1. The bed set has been sold out.
2. The table is reserved for a potential buyer to pick up this afternoon.
*3. The printer is still available*. OK, it seems that the printer is not
that popular, but I want to say it works really well and is very reliable.
I want to cut the price AGAIN to be just:
*20 dollars! *
This is the lowest price i can accept, please!!! Please reply this email if
you are interested in.Thanks!
2014-08-07 15:54 GMT-04:00 May Yan <[log in to unmask]>:
> *Hi there,*
> In order to save some space for my small apartment, I want to sell three
> items that I no longer need. They are in very good quality but with low
> price. You can checkout the pictures first through the following link:
> https://www.flickr.com/photos/126717645@N05
> If you are interested after having a glance at the pictures, you can
> continue to see the detailed information below:
> *1. Full size bed (mattress, box, and frame)*
> The mattress is almost new and very comfortable to sleep on. It was
> purchased from Walmart less than 1 year ago. The price was 199.00 dollars
> then (now 179.00) before tax and shipping fee. Please see the link below:
> http://www.walmart.com/ip/Spa-Sensations-8-Memory-Foam-Mattress-Multiple-Sizes/12542631
> The box and frame are also in great shape. We prefer to sell the three
> pieces as a whole set, but if you just need one of them, we can also sell
> them separately. The prices we ask for are:
> *Mattress: 80 dollars;*
> *Box: 25 dollars:*
> *Frame: 15 dollars*
> *The whole set: 100 dollars*
> *2. A Brother HL2140 Laser Printer*
> Prices at amazon are: new: 327.87 dollars; used: at least 38.00 dollars
> (before tax and shipment fee)
> http://www.amazon.com/Brother-HL-2140-Laser-Printer/dp/B0010Z1W06/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1407207171&sr=8-3&keywords=hl+2140
> *Asking for: 30 dollars*
> *3. A solid wood square table *
> It is very firm and endurable. You can have dinner, play cards/games,
> drink tea, or even study with it. The style is the one that Japanese or
> Korean people often use in their living room.
> *Asking for: 8 dollars*
> I understand that these items, especially the bed, are too heavy to move
> around. I am living in Trappers Cove, so if you happen to live in this
> community or in College Towne and you need a hand to move them, I am more
> than happy to help you with that. However, if you are living beyond walking
> distance, you may need to figure out how to move them by yourself if you
> want them.
> Please do let me know if you are interested! The price is a little bit
> negotiable if you really want them, or I can give you the table for free if
> you buy the bed set or buy the printer without bargaining.
> Thank you very much!
> Best,
> *Xiaoji*
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