International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets (IJBEM)
TOC 2014 V4 N3
--Satyendra Singh
Dynamics of emerging stock market with growing China dominated foreign participation
--Samson E. Edo
Stock market development and economic growth in Sri Lanka
--Athambawa Jahfer, Tohru Inoue
Consumers' attitude and purchase intention towards counterfeit of luxury brands
--Ashwin Modi, Jayesh D. Patel, Yupal S. Shukla, Dharmesh D. Gadhavi
Gender, family business background and entrepreneurial intentions in an emerging economy
--R. Venkatapathy, P. Pretheeba
Effect of cause-related marketing on corporate image and purchase intention: evidence from India
--Khuman L. Rathod, Dharmesh D. Gadhavi, Yupal S. Shukla
Dr. Satyendra Singh
Professor, Marketing and International Business
President, Academy of Business and Emerging Markets
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets
University of Winnipeg, 515 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg R3B 2E9, CANADA
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