Hi all
Please let me know if you have play yard gate and pad for sale, thank you very much.
Yan Liu
> On Aug 1, 2014, at 10:39 AM, "LiuYan" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Hi folks:
> One of my colleagues are looking for a sublease starting from Sep. 1, but you can move in earlier if you need, you need to work this out with her, her lease will end next March but you can sign contract with leasing office for one year so you don't need to worry out moving during the semester.
> Basally this is a very nice place with cheap rental $755 for two bedroom apartment compared to the regular price for $800-$900.Water and trash are included, you need pay gas and electricity yourself. Internet is not included but available on site.
> The address is 1324 Westview Avenue, Apartment 212A, pretty close to campus and Frander
> It is a 2nd floor, unfurnished 2 bedroom apartment of 780 sq. ft. You could find more info here
> http://www.apartments.com/Michigan/East-Lansing/Hillcrest-Village-Apartments/164917
> Pros:
> Low-crime area, good management, maintenance fixes stuff right away.
> Family, graduate students, and young professional demographic in area, quite
> Walking distance from MSU campus, Downtown East Lansing, and Frandor shopping area.
> Parking provided (optional carport).
> Quiet hours 10pm - 7am.
> Compromises:
> No air conditioning, though it does have heating.
> No dish washer.
> Washing and Drying machine are downstairs in a nearby unit.
> if you are interested, please contact [log in to unmask] directly, thank you!
> BestYan
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