Sorry to bother those who are not interested.
Lots of items for sale. Photos links added.
1. 较大电饭锅,可供2-4人使用,带蒸笼,$13.
2. 烧水壶,不是直接插电的 $5.
3. 小煎锅,不适合炒菜,可用于煎蛋/培根/香肠等,$3.
4. 菜板 $1.
5. 烤盘 $1.
6. 玻璃大保鲜盒 $2.
7. 塑料保鲜盒 $1.
8. 刀叉勺 $1.
9. 盘子 Free.
10. 衣架30个 $2.
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