*The Ann Arbor Buddhist Society, *
*Lansing** Buddhist Association and *
*Dharma Drum Mountain** Michigan** Chapter Invite You To*
*Public Talk and*
*1-Day Meditation Retreat *
*Gilbert Gutierrez*
*Dharma teacher Gilbert Gutierrez is the sole American Dharma heir of the
late great Chan Master Venerable Sheng-Yen
<http://chancenter.org/cmc/bios-2/>, the founder of the Dharma Drum
Mountain Buddhist Association. Gilbert teaches Chan Buddhism (Zen) at the
Riverside Chan Meditation Group <http://www.riversidechan.org/> in
Riverside, California on weekly base. Gilbert’s teaching is known for
offering Buddha Dharma, Buddhist origin and development, Gong’An (Chan
stories), Silent Illumination meditation, Hua-Tou meditation, practical
exercises, and lots of humor. Upon popular request, this is his 15th visit
to Michigan. We cordially invite you to join these upcoming Dharma events.
*Public Talk: "The Six Paramitas: The compass to enlightenment. *
*How to use the paramitas in daily life and in meditation practice."*
*Friday, October 24, 2014, 7:30- 9:30 pm *
*2nd Floor, Kalamazoo Room, Michigan League, Central Campus, U of Michigan,
911 N. University Ave, Ann Arbor MI, 48109. *
*For parking, please search “Michigan League” on
<http://campusinfo.umich.edu/campusmap>** to find parking structures
nearby. **For more information, [log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> or (734) 665-1002 <734%29%20665-1002>.*
*One-Day Meditation Retreat: "Who is searching for the self? Mirror mirror
on the wall. An exploration of self and its relationship to the meditation
methods." *
* Saturday, October 25, 2014, 10 am– 5 pm Amitabha Village, 14796
Beardslee Rd. Perry, MI 48872 (20 minutes E. of Lansing)*
* Lunch & dinner are provided; donation to help with expenses is
* Please register **at Online Registration
or **http://www.LansingBuddhist.org <http://www.lansingbuddhist.org/>*
* Teaching starts at 10 am. Please check in between 9:00–9:45 a.m. at
Amitabha Village*
* For more information, **[log in to unmask]
<[log in to unmask]> **or 517-292-3110 <517-292-3110>*
Retreat Directions
>From East Lansing—Go east on Saginaw. Bear right at Haslett Road. Stay
on Haslett for 9.1 miles. Turn left onto N. Williamston Road. After 2.2
miles, N. Williamston becomes Beardslee, a dirt road. Go about 1/3 mile
to Amitabha Village. Retreat check-in is at the first house on your right
(14791 Beardslee).
>From Ann Arbor/Detroit. Take I-96 west to exit 117 (Williamston Rd). Go
north on Williamston to Haslett Rd, a dead end. Turn right on Haslett,
then make an immediate left on next street (N. Williamston), & proceed as
in the E. Lansing directions
*Brief Biography *
*Gilbert M. Gutierrez – Chan* *Master*
Gilbert Gutierrez is a lay Chan master in the Chinese tradition.
His parents were Mexico descents. He grew up and was raised as a Catholic
in the United States. Gilbert obtained a BA and also a law degree at UCLA.
In 1974, he was admitted to the California Bar. He has practiced law for
over thirty years in Riverside California.
Growing up Catholic, Gilbert felt a strong tie with the Virgin Mary and the
concept of universal compassion for all beings. But he also had religious
doubts and felt a longing for a great truth which he knew existed but
hadn’t found. His religious search took him many corners, and he also
practiced marital arts for years.
Being drawn to the meditative dimension of martial arts, Gilbert began
studying with many Chi Gong masters. Gilbert felt the need to find out the
purpose and meaning of the practice. Yet his deeper questions had not been
answered by those masters.
Gilbert began a formal training in Buddhism under a Buddhist Chi Gong
Master. By chance, Gilbert read the Diamond Sutra. And, he had a profound
Later Gilbert met and undertook years of training as a disciple of the
Great Chan Master, Venerable Sheng-Yen. After devoted effort, he became
one of five lay-person Dharma heirs. Gilbert is the only American to
receive transmission by Master Sheng-Yen as a Chan Buddhist master.
Today Gilbert teaches Dharma and practices law in Riverside California. He
also travels across the country to teach Buddha Dharma.
Gilbert’s web page from The Riverside Chan Meditation Group is
http://www.riversidechan.org/. His Dharma talks can be downloaded at
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