I have some items for sale. If you are interested, please contact me via emails.
1. floor lamp 1(落地灯): $4;
2. table lamp 1(台灯): $3
3. table lamp 2 (台灯):$5
4. laundry basket (洗衣篮): $1.5 5. toaster (烤面包机): $5; 6. coffee-maker machine (咖啡机): $5;
7. telephone (电话,能用在spartan): $3; 8. plates (盘子): $3 for 4 plates; 9. container (整理箱): $3 for each (4 in total); 10. electronic boiling kettle (电水壶) $5; 11. TV stand (电视机柜): $5
12. computer desk (can also be used as a simple desk, almost new 电脑桌,或小型书桌):$10 13. Bookshelf (书架) $8
14. boiling pot (汤锅,煲汤煮面条都挺好,中型):$5
15. laundry drying rack (晾衣架) : $6
Here is the link to some pictures: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/search/%23All Thank you for your attention.