Dear all,
Seeking to collaborate with the efforts to understand the internationalization process of Emerging Market Firms, the Brazilian Multinationals Observatory has been conducting studies and monitoring this phenomenon in Brazil.
As a first step, we are making available two of our studies. The first one analyses reverse knowledge transfer inside of Brazilian Multinational Corporations, and the second one, a study run by our PhD Program in International Business investigates Brazilian Franchises abroad.
1) Innovation at Brazilian Multinationals: Learning from Foreign Subsidiaries
2) Stages of internationalization of Brazilian franchises
We hope that this initiative will be useful for you IB colleagues.
We are open to academic dialogue and research partnership.
Best Regards from Brazil,
Gabriel Vouga Chueke
ESPM´s Brazilian Multinationals Observatory
Rua Dr. Álvaro Alvim, 123, Vila Mariana, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Zip Code: 04018-010
Email: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
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