Time: Saturday, 6/13, 9:30am - 5pm (12-1:30pm lunch break)
*The repentance ceremony will be presented in Chinese. There will be lots
of *
*prostrations to many **Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. **It's not required to
attend the full*
*course of the ceremony. However, participants need to register online **for
the *
*event, so we can set up the site and prepare for the meals. *
*If all of the above are fine with you, **please feel welcome to join us!!!*
Press here to register online
or visit www.lansingbuddhist.org
*密西根 弥陀村 慈悲叁昧水忏法会*
*Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Ceremony in Michigan*
消灾、超荐、供僧及设斋供众登记表 (PDF)
消灾、超荐、供僧及设斋供众登记表 (Word)
时间: 6/13/2015 (Sat.), 9:30am-5pm
地点: 弥陀村 Amitabha Village Retreat Center, 14796 Beardslee Rd., Perry, MI
祈愿我等与众生, 能离苦得乐, 皆发菩提心, 能共成佛道。
主办单位: 兰莘学佛会 Lansing Buddhist Association (LBA)
通讯联络方式: 电话: 517-292-3110, 电子信箱: [log in to unmask], 电子网页:
www.lansingbuddhist.org, 邮寄信箱: P.O. Box 4605, East Lansing, MI 48826