On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 08:01:40AM -0700, Mike wrote:
First of all; there is no message in your post.
It makes it more difficult for the reader and is impolite to make
your message reader to have to switch back to the subject line
to see information. All of the content should be in the body of the
message. The subject line is just that - the name of the topic.
Second; you do not include any information that could be used to
find the answer to your question.
- Where from and how did you send the post?
- To where did you send the post?
- Did you receive any messages saying there was an error or that
your post was refused?
eg. did you mistype something in the address?
- How long was it between the time you sent the post and the time you
decided to send the message to ask the question? eg, how long did
you wait?
- Have you seen your post since you sent the question?
- Give some indication of the content of the message - the listserv can
discard empty posts, eg like your question message.
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