant positions and projects.  Compensation: $12-15 per hour; 40 hour work-week, plus some expenses.  To Apply: Send resume, cover letter, and contact information for three references to (EM: wpcjobs AT and list Avian Field Technician in the subject line of the email. Application deadline is February 10.

OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER TECHNICIANS at Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge.  <><>  Location: Tok, AK.  Duration: summer 2017.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: 2-4.  Application Deadline: 29 Jan 2017.  Description: Two to four (2-4) individuals are needed to participate in a research project examining migratory connectivity, food availability and mercury contamination of Olive-sided Flycatchers (OSFL) in Alaska. Technicians will locate OSFL territories, capture birds using mist nets, mark birds, collect biological samples and monitor nests. In addition, work will include setup and maintenance of insect traps on OSFL territories. The primary study site is located off the road system, so applicants should be comfortable camping in remote areas for extended periods of time, working closely with a small crew, traveling in small aircraft and spending much of the summer with limited access to many creature comforts. Fieldwork involves long days (40-60 hours per week during peak season), odd hours, inclement weather, biting insects and challenging travel conditions. Primary mode of travel is by foot but technicians should be comfortable in canoes, kayaks and rafts.  Qualifications: Enthusiasm for wildlife and wild places is the most important qualification. Applicants excited about the prospect of living and working in remote areas are encouraged to apply. Applicants should have a strong work ethic, be a quick learner, have good navigational skills, be able to work as a team player, and be willing to do new and difficult tasks. In addition, applicants should be able to lift up to 50 lbs and carry a heavy backpack for up to 5 miles in rough brushy terrain. Previous experience working and camping in bear country is a plus. Applicants should be familiar with identifying boreal forest birds by sight and song. Preference will be given to those with experience handling small passerines, extracting birds from mist nets, and aging and sexing birds. Please outline this experience in your resume. Additionally, individuals with photography and/or videography skills are desired. Additional duties may include entering data into spreadsheets and databases, authoring short field reports, performing basic maintenance tasks and completing other assigned tasks as necessary. The technician will be required to complete first aid, CPR, firearms, bear safety, and small aircraft safety training. Technicians may have the opportunity to be involved in other projects such as off-road point counts for birds, snowshoe hare surveys, phenology studies, raptor surveys, invasive species projects and community outreach.  Compensation: Transportation to Tok from Anchorage and/or Fairbanks airport will be provided at the beginning and end of the field season. Housing, transportation and daily stipend (amount TBD but likely ~$50/day) will be provided. Position start and end date is negotiable but applicant must be available to work from early May through mid-August.  To apply, send a letter of interest and resume with at least 2 references to KRISTIN DUBOUR (EM: kristin_dubour AT, PH: 907-786-3450). Please put "Volunteer OSFL Technician" in the subject line of your email. Applications must be received no later than January 29, 2017.

SEASONAL VEERY TECHNICIAN at University of Georgia.  Location: Otto, NC.  Duration: 3 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 10 Mar 2017.  Description: SEASONAL TECHNICIAN (1) needed for a University of Georgia study using radiotelemetry to track the movements and habitat use of fledgling Veeries at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory in the Southern Appalachians of western North Carolina. Duties include: nest searching/monitoring, banding of adults and nestlings, tracking fledglings via radiotelemetry, insect and vegetation sampling, and data entry. The technician will also have opportunities to assist with adjacent long-term studies of Canada and Black-throated Blue Warblers. Field work begins mid to late April and lasts until mid July.  Qualifications: Experience with radiotelemetry and nest searching is required, with preference given for experience with mist-netting and handling of nestlings. Position requires good color vision, the ability to hike and work alone in rugged terrain and variable weather conditions, and an interest in avian ecology. Position also necessitates attention to detail, self-motivation, and a positive attitude for long days (8-14 hours) in the field with biting insects.  Compensation: A stipend of $1200-$1600 per month, commensurate with experience, will be provided in addition to housing.  To apply, send a cover letter, resume and a list of three references to Will Lewis (EM: cardellina.canadensis AT Include "Seasonal Veery Technician" in the email subject line. Applications will be considered as they are received.

AVIAN FIELD TECHNICIAN: IOWA at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  <><>  Location: Lamoni, IA.  Duration: 10-12 weeks.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1-2.  Application Deadline: 15 Mar 2017.  Description: 1-2 Avian Technicians (full time) needed mid-May through the end of July or mid-August in the rolling prairies of southern Iowa and northern Missouri. Research projects focus on the effects of grassland management (fire, cattle grazing, and herbicides) on grassland and shrubland avian communities. Though grasslands are increasingly scarce in the Midwest, there are pockets remaining on private lands grazed by cattle. Restoration of these habitats thus requires balancing the needs of birds with the needs of landowners. To address this, we are researching habitat quality for birds in this working, productive landscape. Duties of technicians will consist of a combination of the following: line-transect surveys for grassland birds, point counts for shrubland birds, arthropod sampling, vegetation surveys, and data entry. Housing and field vehicles will be provided.  Qualifications: Required: Valid driver's license U.S. Citizen Experience with avian survey techniques (ex. point counts, line transects, etc.) Ability to walk long distances and work long hours in hot and humid conditions Completed/pursuing undergraduate degree in Biology, Ecology, Wildlife Biology, or related field Preferred: Experience in identifying grassland or shrubland/forest birds, by sight and sound Knowledge of Midwestern grassland grasses, forbs, and shrubs.  Compensation: $10-$14/hr, DOE.  To Apply: Please submit one PDF document containing your CV, contact information for three references, and a short cover letter detailing your interest in the project and relevant experience to (EM: jjcoon2 AT Applications will be reviewed as they are received, with preference for earlier applicants.

AVIAN POINT COUNT TECHNICIAN at UC Berkeley.  <><>  Location: San Bernardino and Warner Mountains, CA.  Duration: 2 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 03 Feb 2017.  Description: One avian point count field technician (1) is needed from approximately May 1 to July 20 2017 to assist with a project studying the impacts of climate and land-use change on breeding bird distributions over the last 100 years. Survey sites include both natural and human-altered lands. Technician will spend one month in the San Bernardino Mountains near Los Angeles and one month in the Warner Mountains on the Modoc Plateau. Duties will include: (i) conducting point counts along 2 km transects (accessed by road and/or on foot by trail); and (ii) surveying for habitat characteristics. Technician will be paid a monthly stipend of $2700 and food/lodging will be covered while in the field.  Qualifications: Technicians must have excellent eyesight and hearing and be able to identify western birds by sight and call/song. In addition, applicants must be able to navigate roads with maps to find sites, maintain accurate records of each visit, and enjoy working outdoors. All applicants must have a personal vehicle that can be used to reach survey sites (mileage will be reimbursed), as well as a valid driver's license and clean driving record. Ideal candidates will: (i) be experienced in avian point count survey techniques and be able to identify birds of California by sight and sound OR be experienced in bird identification and willing to put in additional effort to learn local bird species; (ii) be well-organized and self-motivated with a record of being able to conduct fieldwork independently; (iii) be able to walk long distances over rugged or paved terrain; (iv) have the ability to interface with the public when necessary; (v) have some experience with plant identification, preferably western plants; and (vi) be able to provide their own basic camping equipment.  Compensation: $2700/month plus benefits and food/lodging while in the field.  To Apply: Position will be filled as soon as a qualified applicant is found. To apply please send as one document: (i) cover letter detailing your interest in the position and relevant experience, (ii) resume, and (iii) contact information (email and phone numbers) for three references by email to SARAH MACLEAN, PhD student (EM: maclean AT in the Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, University of California – Berkeley.

COMMON LOON RESEARCH ASSISTANT at Chapman University.  <><>  Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin.  Duration: 2.5 months.  Job Type: Intern.  Number of Openings: 4.  Application Deadline: 20 Feb 2017.  Description: Common Loon Project in northern Wisconsin requires 4 outdoor-loving, physically fit interns to assist in an ongoing investigation of territory acquisition and territory defense. Applicants should be available for period 15 May  –  10 August 2017, although starting earlier or later might be feasible, if necessary. Interns will visit study lakes via solo canoe to identify loons from colored leg bands, observe and record territorial and breeding behavior, and locate and GPS nests. Late in the season, they will assist in nocturnal capture and marking of adults and chicks.  Qualifications: Successful applicants must have a car that gets 30 mpg or better, be able to swim well, have good hearing and vision (no color-blindness, please!), have a strong work ethic, be meticulous about taking notes, be able to work with others or alone, and have a love of outdoor conditions. Experience with bird identification, canoes, and motorboats helpful but not essential.  Compensation: Housing in comfortable summer home, stipend of $1500 per month, and gas reimbursement provided.  To Apply: Send resume and list of 3+ references via e-mail and no later than 20 Feb. to: Dr. WALTER PIPER, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Chapman University, Orange, CA, 92866 (EM: wpiper AT For more info, see web page at:

