Job Openings
Job 1: The Visiting International Professional Program
(VIPP) has an opening for a Program Assistant, starting from Fall 2014. This
position is up to 10-20 hours per week, with a pay rate of $11 per hour. Job
duties include: assist program coordinators in preparing application documents,
communicate with program applicants, assist new participant in settlement,
translate and interpret for workshops from English to Chinese and Chinese to
English. Excellent bilingual translation
skills are highly preferred.
Job 2: The Visiting International Professional Program
(VIPP) has an opening for a Settlement Student Assistant. This position
includes working with business professionals and their families and helping
them get settled after they have arrived. Duties include, but are not
limited to, arrival and departure support (from both Lansing and Detroit
airports), assistance with apartment contracts, grocery shopping, opening a
bank account, school support for children, driver’s license support, on campus support
and troubleshooting. Proficiency in Mandarin Chinese is required.
Please send your resume to Ms. Samantha Shaughnessy at
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