Dear all,
Sorry to bother those who are not interested in.
I have a renovated apartment with 2 bedrooms to sublease in Spartan Village. The rent for one person is 428$ per month. This apartment is very close to bus stop and laundry. It's on the second floor and very quiet.
You may need to find a roommate to sublease the whole apartment. Or I can help you to find a roommate. You can move into in any time in August.
This is a good choice if you want to live in Spartan Village during next academic year. You don't need to wait for the leasing office to assign some apartment you may not be satifisfied with. And sometime it might be even worse that you failed to apply an apartment there.
So feel free to contact me if you are interested in. You can reply to this email. Or send email to [log in to unmask] Or you may call me by _517 515 0517[1]_. I'll reply to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your attention.
[1] tel:517%20515%200517
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