Sorry to bother those who are not interested. I just found something new while packing my stuff. So I updated the moving sale.
高压锅 $4, (very good condition)
平底煎锅 $1.5, (fair condition)
小炖锅(带盖)/ small pot $1.5, (fair-good condition)
小电饭煲 带笼屉 $7, (very good-excellent condition)
muffin 烤盘 $3, (very good condition, less than half-year new, less than 3 uses)
熨斗(带盒)$10, (less than 1-year new, excellent condition)
慢炖锅 $8 (less than 1 year new, very good-excellent condition)
电子体重秤 $12 (less than 1 year new, 0.1lb increment up to 400lbs, excellent condition)
排骨刀 $3 (less than 1 year new, very good condtion)
另外赠送:lint sticker (粘毛器),刀叉筷子,一次性sandwich bag(without zip),