SOUTHWESTERN WILLOW FLYCATCHER FIELD TECHNICIANS - BANDERS at SWCA Environmental Consultants.  <><>  Location: Flagstaff, AZ.  Duration: Start date is May 6, 2017 and is non-negotiable; end dates range from late July to mid-August 2017.  Job Type: Permanent.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 10 Feb 2017.  Description: SWCA Environmental Consultants is seeking banders to support the Flagstaff, Arizona office's Southwestern Willow Flycatcher studies along the lower Colorado River between Lake Mead and Yuma, Arizona. These are temporary, hourly positions. Start date is May 6, 2017 and is non-negotiable; end dates range from late July to mid-August 2017.  Qualifications: Field duties will include conducting standardized early morning broadcast surveys, nest searching, nest monitoring, re-sighting color-banded southwestern willow flycatchers, and using targeted mist net techniques to capture, color-band, and collect blood samples from flycatchers. Additional duties may include deploying data loggers. Daily computer data entry required. **Job Requirements: **A minimum of one (1) field season of avian research **Extensive prior experience mist netting and banding passerine birds (250+ individuals) **Ability to work closely with other biologists, have full hearing and color vision **Ability to stoop/crawl through dense vegetation and tolerance of hot temperatures, high humidity, and biting insects **Current First Aid/CPR certification **Current eligibility to work in the U.S **A valid driver's license Preferred Skills and Experience: **Experience with willow flycatchers, nest monitoring of open-cup passerines, and identification of southwestern U.S. riparian birds **Independent extraction and processing of 500+ passerines; experience banding endangered species and target netting **Experience using ATVs and towing a trailer.  Compensation and Schedule: $19.11 per hour plus ~$4/hr fringe benefit. Work schedule is 10 days on (80 hours) and 4 days off. Housing and vehicles provided; camping may be required in some locations. $46 daily per-diem when required to camp away from assigned duty station. Mileage reimbursement is provided for work related use of personal vehicles. Positions will be filled as soon as qualified applicants are identified. SWCA Environmental Consultants is a growing employee-owned firm, providing a full-spectrum of environmental services. With offices across the United States, SWCA is one of the largest environmental compliance firms and ranks among Engineering News-Record's Top 200 Environmental Firms. If you would like to contact SWCA regarding the accessibility of our website or need assistance completing the online application process due to a disability, please email accommodations AT or call 800-828-8517. This contact information is for disability accommodation requests only. All other inquiries will not receive a response. EOE - women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and veterans are encouraged to apply.  Apply Here:

ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AND OUTREACH INTERN at USFWS Rachel Carson NWR.  Location: Wells, Maine.  Duration: Internship is 12 weeks (40 hr/week) beginning May or June. Starting dates are negotiable.  Job Type: Intern.  Application Deadline: 17 Feb 2017.  Description: Work with refuge staff developing and delivering outreach programs, written materials and social media posts. Provide friendly presence on refuge trails and at our visitor contact station to enhance visitor experience (80%). Outreach topics include pollinator conservation, piping plovers, tide pools, invasive plants, and other high priority conservation messages. Other occasional duties include: manual invasive plant removal, working in a native plant greenhouse, wildlife surveys, salt marsh research. Must be able to work under varied climatic conditions, including hot and insect infested environments. Must possess valid driver's license. Required to work most weekends and holidays, we do strive to give 2 consecutive days off a week. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge protects more than 5,600 acres of predominately coastal marsh in southern Maine. Refuge lands are rich in diverse habitats and wildlife. Annually, over 270,000 visitors participate in hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation.  Qualifications: 1.Knowledge of natural resource management and environmental education through course work and/or experience. 2.Demonstrated person to person and public speaking ability and experience writing to inform or motivate. 3.Ability to plan, advertise and conduct outreach programs. 4.Ability to work both independently and as a member of a team.  Compensation: $200/week living allowance for qualified applicants. Communal, co-ed government housing may be available or intern may provide own housing near Wells, ME.  To Apply:  (1)An updated resume. All employers and references must include current telephone numbers. (2)Two references who can represent your academic and/or work experience. (3)Written statements addressing the five Qualifications and Requirements below. (4)Current college course transcript. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Address packet to: Internship Coordinator Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge 321 Port Road Wells, Maine 04090. Applications must be postmarked by February 17, 2017 For additional information: call (PH: 207-646-9226 or email (EM: Kate_OBrien AT

BEACH NESTING BIRD INTERN at USFWS Rachel Carson NWR.  Location: Wells, Maine.  Duration: Internship is 12 weeks (40 hr/week) beginning May or June. Starting dates are negotiable.  Job Type: Intern.  Application Deadline: 17 Feb 2017.  Description: Work with refuge staff managing piping plover and least tern nesting areas (80%): includes monitoring piping plover/tern nesting activities, dawn and dusk chick watches, speaking to landowners and the public about plover protection, collecting data on brood locations, maintaining solar fencing, etc. Other occasional duties include: manual invasive plant removal, working in a native plant greenhouse, assisting visitors in our contact station, conducting wildlife surveys, assisting with salt marsh research, delivering outreach programs to refuge visitors. Must be able to work under varied climatic conditions, including hot and insect infested environments. Must possess valid driver's license. Required to work most weekends and holidays. Must be able to walk long distances on beach. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge protects more than 5,600 acres of predominately coastal marsh in southern Maine. Refuge lands are rich in diverse habitats and wildlife. Annually, over 270,000 visitors participate in hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation.  Qualifications: 1.Knowledge of wildlife biology, ecology, and environmental education through course work and/or experience. 2.Ability to speak to the public about wildlife conservation and management in formal and informal settings and the ability to communicate effectively in writing. 3.Ability to identify Maine birds, particularly waterbirds and shorebirds. 4.Ability to work both independently and as a member of a team. 5.Ability to keep detailed, organized field notes and datasheets.  Compensation: 200/week living allowance for qualified applicants. Communal, co-ed government housing may be available or intern may provide own housing near Wells, ME.  To Apply:  (1)An updated resume. All employers and references must include current telephone numbers. (2)Two references who can represent your academic and/or work experience. (3)Written statements addressing the five Qualifications and Requirements below. (4)Current college course transcript. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Address packet to: Internship Coordinator Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge 321 Port Road Wells, Maine 04090. Applications must be postmarked by February 17, 2017 For additional information: call (PH: 207-646-9226 or email (EM: Kate_OBrien AT

WILDLIFE (TURKEY) TECHNICIAN at Montana State University.  Location: Lead, SD.  Duration: 6 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2017.  Description: Project: A study of Merriam's wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo merriami) in the Northern Black Hills seeks to quantify survival and reproduction characteristics. Specifically, this project seeks to understand how individual and environmental factors affect hen survival, nesting success, and poult survival. Radio telemetry will be utilized to monitor hen and poult survival and to facilitate habitat evaluations at nest sites. Duties: Technician will participate in all field aspects of the project. Primary duties will include: monitoring hens via radio telemetry, nest location, nest monitoring, habitat evaluations, and conducting poult counts. Technician will also be responsible for equipment maintenance, data management, and other duties as required. The ability to interact positively with members of the public, landowners, livestock producers, and other agency personnel is critical.  Qualifications: Required Qualifications: Candidates should have a background in wildlife biology, ecology, or a related field. The demands of fieldwork require individuals willing and able to work long days and occasionally work long periods (up to 10 days) without time off. Technicians must be in good physical condition and capable of hiking 10+ miles across rugged terrain in a variety of weather conditions (snow, rain, heat). The ability to read a topographic map and navigate using a GPS is crucial, as is the ability to safely operate a 4WD pickup on low maintenance roads. Additionally, the ability to collect and legibly record high quality data is a must. Most work will be conducted alone; must be able to work independently or as part of a team. Applicants must be willing and able to live in bunkhouse-type quarters and able to maintain professional relationships while living and working with the same people day-in and day-out. Above all, I am seeking a hard-working, results-oriented individual with an ability to solve problems and get the job done in a safe and effective manner. Desired Qualifications: Individuals with experience using radio-telemetry are highly preferred, as are those with experience quantifying vegetation communities. Individuals with animal handling experience (wildlife or farm/ranch), particularly turkeys or other game birds will be given preference. Mechanical aptitude and a general ability to solve problems is also desired.  Compensation: Terms of Appointment: Position begins approximately March 15, 2016 and runs through mid August 2016. Salary: ~$1425/month, with potential increase for a high performing technician. Housing is provided in Lead, SD. All project-related travel will be in a project-provided vehicle, but technician is responsible for his/her own transportation to Lead.  To Apply: Email a cover letter specifying interests and qualifications, along with a resume/CV (including contact information for three (3) or more references) to: (EM:michael.yarnall AT Emailed files should include applicant's last name. Applications will can be submitted until February 28, 2016, but applications will be processed as they are received, and position likely will be filled prior to February 15, 2016.

