Business Horizons is publishing a special issue on Crisis Management in early 2015. This is the first time this well-known managerial journal has published a special issue on the topic. I invited leading academics to contribute to the special issue, and it includes articles related to international business. Of particular interest is an article related to Crisis Management in China.
A number of articles from the special issue are available on the journal's website. In addition, my guest editorial that describes the articles in the special issue is available online (
I hope you find the special issue on this important topic useful for both academics and practitioners.
Daniel Laufer PhD, MBA - Associate Professor
Head of School
School of Marketing and International Business
Victoria Business School
Level 11, Rutherford House Rm 11.26
23 Lambton Quay
Victoria University of Wellington
P O Box 600, Wellington, 6140 New Zealand
Tel: +64 4 463 5152 Fax: +64 4 463 5231
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