Hello Everyone,
The Gast Business Library is hosting an International Tea as a way to provide a friendly venue for interaction between our students and our librarians. We want to increase awareness of the services that we can provide to aid the success of all of our business students! For example, each major in the Broad College of Business has its own liaison librarian who can help students find resources for their classes. Come by to enjoy some tea, coffee and snacks and learn more!
The Gast Business Library's mission is to support the academic success of the faculty, staff and students of the Broad College of Business and The School of Hospitality Business, as well as anyone in the MSU and local community looking for assistance with business research.
Location: Room 13 of the Gast Business Library.
(The library is located in the Basement of the Law College Building)
Date: Wednesday, November 5
Time: 2:00-4:00pm
Please email Emily Treptow ([log in to unmask]) or message her on WeChat (treptowe) with any questions.
Emily Treptow
Business Reference Librarian
Gast Business Library
MSU Libraries
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