SEABIRD BIOLOGY M.S. OPPORTUNITY at Humboldt State University.  <><>  Location: Arcata, CA.  Duration: Open.  Job Type: Student.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 01 Feb 2017.  Description: A partially-funded MS opportunity is available in the Barton Lab, Department of Wildlife, Humboldt State University. Students with experience with natural history and conservation of birds, especially seabirds, that wish to advance their quantitative skills, or with quantitative skills that wish to apply their abilities to advancing our understanding of the biology and conservation of seabirds, are especially encouraged to apply. A demonstrable commitment to research and enjoyment of learning are required, as is a lack of fear of quantitative reasoning. Possible topics include trend analysis and monitoring of seabird populations, estimating seabird nesting success, or reproductive biology of seabirds. Possible study areas include the Trinidad Head / Patrick's Point region of the California North Coast. Other study topics and areas may be possible.  Qualifications: 1) Degree in biological field 2) Likes and knows birds OR 3) Quantitatively skilled If not 2), then 3), if not 3), then 2). If both, excellent. 4) Willing to squint at ocean for extended periods of time through spotting scope.  Compensation: This position is funded at approximately $800 / month of research assistantship support, which could be supplemented by employment as an instructional assistant within the Department of Wildlife or other opportunities. Residents of California, eligible for the State University Grant, are encouraged to apply.  To Apply: For more information on the HSU College of Natural Resources and Sciences graduate program, please see their website: Prospective students are encouraged to submit a cv and a letter of interest to DAN BARTON (EM: daniel.barton AT if they are uncertain about applying to the CNRS program. Late applications may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

AVIAN POINT-COUNT TECHNICIAN at Wyoming Natural Diversity Database.  <><>  Location: Laramie, WY.  Duration: 3 months.  Job Type: Temporary.  Number of Openings: 2.  Application Deadline: 05 Mar 2017.  Description: The Wyoming Natural Diversity Database is hiring up to two technicians to conduct songbird surveys throughout Wyoming. As part of the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program, technicians will be responsible for conducting point count surveys in the grassland and forest habitats of the Thunder Basin National Grasslands, Medicine Bow National Forest, and Bighorn National Forest. Work is primarily solitary and requires extensive driving, navigating, and hiking through rugged and remote country. Surveys take place in very diverse and beautiful landscapes, and expose technicians to a wide variety of bird communities. The position is based out of Laramie, Wyoming where housing is provided, however car camping is generally required while working. Some overnight backpacking is also required.  Qualifications: Applicants must have the following experience: 1) demonstrated ability to identify birds by song, call, and sight; and 2) navigating, hiking, and backpacking in remote locations. A love of strenuous hiking is an absolute requirement of this position! A valid US driver's license and a strong work ethic are also necessary.  Compensation: $13.00/hour + $20 per diem for camping (work vehicle and shared housing provided).  To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, and 3 references to (EM: zwallac2 AT Please address your experience with bird identification, hiking, backpacking, working alone, and your dates of availability in your cover letter. The Wyoming Natural Diversity Database is the state natural heritage program and is an equal opportunity employer. We collect and disseminate information about the distribution and abundance of sensitive species and communities across Wyoming.

REVISED - AVIAN FIELD BIOLOGISTS - SOUTHERN GREAT PLAINS at Bird Conservancy of the Rockies.  <><>  Location: Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska.  Duration: 2-3 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 7.  Application Deadline: 29 Jan 2017.  Description: Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is seeking experienced field biologists to conduct point counts across the Southern Great Plains, from northern Texas and eastern New Mexico up to the Nebraska panhandle for the Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR) program. For additional information about IMBCR, please visit The position will begin on April 18 and continue through late June with the possibility for continued employment entering and proofing data. Surveys are located on both public and private lands in a mix of grassland and shrub habitats including short- and mixed-grass prairie, mesquite bosques, and riparian systems with the opportunity to observe an impressive variety of species as you move across the study area, including Painted Bunting, Cactus Wren, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, Burrowing Owl, Mississippi Kite, Scaled Quail, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, and Lesser Prairie-Chicken. Technicians will attend a mandatory paid training prior to beginning field work. Upon successful completion of training, technicians will work independently conducting bird surveys. The standard work schedule is 10 days on and 4 days off. Technicians must be able to identify all bird species found across the Southern Great Plains by sight and sound upon completion of training. Primitive camping, often without phone service or facilities will be required. Completion of job duties may periodically require long days in the field. Employees can expect 40 hours of work per week with the possibility of some overtime. In addition to the hourly wage, reimbursement for project-related travel, some recreational travel, and approximately $100 per week in camping and lodging reimbursements will be provided.  Qualifications: Applicants should be enthusiastic, physically fit, enjoy travel, and be willing to work independently. A valid driver's license, proof of auto insurance, binoculars, camping gear, basic computer skills, a strong work ethic, and enthusiasm for conservation and conducting fieldwork are required. Desired qualifications include experience conducting point count surveys, the ability to identify western bird species by sight and sound, experience camping, long distance hiking, and navigating off-trail. Applicants with personal 4WD vehicles are encouraged to apply; however, Bird Conservancy will rent vehicles for qualified applicants that do not possess 4WD vehicles if they are at least 21 years of age and pass a motor vehicle background check.  Compensation: Hourly wages will range from $13.25 - $15.50, depending upon experience. Employees can expect 40 hours of work per week with the possibility of some overtime. In addition to the hourly wage, reimbursement for project-related travel, some recreational travel, and approximately $100 per week in camping and lodging reimbursements will be provided.  To Apply: Email a cover letter detailing your bird identification knowledge/ability/experience, resume, and three references as a single document (PDF or Word) to BRITTANY WOIDERSKI (EM: brittany.woiderski AT Positions will be filled as suitable applicants are found.

AVIAN POINT COUNT FIELD TECHNICIAN at Klamath Bird Observatory.  <><>  Location: Oregon, California.  Duration: 3 months.  Job Type: Temporary.  Application Deadline: 05 Feb 2017.  Description: The Klamath Bird Observatory (<>) is seeking seasonal field technicians from May 1st through July 15th, to complete point count surveys throughout the diverse and beautiful region of southern Oregon and northern California. Technicians will work on multiple projects including monitoring effects of oak and stream restoration, long-term monitoring in National Parks and more. Applicant should be able to identify a large variety of Western birds as they will be working in a range of habitats from oak savanna, riparian, coniferous forests, and montane meadows. Primary responsibilities will include conducting point count surveys and vegetation sampling along off-road transects following standard protocols, and associated data entry. Other tasks may be assigned if time permits. Field training on protocol methodology and distance estimation will be provided at the onset of the season. Camping independently, often at undeveloped or dispersed sites, will be required for most work. Applicant ideally should have a vehicle that they are willing to use for work; mileage reimbursement will be provided.  Qualifications: Applicants should have at least one full season of relevant field experience, have a full range of hearing, be in excellent physical condition, and be comfortable working and camping independently. Required qualifications include ability to identify western birds by sight and sound, estimate distance to individual birds, hike in steep and rugged off-trail conditions, follow standardized protocols, collect and record meticulous data, communicate effectively, work independently in the forest, work in inclement weather conditions, and tolerate working in areas containing poison oak. Surveyors must possess good map reading, GPS, and orienteering skills and be eager to work long days in the field. Applicants must have a valid driver's license, clean driving record, and insurance.  Compensation: $2260/month.  To apply, send cover letter (including dates of availability and vehicle type), resume, and contact information for three references to ELLIE ARMSTRONG (EM: eea AT Applicants will be evaluated beginning immediately and on a continual basis until the position is filled.

BOTANY INTERN at USFWS Rachel Carson NWR.  Location: Wells, Maine.  Duration: 24 weeks April through September. Starting dates are negotiable.  Job Type: Intern.  Application Deadline: 17 Feb 2017.  Description: Work with refuge staff on restoring native shrublands and identifying and removing invasive plants (80%): includes manual removal of invasive plants, surveying areas for new invasive plant occurrences, and propagating native plants in the refuge greenhouse. Other occasional duties include: monitoring piping plover nesting activities, including dawn and dusk chick watches, assisting visitors in our contact station, conducting wildlife surveys, assisting with salt marsh research, delivering outreach programs to refuge visitors. Must be able to work under varied climatic conditions, including hot and insect infested environments. Must possess valid driver's license. Required to work some weekends. Must be able to dig and pull plants. Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge protects more than 5,600 acres of predominately coastal marsh in southern Maine. Refuge lands are rich in diverse habitats and wildlife. Annually, over 270,000 visitors participate in hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, photography, environmental education, and interpretation.  Qualifications: 1.Knowledge of wildlife biology, ecology, botany/horticulture and environmental education through course work and/or experience. 2.Ability to speak to the public about wildlife conservation and management in formal and informal settings and the ability to communicate effectively in writing. 3.Ability to identify Maine plants, particularly non- native ones. 4. Ability to work both independently and as a member of a team. 5.A passion for wildlife conservation, a strong work ethic, and a good attitude. For additional information: call ({PH:207-646-9226) or email (EM: Kate_O'Brien AT  Compensation: 200 per week living allowance for qualified applicants. Communal, co-ed government housing may be available or intern may provide own housing within commuting distance of Wells, ME.  To Apply: (1)An updated resume. All employers and references must include current telephone numbers. (2)Two references who can represent your academic and/or work experience. (3)Written statements addressing the five Qualifications and Requirements below. (4)Current college course transcript. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Address packet to: Internship Coordinator Rachel Carson National Wildlife Refuge 321 Port Road Wells, Maine 04090. Applications must be postmarked by February 17, 2017 For additional information: call (PH: 207-646-9226 or email (EM: Kate_OBrien AT

