Hello everyone,
I have a 2-bed, 1-bath apartment for sub-leasing. The name of the apartment is Okemos Village. The original price is $725/month. The time for sub-leasing is from Sep.1st 2015 to Nov. 30th 2015. If you like to stay here after the sub-leasing period you could renew the lease with $745/month for another year. Please note the rent including heating. The only utility you need to pay for is electricity which about $40/month. This apartment is very close to Meridian Mall, Meijer store, Kroger, Marshall, and Macy's store (all these place are about 10 minutes walk). School is Okemos public school (Cornell Elementary school and Kinawa 5-6 middle school).
Please contact me if you are interested.
Email: [log in to unmask]
QQ: 185651896
现在有Okemos Village的 2房1卫 整套房子 $725/月, 3个月转租(到期后可以再续, $745/月)。
租期:09/01/2015 - 11/30/2015
费用:$725/月 (包暖气); 需要自己交的是电费- 大概$40/月;网费根据自己的选择不同.
房型:两室一卫 2B1B,walk in closet
交通:对面就是公交车站(< 10min walk)
小区环境:free parking;,属于DTN
地址: 1804 Hamilton Rd (距离MSU 4英里, Okemos学区,有校车). 距merjer,kroger,marshall,macys购物场所很近,步行10分钟,距离Okemos kids club 步行10分钟左右(此幼儿园有Okemos public school system 的幼教program),距离公交站台300米。距离Okemos library也不远。
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QQ: 185651896