College Towne apartment, 2 bedrooms 2 bath rooms apartment. Giant living
room, big kitchen. Fast internet (10M)
Furniture in living room: sofa, table, desk, chairs, book case, shoe rack,
printer, 50’ lcd TV, wii game console (over 30 games inside), etc
In your room: small desk, desk lamp, chair, new queen mattress, garderobe
College Towne apartment, Belongs to DTN, very nice apartments, 24hr fitting
room, two swimming pool, a lot of events(free food, party) organized by
leasing office. 3 miles South of Campus. Same place with trappers Cove
(larger room than trappers cove though). Bus to msu campus.
Me, MSU PhD candidate. Often not stay at home. Averagely only stay 15 days a
month at home. And very likely leave for 1 to 2 month after September. So a
lot time you use the whole apartment yourself
The lease ends at 7/21/2015. you need to at least rent for 3 month.
Price, $315 include everything, electric, water, gas, heating, internet,
(cable possible in future).
OR $290 split bills.
Chinese or non-Chinese welcome
Contact: Chung 517 580 9133, call or text, [log in to unmask]
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