WILDLIFE RESEARCH INTERN  –  HAWK MIGRATION MONITORING at Lehigh Gap Nature Center.  <><>  Location: Slatington, PA.  Duration: 3.5 months; August 15-November 30, 2017.  Job Type: Intern.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 15 Apr 2017.  Description: Conduct daily hawk count up to 6 days per week (weather permitting) at Bake Oven Knob in Lehigh County, PA (about 20 miles northeast of Allentown). Record, report, and analyze data; help publish results. Interact with visitors to the site and educate them concerning hawk migration, identification, and conservation. NOTE that the intern will need to work on holidays, including Thanksgiving and Labor Day. Optional: complete a research paper to be published in American Hawkwatcher. This project can be part of a student's undergraduate or graduate research work at the discretion of the college/university. The student may be matriculated and earning credits, on a leave of absence, or post-graduate.  Qualifications: Candidate must be competent, responsible researcher able to keep organized detailed records of observations. Hawk identification skills or hawk count experience is desired but not necessary. Student must learn hawk ID before project begins. Internet and computer use skills required. Knowledge of statistics is very useful for research project. Equipment Needed: Good quality binoculars and hawk ID guides. The Center can provide these if necessary. The intern will need his or her own car to travel to the lookout each day.  Compensation: $700-750 per month stipend (depending on experience) plus housing and internet access. Housing: Lehigh Gap Nature Center (LGNC) will provide housing in our Osprey House by the Lehigh River. The Center will provide utilities/wireless internet. There is a fully equipped kitchen and bathroom, but there are no laundry facilities on site. Interns should provide their own cell phone.  To Apply: Email resume to (EM: lgnc AT (Word or pdf) Include any information pertinent to wildlife research and hawk identification skills. Also include a sample your writing, preferably a research paper. Questions? Contact DAN (PH: 610-760-8889 EM: danlgnc AT Applications being accepted any time after January 15, 2017. Early applicants will have best chance of being accepted for internship. Position may be filled before deadline. Application deadline: April 15, 2017.

PHD ASSISTANTSHIP--MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE BIRDS AND FIRE at North Dakota State University.  <<>>  Location: Fargo, ND.  Duration: 2 months.  Job Type: Student.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 15 Mar 2017.  Description: We are seeking a graduate student (PhD) to investigate the influence of fire and grazing on mixed-grass prairie bird and pollinator communities. This research will take place in the Missouri Coteau region of North Dakota in one of the few remaining landscapes in the Great Plains with large, intact rangelands that have never been plowed. The project will take place on North Dakota State's Central Grasslands Research Extension Center (CGREC) and will be a part of a multi-year, interdisciplinary study examining the influence of restored disturbance regimes on livestock, wildlife, plants, and soils. This will be a highly interdisciplinary project with many opportunities to collaborate with other students and faculty. The study area represents one of the most unique grassland complexes in North America. This area hosts an extremely diverse grassland bird community ranging from upland nesting waterfowl and sharp-tailed grouse to near threatened Sprague's pipits and Baird's sparrows. Despite fire being an integral disturbance in grassland ecosystems, this region has undergone fire suppression for decades, creating a unique opportunity to assess the response of grassland organisms to restored disturbance regimes.  Qualifications: Preferred qualifications: Candidates must have a Master of Science degree from an accredited university and a valid driver's license. The most competitive applicant's will have multiple years of field experience including previous work with grassland bird communities, pollinator communities, and plant species identification. Students will be expected to work well independently and with a team and should have experience using some or all of the following programs: ArcGIS, DISTANCE, R, MARK, and Presence.  Compensation: $22,000/yr + tuition waiver.  To APPLY: Submit 1 document (.pdf) that includes a 1) cover letter discussing your qualifications and future goals, 2) curriculum vitae, 3) transcripts (unofficial), 4) GRE scores and 4) three professional references to (EM: torre.hovick AT

BANDER-IN-CHARGE at Innis Point Bird Observatory.  Location: .  Duration: .  Job Type: Temporary.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 15 Feb 2017.  Description: BANDER-in-CHARGE (BIC)-- Innis Point Bird Observatory (IPBO) is seeking a qualified BIC for its Spring Migration Monitoring Program (SMMP), from April 24 to June 7, 2016. Innis Point Bird Observatory is located on the south side of the Ottawa River about 15 km west of downtown Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. It has been in operation since 1982, with a Spring Migration Monitoring Program (SMMP) since 1997. The SMMP, run under a fixed protocol, consists of a standardized banding program using mist nets, a standardized one hour census, general observations of birds, and the determination of Estimated Daily Totals (EDT). The BIC will be responsible for the fieldwork from Sunday to Friday during the SMMP period. This will include coordinating the fieldwork of all volunteers assisting with the program. The BIC will train volunteers in extraction, as well as other aspects of the monitoring and banding process. The BIC will be required to demonstrate observatory activities to occasional groups of visitors. The BIC will be responsible for completion of the EDT sheet and the Daily Log during the days that he/she is present, and also for computer entry of banding and EDT data for all days during the entire SMMP period. The BIC will be asked to provide a brief report at the completion of the project. There are no accommodations available on site other than camping. The site is located on DND property and the facilities include two trailers; there is no running water, no telephone and no electricity or heat. There is a composting toilet.  Qualifications: The BIC must hold or be eligible for a Banding Permit. Experience of work at other bird observatories is highly desirable.  Compensation: The total remuneration will be $4000 (including legal benefits such as vacation pay), paid in four instalments during the course of the program.  To Apply: Interested candidates are invited to apply, with CV, to CELIA BODNAR (PH: 613-836-7907; EM: bodnarcelia AT Applications will be accepted until position is filled. An assistant bander may be chosen from among eligible candidates and will receive remuneration commensurate with abilities.

CREW LEADER (1), FIELD ASSISTANT POSITION (2), LOON DISTURBANCE STUDY IN NORTHERN ALASKA at University of Alaska Anchorage and BLM.  Location: North Slope, AK.  Duration: ~June 3 to August 19th, 2017.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: Crew leader (1) and field assistant (2).  Application Deadline: 15 Feb 2017.  Description: The University of Alaska Anchorage and Bureau of Land Management is seeking three individuals to assist a master's student with a study on Yellow-billed and Pacific Loon behavior in response to human disturbance in northern Alaska. We are examining the effects of oil and gas industry impacts on nesting and brood-rearing loons and will be conducting experiments to ascertain the effectiveness of the current management guidelines (buffers). Work will be conducted from a remote field camp in the Fish Creek watershed in the NPR-Alaska. Duties include nest searching, collecting data on nest site preferences, reproductive success, and behavioral observations. The appointment is from approximately June 3 - August 19th, 2016. The individual selected for the position must be capable of hiking long distances in a tundra environment, comfortable working in bear territory, competent in recording data and maintaining records, willing to assist with camp chores and able to maintain a good attitude while working in occasionally challenging field conditions (difficult terrain, wet, cold, and windy). We pay travel from Anchorage, AK to Fairbanks, AK and then onto the field site in Northern Alaska. Housing and food is provided during the approximately 5-7 day period in Fairbanks, and food and living accommodations are provided in the field.  Qualifications: Applicants for both positions must be in excellent physical condition and capable of hiking long distances across uneven tussock tundra carrying up to a 50 lb backpack, have no fear of flying via helicopter or small plane, experienced with the use of GPS for orienteering and data collection, willing to maintain a positive attitude in extreme weather conditions and have a low aversion to swarming insects with no allergies to mosquito or black fly bites. This position requires the ability to collect accurate field data, maintain and operate field equipment in a safe and responsible manner, work long hours, communicate with supervisors and crew members, and happily live and work in a small communal tent camp without running water or electricity. Desired qualifications: Strong interest in avian ecology, experience with identifying birds by sight, nest searching, use of binoculars and/or spotting scope, and behavioral observations. Previous field experience preferred and experience with backcountry camping is a plus. Crew leader: The Crew Leader will coordinate daily field crew activities, relay detailed instructions to crew member(s), collect data, monitor data collection and adherence to data collection protocols by the field technician(s), communicate with field coordinators and principal investigators, and make quick decisions in response to unforeseen or changing situations.  Compensation: DOE.  To Apply: Interested individuals should email a one page cover letter, a detailed resume, and contact information (email addresses and phone numbers) for at least three references combined into one Microsoft Word or PFD document to: (EM: hruherkoch AT Please indicate whether you are interested in being considered for the crew leader or field assistant positions. Review of applications will begin immediately and positions may be filled before closing date so please submit your application early for priority consideration.

