A highlight of the Michigan farm conference season is the MOFFA Organic
Intensives scheduled for Thursday, March 10 and the Organic Reporting
Session scheduled for Friday, March 11. Both events are taking place on
the MSU campus at Brody Hall, across from the Kellogg Conference Center.
The MOFFA Organic Intensives are a key part of how we fulfill our
mission of promoting organic agriculture and the development and support
of food systems that revitalize and sustain local communities.
We have three excellent Organic Intensive programs that will make it
difficult for you to choose just one. Seed Saving, Wild Edibles, and
Organic Transition are each planned to help you participate in the
intersection of food, farming and health. There is detailed information
about each of the session topics, schedules, and presenters on the
website at www.moffa.net/OI-2016.html. Please register early as
enrollment is limited, and the earlybird registration discount ends
February 9.
A limited number of scholarships are available so contact us at
[log in to unmask] if the limitation to participating is the cost of
registration. We also have some scholarship support from the
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program for
agriculture professionals and educators. Sponsorship opportunities are
available – see the sponsorship page at
Please share this information widely. We look forward to seeing you on
March 10 and 11.
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