Dear Potential Participants,
To celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Confucius Institute worldwide, the
Confucius Institute at Michigan State University (CI-MSU) invites you to
join the cultural event that we sponsored, Dragon Boat Race, on Sept 13th
and 14th, 2014. Organized by the Women Center of Greater Lansing and
sponsored by CI-MSU, the 2014 Dragon Boat Race has already attracted 27
teams to participate in the competition.
We are recruiting 20 boat team members; females and males are both welcome
(at least 8 females per boat), to represent our CI-MSU’s boat. You will
have the whole day Saturday for practice and Sunday for the actual race
(two day commitment). Lunch, snacks, and a free T-shirt will be provided
for team members. For more information, please check our website at:
*Date & Time*: Saturday (9/13) from 8am to 4pm, and Sunday (9/14) from 8am
to 4pm
*Location*: Adado Riverfront Park, Lansing, MI
*Registration & Waiver*: To register as a boat-team member, please contact
Lisa Payne at [log in to unmask] or 517-432-4649. You will need to submit a
contact information sheet and sign the waiver form. The *DEADLINE* for
registration is Sept 5th, 2014.
With origins dating back 2,300 years, Dragon Boat Race is a traditional
Chinese cultural event and has become one of the fastest-growing corporate
team-building activities in the United States. If you want to explore
Chinese culture, don’t miss this wonderful opportunity. Even if you don’t
want to participate in the race, you can experience Chinese culture and
learn more about CI-MSU by participating in our various activities for kids
and adults. Come support your local community and CI-MSU by watching the
races and visiting the Confucius Institute booth in Adado Park.
See you at the race!
*Confucius Institute at Michigan State University*
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