VOLUNTEER FIELD CREW-BAHAMAS LIVE ABOARD at CONSERVIAN.  <><>  Location: Bahamas.  Duration: 1-4 weeks in May 2017.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: 20.  Application Deadline: 20 Apr 2017.  Description: Conservian Bahamas May 2017 Live-aboard Schooner Expedition: Shorebird Habitat Conservation Volunteer Field Crew We need your help to protect beach-nesting birds, nests, and young. Conservian is seeking a weekly crew of 8-12 enthusiastic volunteers for our Bahamas shorebird habitat conservation project in May 2017 aboard our 75ft research schooner. Field crew will assist project director with daily project activities. This is an excellent opportunity to gain field experience and shorebird ID skills. Trip cost for one week is $1,250 and includes your bunk, onboard meals, water, and ground transportation associated with project. Participants will fly to the Bahamas to designated airports for shuttle transport to schooner. A valid passport is required. Airfare and insurance are not included. Project Summary In 2017, Conservian and partners will continue on-the-ground protective and restorative measures to limit human-caused disturbance, and control invasive Australian pine at key Piping Plover, shorebird, and seabird sites in the Bahamas. Field volunteers will participate in collecting new data on shorebirds and seabirds of the Bahamas. Selected sites include Globally Important and locally Important Bird Areas and national parks of the Bahamas, such as Lucaya National Park IBA, Peterson Cay National Park IBA, Joulter Cays National Park IBA, and the Berry Islands, as well as additional key shorebird sites on Grand Bahama Island and Great Abaco. Project partners include: BirdsCaribbean, Bahamas National Trust, International Conservation Fund of Canada, USFWS/NMBCA, LightHawk, Dow AgroSciences, Grand Bahama Nature Tours, Optics for the Tropics, Grand Bahama Port Authority, Bahamas Public Parks & Beaches Authority, Bahamas Environment, Science & Technology Commission, Rand Nature Center, Abaco Friends of the Environment, Treasure Cay Community Center, Royal Bahamas Police Force/Marine Support. Project Activities: **Protect, post & sign shorebird & seabird sites **Collect new data on nesting shorebirds & habitat **Observe/assist with bird banding (conditions permitting) **Control invasive Australian pine on beach habitats **Work with local volunteers to accomplish the above goals Our days will be filled with much adventure. The focus of the work is surveying for beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests and young, and working with local volunteers to implement protective measures in the field. Focal species include Wilson's Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. We will work in both populated and remote areas, sail blue Caribbean waters, visit white sandy beaches, boat to little islands, conduct ground surveys for beach-nesting birds, nests, and downy chicks, and meet new people. We will work with local volunteers to post and sign shorebird sites and control invasive Australian pine. Field crew will assistant with collecting data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment and human-created disturbance. Field crew will also assist with shipboard duties; sailing, cooking and cleaning. There will be time to fish, snorkel, and visit local island towns.  Qualifications: Applicants must be responsible, adventurous, in good physical condition, enjoy working in teams and be capable of walking several miles during warm weather in the Caribbean. Applicants must be comfortable living communally onboard a schooner and riding in small boats to access survey sites. May expedition schedule and locations (final dates TBD) Assist for one week or more: Week 1: Grand Bahama Island- (Freeport GBI Int. Airport) Week 2: Great Abaco, west- (Freeport/Marsh Harbour Airport) Week 3: Great Abaco, east- (Marsh Harbour Airport) Week 4: Berry Islands & Joulter Cays-(Marsh Harbour/Nassau Int.) See link to article on 2016 project from our supporters at LightHawk Follow link for story of our successful 2016 expedition Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian's coastal bird conservation work.  To Apply: If you would like to join our conservation crew for a week as part of our Volunteer Field Crew: Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 2 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: MargoZ AT Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applicants is ongoing and will continue until positions are filled.

LOON TECHNICIAN at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  <><>  Location: Errol, NH.  Duration: 19 weeks, 4/17/17-8/25/17.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 01 Mar 2017.  Description: The Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge) seeks a qualified biological technician to implement the loon monitoring and management program at Umbagog NWR. Data collection and management activities will occur from early-May through August. This position requires a flexible schedule that takes full advantage of desirable field conditions, with field work occurring at dawn and dusk, and during weekends. Loon abundance and productivity data will be collected following a standardized protocol, and includes: territory occupancy, band resighting, nest searching and monitoring, and monitoring of chick survival. Management activities include: nest raft deployment, nest camera operation, temporary nest closure management, and carcass recovery for necropsy. Background  –  This monitoring program contributes to a long-term loon abundance and productivity data set that has been maintained for over three decades. Data from this program informs loon conservation efforts at Umbagog NWR, throughout New Hampshire, and across the northeastern United States. Period of Performance  –  40 hours/week for 19+ weeks, 4/17/2017 -8/25/2017, start date firm, end date negotiable.  Qualifications: Requirements - The incumbent must be able to safely operate a motorboat without supervision on an 8,000 acre lake. The incumbent must possess, or be able to obtain, a Department Of the Interior Motorboat Operator Certification Course certificate to be authorized to operate refuge boats; training to be held in April. Use of a government vehicle requires the incumbent to possess a valid driver's license. The incumbent will be required to maintain a flexible work schedule including: early mornings (dawn) late evenings (dusk) and weekends. The successful applicant must be able to work both independently and with other seasonal staff, and interact professionally with the public.  Compensation: Method of Payment  –  This position is offered through the Student Conservation Association. The incumbent will receive payments incrementally from SCA based on a payment schedule. Payments will be made to a Chase debit card issued to the incumbent. Compensation is equivalent to $11.00/hour. Government Furnished Items- Housing Government Vehicle (for work use only) Field Gear Incumbent Furnished Items  –  Appropriate Clothing and Footwear Personal Vehicle (for use outside of work) Positive Attitude.  To Apply: Application Instructions  – Submit a resume by March 1st, 2017 to: SEAN FLINT, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, P.O. Box 240, Errol, N.H. 03579, (EM: sean_flint AT, PH: 603-482-3415; ext 118).

MAPS BANDER-IN-CHARGE at Owl Moon Environmental.  <><>  Location: Alberta, Canada.  Duration: 3 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: Up to 6.  Application Deadline: 28 Feb 2017.  Description: Owl Moon Environmental Inc. (OMEI;<>) together with The Institute for Bird Populations (IBP;<>) are seeking up to six Banders-in-Charge (BIC); the number and availability of positions is dependent on confirmation of project funding. The BIC will be responsible for establishment and operation of a network of mist-netting and banding stations in the oil sands region near Fort McMurray, Alberta, for the Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program ( Positions extend from May 8 through August 8 2017.  Qualifications: Successful applicants must have advanced skills in mist-netting, bird banding, identifying, ageing and sexing of landbirds in the hand, ability to identify birds by song, operation of a banding station, and data management, and either hold or qualify to hold a CWS bird-banding subpermit. NABC certification and previous experience with the MAPS protocol would be very useful assets. A completed Bachelor's degree in biology, ecology, environmental science, or zoology (or equivalent) will be necessary for U.S. citizens to meet requirements for entry into, and working in Canada. Applicants from other countries must possess the required work visas. Successful candidates will lead a crew of 2-3 banders and will supervise, guide, and provide advanced training to Assistant Banders on bird-banding, aging and sexing of birds, and banding station operations. Demonstrated leadership skills, attention to detail, adherence to safety requirements, and tolerance of long and sometimes difficult field days that begin before dawn, and an ability to supervise and maintain a healthy team atmosphere are required. BIC's will adhere to safety and industrial site requirements for working in this region. Applicants must hold a current, valid Alberta Class 5 driver's licence (or equivalent), allowing them to drive (4x4 truck) in Alberta.  Compensation: BIC's will be employees of OMEI, and will receive payment of between CA$3,500 and CA$4,250 per month, depending on experience and field housing arrangements. BIC's completing the season adequately and responsibly and adhering to all required safety protocols will receive a lump-sum bonus of CA$2,500 at the conclusion of the program. Accommodation will be provided. No health or other benefits beyond those described herein will be included.  To Apply: Applications must include a cover letter, resume, driver's abstract, and the name and contact information of three persons as references. Applications will be received until all positions are filled, but no later than February 28, 2017. To apply or receive further information please contact LIZ LADE (EM: llade AT or by phone(PH: 403-542-2311).

VOLUNTEER EXCHANGE PROGRAM FOR BIRD CONSERVATION IN TAHITI, FRENCH POLYNESIA at Ornithological Society of Polynesia ΓÇÿManu'.  <><>  Location: Tahiti, french Polynesia.  Duration: 12 months.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: 2.  Application Deadline: 21 Jan 2017.  Description: The Ornithological Society of Polynesia ‘Manu’ ( is seeking two volunteer field biologists to take part of their conservation programs. Manu is an NGO and the local representative of Birdlife International (, working on bird conservation, habitat and biodiversity protection in the Pacific. One position is to study and take conservation actions for the Tahiti Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus caffer) (Endangered on the IUCN Red list). Tasks include: geolocalization, census, ringing, public awareness. The second is about the striated heron (Butorides striatus patruelis) with fewer than 50 individuals of the sub species remaining in its range of Tahiti. Tasks include: geolocalization, census, ringing, public awareness and possible translocation. Volunteers could take part in other running programs (e.g. Tahiti Monarch, forest restoration, etc.) Duration: 1 June 2017--> 31 May 2018 (12 months).  Qualifications: Requirements: Experience in tropical field biology. Autonomy, rigor, open mind, sociable. Driving license. Language: French OR/& English. To apply you MUST be an EU citizen (UK not applicable) but not French (exchange program), age:.  Compensation: Benefits: Unpaid position. But monthly stipend covering food +115€/m. Participation for the flight ticket (1000€). Accommodation in the Manu office-house (2 rooms, kitchen, 2 WC/showers, wifi, washing machine), located in the Mitirapa plateau, a calm place of Taravao near the Lagoon.  To apply: Send email with your age and citizenship, CV and a short cover letter to (EM: david.beaune AT We will produce immediate reply followed by a Skype interview in order to fulfill the position before the 21st of January.

