Hi,I have some items for sale. Please contact me if you are interested in them.
1. floor lamp (落地灯): $8;
2. table lamp (台灯): $3; 3. frying pan (炒锅): $4; 4. toaster (烤面包机): $5; 5. coffee-maker machine (咖啡机): $5;
6. small boiling pot (小奶锅): $2; 7. plates (盘子): $3 for 4 plates; 8. container (整理箱): $2 for each (4 in total);
9. big plastic container (大整理箱): $3
10. glass bakery tray (中等大玻璃烤盘): $4;
11. Yoga mat(瑜伽垫): $3 ; 12. girl's bike (单车,适合5-10岁小姑娘骑,附赠一把车锁和车帽): $15;
13. stainless boiling pot (不锈钢汤锅,煲汤煮面条都挺好,中型):$5;
14. small foldable table (小折叠桌子): $3.
Pictures will be provided as requested. Thank you.