在 2015-03-04 14:16:32,"LIST.MSU.EDU LISTSERV Server (15.5)" <[log in to unmask]> 写道:
>Wed, 4 Mar 2015 01:16:32
>Your subscription to the CSSAMSU list (MSU Chinese Students and Scholars
>Association) has been accepted.
>From: CSSAMSU list manager To: CSSAMSU subscriber: [log in to unmask] RE:
>listserv commands, save for future reference
>Thank you for subscribing to CSSAMSU.
>The operation of this mailing list is very simple.
>To send a message to the list, please address your email to:
>[log in to unmask]
>To view the web archive of the list, please direct your web browser to:
>To sign off: Send an email to [log in to unmask] FROM YOUR OWN EMAIL
>ACCOUNT Do not put a subject on the message.
>The body of the message should be: signoff cssamsu
>(**Please note: the command "unsubscribe" may not work- use "signoff" for
>this functions)
>For more information, please visit the following website:
>If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact
>the list owner: CSSAMSU at: [log in to unmask]
>With regards,