FIELD ORNITHOLOGISTS AND BOTANISTS at Corvus Ecological Consulting, LLC.  <><>  Location: Work mainly in Mojave Desert Region of CA and NV.  Duration: 4-6 weeks.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 2-10.  Application Deadline: 03 Mar 2017.  Description: Corvus Ecological Consulting is seeking several qualified field biologists for various projects throughout the Mojave Desert region and the Southern Sierra Steppe communities. All applicants should have an interest and basic knowledge of avian communities, but we are also seeking one or two individuals with extensive knowledge and experience with botanical communities. Duration of employment will be from approximately March through June with a possibility for some work to continue until August. Applicant review will begin immediately. Work is full time up to 12 hours per day Monday through Friday. Applicant will be part of a team, but will also be required to work alone so good communication skills are essential. Field workers will be required to camp (often alone) in remote portions of the study area. Workers may be asked to perform a variety of tasks on various projects, so flexibility is necessary. Work will include driving over rough unmaintained roads, hiking in rough terrain, and dealing with temperature extremes. A per diem will be provided in lieu of housing and fieldworkers may opt to stay in a hotel from time to time.  Qualifications: We seek applicants with the following qualifications: **Prior avian field experience and demonstrable birding skills **Prior camping experience and possession of personal camping equipment **Minimum of B.S. in Biology and 2 years of experience in field ornithology or botany depending on applicant interest **Ability to work independently at remote field sites **Skill and experience with topographic maps, GPS units, and compass. **Valid driver's license, clean driving record, and experience driving 4WD vehicles. **Excellent organizational skills and attention to detail **Communication skills and the ability to work well with others are paramount for a successful candidate **Genuine interest in birds and plants and a desire to collect quality data in a timely manner. Botanist applicants should also possess: **Prior field experience in the Mojave Desert The following qualifications are preferred, but not required: **Prior field experience with desert tortoise **Prior experience in the Mojave Desert of Southern California or Nevada (ornithologist positions) **For botanist applicants, preference will be given to those with experience in the Tehachapi mountains of Southern California **Advanced birding skills **Personal field equipment such as gps units, binoculars, spotting scopes, laptop computer and ipod Touch or smartphone (Apple or Android) **Familiarity with Garmin's "Basecamp" software **Experience with field data collection using Pendragon FormsVI or other handheld data collection systems **Wilderness First Responder training.  Compensation: Hourly compensation $15/hour plus a per diem stipend. If a candidate has a reliable 4WD vehicle a fuel card will be provided as well as a wear and tear stipend (reimbursed expenses for use of a personal vehicle). Otherwise a vehicle will be provided.  To apply please send a cover letter, resume, and list of 3 references with phone numbers and email addresses to (EM: jobs AT In the subject line, indicate whether you are interested in the ornithologist or botanist position. No phone calls please. References, cover letter and resume should specifically address the qualifications outlined in this announcement and the candidate's experience with any or all of them. The preferred method of attachment is as a single document or a zip file of separate documents. Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled or until March 3rd 2017, whichever comes first.

WESTERN SNOWY PLOVER MONITOR at California State Parks.  Location: Morro Bay, CA.  Duration: 8 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 2.  Application Deadline: 13 Jan 2017.  Description: The San Luis Obispo Coast District of California State Parks is seeking applicants for Western Snowy Plover monitors. The primary responsibilities include monitoring the breeding activities of the Western Snowy Plover (nest searches, data collection, GPSing nest sites, photo documentation of project work, tracking nest fates, collecting predator information, recording color band combinations, data entry using Microsoft Excel); fence, sign and nest exclosure installation; public outreach; report writing; and other duties as necessary. Training will be provided. The monitor will work 5 days per week, including weekends and holidays, for a total of 40 hours/week with minimal supervision. The positions will start mid February and continue through October 2017.  Qualifications: Must be in good physical condition  –  position requires walking up to six miles per day in soft sand. A valid driver's license and good driving record are required. The applicant must also possess the ability to collect data with strong attention to detail; a positive attitude in adverse environmental conditions such as wind and rain; patience and focus to quietly observe birds; ability to work independently and in a group. Preference will be given to applicants with experience or coursework in wildlife biology or closely related field work, identifying birds by sight and sound, nest searching, using a handheld GPS unit, using Microsoft Excel and ArcMap.  Compensation: Starting pay is $10.50/hr. Housing is not available.  To Apply: Mail a California State application (STD 678 -- available online at, cover letter including how you heard about the position, and a list of references to: REGENA ORR, California State Parks, 11 State Park Rd, Morro Bay, CA 93442.

NATURALIST INTERNSHIP at Audubon Center of the North Woods.  <><>  Location: Sandstone, MN.  Duration: 10 months.  Job Type: Intern.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 24 Feb 2017.  Description: Established in 1968, the Audubon Center of the North Woods (ACNW) is a private, non-profit 501(c)3 residential environmental learning center (RELC) and green retreat & conference center on Grindstone Lake near Sandstone, MN  –  90 miles north of Minneapolis/St. Paul. We offer a variety of outdoor and environmental education experiences for people of all ages  –  youth, families and adults  –  and are an ideal K12 school field trips and student travel destination. In addition to our on-site programs and camps, ACNW provides outreach programs throughout the region. Our 535 acre campus is a diverse mix of hardwoods, pine plantation, prairie, and wetland on the east shore of Grindstone Lake. Accredited by the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges, ACNW serves as a field campus for various community colleges and Hamline University. We have over 40 years of environmental education experience and an incredible variety of programs and audiences. Working at ACNW is a one-of-a-kind internship opportunity! We hope you will consider becoming part of our dynamic education team. Intern Duties include: **Instruct environmental and adventure classes for diverse groups **Serve as liaison for school and weekend groups **Represent ACNW and interact with the public at key events **Focus on one of the following areas: Wildlife and Animal Care; Adventure & Outdoor Education; Environmental Education Program Management & Marketing; or Center Operations & Stewardship **Work weekends and evenings as needed, including serving on-call overnight **Maintain living quarters and center grounds (split wood, shovel snow, clear trails, etc.) **Assist in event planning, facilitation, and evaluation **Other duties as assigned.  Qualifications: **BA or BS degree **21 years of age or older **Enjoyment of and experience working with children in an educational outdoor setting **Ability to be innovative, flexible, and self-directed **Exceptional written and verbal communication **Consistent professionalism **Basic knowledge of and curiosity about the natural and cultural history of this region **Open-minded and personable with a light-hearted sense of humor **Ability to lift heavy equipment, such as a canoe, and spend long hours on your feet.  Compensation: **Broad natural history background training **Teaching experience covering groups of diverse ages and backgrounds **Hands-on, behind the scenes knowledge of what it takes to run a residential environmental education center (fundraising, budgets, marketing, etc.) **$80/week stipend, private room in onsite Staff House, and meals when groups are present **Eight days off each month, plus two bonus weeks off (one in December and one as scheduling allows) **Optional paid graduate credits from Hamline University to fulfill the 10-credit Master's-level Certificate in Environmental Education.  To Apply: please send your cover letter, resume and three references to: JAIME SOUZA, Education Manager, Audubon Center of the North Woods (EM: internships AT

COASTAL WATERBIRD EDUCATION SPECIALIST at Mass Audubon Coastal Waterbird Program.  <><>  Location: Boston, MA.  Duration: mid-April to late-August 2017.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 01 Mar 2017.  Description: Mass Audubon is seeking to fill a seasonal Education Specialist position to design and implement programs for youth, families, and adults focused on the biology, monitoring, management and protection of coastal birds and other natural resources. Time may be used to assist with the coordination, preparation, and marketing of these educational programs and special events. For more information, visit<>. Responsibilities -Prepare and teach educational programs to youth, families, and adults -Assist in the development and delivery of educational activities related to festivals, events, camps, and schools -Assist in the development of educational activities for school, camp and group programs -Maintain updated educational supplies, curricula, instructional materials, and resources -Assist in the evaluation of programs and other related activities -Attend meetings and trainings related to the work of the Coastal Waterbird Program, as assigned -Assist in the scheduling and advertisement of programs -Communicate with schools, camps, and other partners regarding education programs and scheduling -Instruct and direct duties and schedule of an education trainee(s) -Perform informal education and outreach on Boston area beaches -Travel to different beaches, schools, and program locations in the Greater Boston area as directed -Become oriented with the goals and methods of the Coastal Waterbird Program and the biology and protection of coastal birds as it relates to Mass Audubon's work on the Boston-area beaches and the Massachusetts coast line.  Qualifications: -Bachelor's degree in education, biological sciences, earth science, environmental studies, or equivalent, and a minimum of 1 year of experience in conducting educational programs -Applicants must have strong interpersonal skills and ability to relate to a diverse range of people and exercise cultural competence and inclusion -Must be able to work long hours outside in all weather conditions and be able to lift and carry up to 40lbs across varied and sandy terrain -Must be willing to work weekends, holidays, and irregular hours (dependent upon programming and weather) -Must have access to a vehicle for daily driving between sites -Must pass a background records check (CORI, SORI and driver's).  Compensation: Rate of pay: $14.50-15.50/hr depending on experience. Housing may be available for payroll deduction of $25-35/wk. Reimbursement for field travel will be provided.  To Apply: Applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible, as interviews will begin immediately. Position to be filled as soon as possible. Please send a cover letter resume and list of three references via email to: Coastal Waterbirds (EM: coastalbirdjobs AT

