高压锅 $4, 平底煎锅 $1.5小炖锅(带盖)$1.5小电饭煲 带笼屉 $7muffin 烤盘 $3熨斗(带盒)$10慢炖锅 $8
一些化妆品(无注明则为全新带包装或塑封):Vichy 3in1 Cleanser 300ml bonus size.(expire in 02/16) $20.Adidas Ice Dive Fragrance for men 50ml $8Adidas Pure Lightness Fragrance for women 50ml $8Alpha Hydrox Foam Face Wash 177ml $6Neutrogena Rapid Clear 2-in-1 Fight and Fade gel (祛痘啫喱)$5Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Sunscreen spf60 100ml 无包装 $5
Email me if you have any question, Thanks!