A number of people have asked me for advice on teaching Crisis Management courses or incorporating topics in crisis management in other business courses.
I published an article for AIB Insights back in 2012 about incorporating global content in Crisis Management courses which I thought would be of particular interest now as a result of the VW crisis:
Incorporating a Global Perspective in Teaching Crisis Management" by Daniel Laufer. AIB Insights 12 (2)
The full article is available online at https://aib.msu.edu/publications/insights/archive.asp
I hope you find the article useful.
Daniel Laufer PhD, MBA
Head of School
School of Marketing and International Business
Victoria Business School
Level 11, Rutherford House Rm 11.26
23 Lambton Quay
Victoria University of Wellington
P O Box 600, Wellington, 6140 New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 463 5152 Fax: +64 4 463 5231
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