AVIAN FIELD TECHNICIANS (2)- SHRUBLAND SONGBIRD BREEDING AND POST-FLEDGING ECOLOGY at University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamapaign.  Location: Kennekuk County Park, Danville, Illinois.  Duration: ~3 months (beginning April 15th, ending mid-late July).  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 2.  Application Deadline: 01 Feb 2017.  Description: (2) Field Technicians needed for a study investigating the breeding and post-fledging ecology of songbirds in shrubland habitats of Eastern Illinois. Work will primarily involve finding and monitoring nests of focal species (Field Sparrow, Brown Thrasher, Common Yellowthroat, and Gray Catbird) and other common songbird species (e.g. Red-winged Blackbird, Eastern Phoebe, Chipping Sparrow, Northern Cardinal, Blue-winged Warbler, Prairie Warbler, American Robin, Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue Jay, Indigo Bunting, Eastern Towhee, and others), and monitoring nest boxes (Eastern Bluebird, Carolina Chickadee, Tree Swallow, House Wren). Technicians will also assist graduate student with the capture, banding, bleeding, and radio-tagging of adult and nestling birds, tracking tagged birds, conducting fledgling locomotor experiments, and maintenance of automated radio-telemetry towers. Travel to and from sites will be provided.  Qualifications: Applicants must be willing to work long hours outside, moving through dense (grassy/thorny/spiny/ticks) vegetation under a variety of field conditions (sunny, hot, humid, windy, wet, chilly). Ideal candidates will be energetic, hard-working, team players that pay close attention to directions and details while conducting research in the field and entering collected data. Applicants must have a valid driver's license. Preference will be given to applicants with experience finding and monitoring songbird nests.  Compensation: ~10.00$/per hour.  To Apply: Please send application (cover letter, cv/resume, and information of three references) via email in ONE PDF FILE (please name file in the following format: firstname_lastname_Songbird _Application) to TODD JONES (preferred EM: toddmj AT, Department of Natural Resources & Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Turner Hall, Urbana, IL 61801. Deadline for applications is 1st of Feb, 2017, however, positions may be filled as suitable applicants are found.

FIELD TECHNICIAN at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University.  Location: Western Cape, South Africa.  Duration: 2 weeks; March 1-15 depending on pickup and drop-off locations.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 27 Jan 2017.  Description: I am looking for someone to join me for two weeks in the field (March 1-15 depending on pickup and drop-off locations) as I go to three different provincial parks to collect blood samples from Cape rockjumpers. That person will have to find their own transportation to one of three locations in South Africa (Port Elizabeth, George, or Cape Town). This work is extremely physically challenging, and will take you to some of the most remote and beautiful locations in the Fynbos mountains, where tourism is non-existent. Rockjumpers prefer high-altitude, rocky, mountain terrain, and are caught using baited snap-traps. I have been catching them for the past two years, and while no birds have ever been injured, I myself have been scraped, bruised, and bumped many times. There will be very limited access to internet or cell-phone reception (maybe every 4-5 days), and we will be either camping or staying in research huts. One 5-day portion will be extremely remote, as we will be driven up Anysberg mountain by park rangers and left bush-camping on our own for the duration. Ironically, this site has some of the best cell phone reception, providing your battery lasts.  Qualifications: A background in bird-watching is preferable, as rockjumpers are not easily spotted. However, the most important qualifications will be self-sufficiency, toughness, physical capability, and ability to do without social media for two weeks.  Compensation: Room, transportation, and board will be provided, as well as park fees and use of camping equipment for the two week period. The best part is the locations and wildlife. We will visit three mountain ranges (Langeberg, Anysberg, Swartberg), all of which are beautiful in their own right. There is a high chance of seeing all 7 Fynbos endemic-birds, as well as many other South African species. The reserves also have the resident mammalian wildlife (caracal, honey badger, leopard, many antelope species, etc), as well as many reptiles.  To Apply: please send a cv and a brief (no more than one page) statement letting me know more about yourself and what appeals to you about the position to (EM: knoswald AT

BEACH AMBASSADOR/SHOREBIRD MONITOR VOLUNTEER- ALABAMA at CONSERVIAN.  <><>  Location: Alabama.  Duration: 4 months.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: one.  Application Deadline: 08 Mar 2017.  Description: BEACH AMBASSADOR/SHOREBIRD MONITOR VOLUNTEER- ALABAMA (1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Beach Ambassador/ Shorebird Monitor Volunteer intern for monitoring of beach-nesting birds and pubic beach use at Gulf State Park in Gulf Shores Alabama. Work begins in early April and continues through early August. Intern is required to commit 32 hours per week to Gulf State Park. Intern may work over 32 hours and qualify for hourly pay of $ 9.01. Shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring and protecting beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, including Snowy Plovers and Least Terns, and increasing public compliance with park rules and protective measures in place for beach-nesting birds. Intern will also engage in general education and monitoring of beach-going public. As a Beach Ambassador, intern will be provided a park utility vehicle (UTV) for beach patrolling. Additional security duties include monitoring the parking lot and beach for trash compliance, ensuring the safety of all beach patrons, contacting law enforcement in the event of emergencies, and ensuring that park patrons are in compliance with Alabama State Park 220 Laws. Intern will record data on breeding, beach-nesting bird pairs, habitat assessment, and public compliance, erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas, keep organized field notes, complete various data forms and perform regular data entry using Excel. Intern will report to and work cooperatively with Conservian Shorebird Assistant and Gulf State Park Supervisor. Training will be provided prior to beginning these job duties. Intern will also have opportunities to work with Conservian field staff at other shorebird sites in Alabama.  Qualifications: Requirements: Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, in good physical condition, and enjoy working in warm summer temperatures on the Gulf Coast. Shorebird familiarity and experience working with the public is preferred. UTV certification and shorebird monitoring training is provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird monitoring experience. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver's license and own a reliable vehicle.  Compensation: Housing, and fuel costs for travel to field sites, and single round trip from home. Intern may also work over 32 volunteer hours and qualify for hourly pay of $ 9.01.  To Apply: Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC: (EM: MargoZ AT Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian's work on the Gulf Coast.

SHOREBIRD INTERN VOLUNTEER- ALABAMA AND MISSISSIPPI at CONSERVIAN.  <><>  Location: Alabama.  Duration: 4 months.  Job Type: Volunteer.  Number of Openings: one.  Application Deadline: 08 Mar 2017.  Description: SHOREBIRD INTERN VOLUNTEER- ALABAMA and MISSISSIPPI (1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Shorebird Intern Volunteer for monitoring of beach-nesting birds on the Alabama and Mississippi coast. Work begins in early April and continues through July 30th. Shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring and protecting beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, including Snowy and Wilson's Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Intern will work cooperatively with Conservian field staff as part of a team. Intern will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment, erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas, and be required to keep organized field notes, complete various data forms and perform regular data entry using Excel.  Qualifications: Requirements: Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, and adventurous, in good physical condition, like traveling, working in teams, and comfortable riding in small boats to access some survey sites. This position often requires working long hours, 6 days a week including weekends. Applicant must enjoy walking many miles at remote locations, in hot temperatures on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior shorebird experience preferred, but not required. All training is provided. This is an excellent opportunity to gain multi-species shorebird monitoring experience. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver's license and own reliable vehicle required for travel between work sites. Cost of gasoline will be reimbursed for travel between field work sites.  Compensation: Housing provided, and fuel costs covered for travel between work sites, and single round trip from home.  To Apply: Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: MargoZ AT Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian's work on the Gulf Coast.

SHOREBIRD MONITORING ASSISTANT  –  ALABAMA/MISSISSIPPI at CONSERVIAN.  <><>  Location: Alabama.  Duration: 4 months.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: one.  Application Deadline: 08 Mar 2017.  Description: SHOREBIRD MONITORING ASSISTANT  –  ALABAMA/MISSISSIPPI (1 position) CONSERVIAN/Coastal Bird Conservation is seeking one Shorebird Monitoring Assistant for monitoring of beach-nesting birds on the Alabama and Mississippi Coast. Work will begin in early April and continue through early August. A weekly salary of $450 and shared housing is provided. The focus of the work is monitoring beach-nesting bird breeding pairs, nests, and young, and working with site managers and local volunteers to implement protective measures. Focal species include; Snowy Plovers, Wilson's Plovers, American Oystercatchers, Least Terns and other colonial nesting species. Assistant will report to and work cooperatively with Conservian Director to implement and conduct fieldwork. Assistant will professionally represent Conservian when interacting with the public, site managers, and partners. Assistant will record data on breeding pairs, habitat assessment and human-created disturbance, and erect and maintain posting and signing to protect nesting areas. Assistant will be required to keep organized field notes, complete various data forms, perform data entry, and supervise one Conservian intern, and local steward volunteers.  Qualifications: Requirements: Applicant must possess strong verbal communication and leadership skills, and be comfortable working with volunteers and the beach-going public. Applicant must be self-motivated, responsible, and adventurous, in good physical condition, like traveling, working in small groups, and independently, and be comfortable riding in small boats to access island survey sites. Position often requires working long hours, 6 days a week, including weekends. Applicant must enjoy walking many miles at remote locations, in hot summer temperatures on the Gulf of Mexico. Prior field experience and supervisory experience is required for this position. Plover/tern/shorebird experience preferred. Must have own waterproof binoculars (10x42). Valid driver's license and own reliable vehicle required for travel between work sites. Cost of gasoline will be reimbursed for travel between work sites.  Compensation: $450 per week.  To Apply: Please send 1) letter of interest 2) resume 3) names, email addresses and phone numbers of 3 references to MARGO ZDRAVKOVIC (EM: MargoZ AT Please label all attachments with your name. The review of applications is ongoing and will continue until position is filled. Go to on Facebook for more information on Conservian's work on the Gulf Coast.

