Hi all,
Sorry to bother again cuz I'd like to change my subject.
本人暑期外地实习,需要转租Trappers Cove Alpine双人间之一,prefer女生,具体房间布局
(我住的房间是靠近卫生间的那个) 和周边环境请参考如下高清组图。
- 时间大概在5月22号到8月15号左右,可以商议
- 小区环境好, 露天游泳池,沙滩排球场,还有很多大鹅,池塘,小丘
- 家具全部包括,queen size床, walk-in衣橱,书桌,电脑桌等
- 房间离卫生间很近,隔音很好,跟一个人住的感觉差不多
- 我家在三楼顶层,屋内设施齐全,除了公寓标配,还有空调,微波炉,洗衣机,烘干机,洗碗
机,breakfast bar,超大阳台等
- 小区内有24 hour on-call emergency maintenance
- 免费停车,小区内有多个20路的公交站点, 还有一些别的公交车
- 室友是统计专业女博士,娴静端庄,温文尔雅,不一定整个假期全在家
- 只有没有过分损坏和超大量用电,租金每月400刀全包,电水气网等
- 您将在这里度过一个身心愉悦的假期
Basic information
- Available from May 22nd through August 15th
- Washer, dryer and dishwasher
- European-style kitchen with convenient breakfast bar
- Third-floor cathedral ceiling
- Walk-in closet, two desks, queen size bed, very close to bathroom, sound
- Refreshing pool with sundeck, beautiful grounds with big goose and cove
- Free parking, Route 20 and other on city busline
- Female roommate, peace and grace
- 400 dollars per month, everything included
Wechat: mt9094, 请标明租房
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Phone: 5173485655
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