OPS RED-COCKADED WOODPECKER BIOLOGIST at Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  <><>  Location: Kenansville, FL.  Duration: Open.  Job Type: Temporary.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 31 Jan 2017.  Description: More than 100 clusters of the federally endangered Red-cockaded Woodpecker (RCW) occur on Three Lakes, Triple N Ranch, and Herky Huffman Bull Creek Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs). Comprising over 100,000 acres, the three WMAs lie in Osceola County near Saint Cloud, Florida. The position described below works within an existing RCW management program currently carried out by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) on the Three Lakes, Triple N Ranch and Herky Huffman Bull Creek WMAs and nearby lands. Duties: Tree/Cluster/Population Monitoring - *Annually visit more than 1,100 trees to monitor status, refresh paint, and accurately map, when necessary, using GPS. *Monitor nesting and coordinate annual nest census. *Actively search, through systematic surveys, for new trees and clusters. *Band RCW nestlings and adults and maintain banding records. *Identify color-banded birds for group membership, cavity occupancy, and translocations. Habitat Management - *Remove encroaching hardwoods from the vicinity of RCW trees using chemical and mechanical means. *Install and maintain cavity inserts and drilled starts. *Protect cavity trees before burning using a small tractor and mower and hand tools. *Coordinate and supervise a seasonal technician during the nesting season. Data Management - *Refine existing database and enter new data. *Reconcile GPS and tree data with the geodatabase. *Produce maps of active and inactive trees using ArcGIS. This is a year-round, full-time position.  Qualifications: Familiarity with and interest in avian ecology and protected species management. Experience with GPS equipment, ArcGIS and spreadsheets. Keen interest in working outside, often alone and sometimes in harsh conditions, as well as inside with GIS software and databases. Ability to climb ladders up to 50' and use ATVs, chainsaws, tractors and hand tools. Must be able to work within an interagency team as well as interpret instructions and complete assignments independently. Good organizational skills are also a must. Preference will be given to candidates with prior RCW experience such as installing artificial cavity inserts, banding birds, and reading color bands and experience navigating in the woods, with ATV and 4x4 vehicles, and using Microsoft Access and Excel. Applicants must possess a valid driver's license.  Compensation: $14.00/hr plus housing and utilities.  To Apply: Send a cover letter, resume and contact information for three references to: TINA HANNON (EM: Tina.hannon AT Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission 1231 Prairie Lakes Road Kenansville, FL 34739.

KING RAIL FIELD ASSISTANT at East Carolina University.  <><>  Location: Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge, coastal North Carolina.  Duration: 10 or 12 weeks, depending on start date.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 3.  Application Deadline: 10 Feb 2017.  Description: Highly motivated VOLUNTEER FIELD ASSISTANTS (3 positions) sought for research on the ecology and behavior of breeding king rails in wetlands in and around Mackay Island NWR in coastal North Carolina near the Virginia border Duties include conducting callback surveys to locate breeding king rails, nest finding (wading), nest monitoring, catching, sampling and banding adults and chicks. Candidates will be required to collect data and observations and enter data into a database. These positions require physically demanding work at varying times of day, including early morning start times and a non-traditional work week. Workers will spend long hours wading through water, mud and vegetation in the marshes under hot, humid conditions. Some night work may also be necessary. Three 10- to 12-week positions are available with staggered start dates. May through June availability required. April availability preferred, but dates negotiable prior to starting. Pending funding, a small stipend may be available for travel expenses. Comfortable refuge housing with basic amenities and utilities will be provided free of charge.  Qualifications: Required: Candidates should have or be working towards a B.S. in biology, ecology, wildlife science, or a related field. Hard working with a positive attitude, sense of humor, and an interest in wetland bird ecology a must! Ability to follow direction and to work both independently and with a team Possess good organizational and data recording skills Ability to lift 50 pounds above one's head Valid driver's license and clean driving record Must be comfortable working around water, in the presence of snakes and biting insects Preferred: Prior experience with marsh birds, mistnetting, bird handling, and nest-finding, particularly in wetlands Prior experience recording avian vocalizations or conducting playback trials Experience working in difficult terrain and under uncomfortable field conditions Experience paddling a kayak Own vehicle preferred, but not required (please indicate upon application) Ability to operate a 4-wheel drive truck an asset.  Compensation: Volunteer, shared housing provided free of charge.  To Apply: Candidates should send a cover letter with dates of availability describing qualifications, reason for interest in the position and future goals, and a resume including the contact information for three referees, all in a single file to SUSAN McRAE at East Carolina University, (EM: mcraes AT ecu DOT edu). Please use the following subject line: KING RAIL ASSISTANTS. For questions about the positions, contact KATIE SCHROEDER (EM: schroederk15 AT students DOT ecu DOT edu). Review of candidates will begin February 6th, 2017, and continue until the positions are filled. Phone: (252) 328-6515.

SHOREBIRD MONITORING AND STEWARDSHIP TECHNICIAN at American Bird Conservancy.  <><>  Location: Bon Secour NWR, Alabama.  Duration: March 15 - September 15, 2017.  Job Type: Seasonal.  Number of Openings: 1.  Application Deadline: 27 Jan 2017.  Description: Primary duties will include identifying, posting, maintaining, and monitoring beach-nesting bird nesting locations throughout BSNWR. The technician will work closely with USFWS, BSNWR, and other relevant stakeholders on all activities. Shorebird surveys will be conducted several times weekly following a strict protocol. The technician must be able to re-sight banded birds and follow marked or unmarked birds and broods. Nest fate monitoring will occur at several units on the refuge and strict adherence to a protocol is expected. The technician may assist in occasional trapping and banding efforts of Snowy Plovers. The technician will perform opportunistic outreach with refuge visitors while in the field to educate people about beach-nesting birds. This may also entail some conflict resolution in asking people not to enter posted nesting areas. In the event a nesting tern colony is established at the refuge, the individual will work closely with USFWS, BSNWR, and other stakeholders to train volunteer bird stewards and coordinate volunteer stewardship activities and shifts. The technician will serve as the lead bird steward. The technician will assist in presenting interpretive programs to park visitors and participate in community events to educate the public. The position requires the technician to conduct several informative presentations to local community and/or school groups about beach-nesting birds. The technician will be required to maintain field data (in the field and electronically), perform some basic data analysis, and prepare interim and final reports submitted to American Bird Conservancy. Other duties as assigned by USFWS, BWNWR, and ABC. The position is generally 40-45 hours per week and requires working weekends and holidays (Memorial Day or July 4th)  –  prefer that the candidate work around inclement weather when possible. During some busy holidays and weekends, additional hours will be required and agreed upon at that time.  Qualifications: The applicant should have a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Studies, Natural Resources, Wildlife Sciences, or a related discipline, be interested in avian research and conservation, and comfortable working with the general public to teach them about beach-nesting birds. Experience with shorebird identification, surveying, locating nests, following broods, and re-sighting banded beach-nesting birds is required. Having some banding and bird handling experience is desirable, but not required. Applicant must be comfortable communicating and working with recreational beach users, volunteers, community members, and staff of multiple partner organizations  –  strong verbal communication skills are a must and may include conflict resolution. A significant portion of time will be spent viewing birds through binoculars and high-powered scopes, and standing and walking outside along long stretches of beach habitat in hot, sunny conditions. Weather conditions vary and may include cold, strong winds, rain and storms, heat, and high humidity  –  biting insects will be prevalent throughout the season. Candidate will be able to physically and mentally work in these conditions. Basic Microsoft Word, Excel, and Access skills are required. Report writing skills are highly desirable. Valid driver's license and reliable personal vehicle are required for travel between work sites ($0.54/mile with mileage budget).  Compensation: $2,800 per month with mileage reimbursement (with mileage cap) and housing stipend ($500/month). This is a contract position through American Bird Conservancy (ABC) interacting and collaborating with US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Bon Secour NWR (BSNWR). It does not include benefits; a 1099 will be issued for salary earned and contractor is required to submit monthly invoices including mileage and expenses.  To Apply: Send cover letter, resume, 3 references, reference the location of the position (Bon Secour), and include an unofficial college transcript to: KACY RAY (EM: kray AT Application deadline is January 27, 2017. Unfortunately, we are unable to take international applications.

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