Dear all,If you are interested in living in OKEMOS for the summer (6.1-7.31), please contact me at qq 707741085.
It is a two-bedroom and one bathroom apartment, the roommate is a very quiet and nice visiting scholar. one bedroom subleas from June 1st to July 31.
The rent is 370 $ one month. (It has more useful furniture including fans and air conditioner,, washing machine than standard ones. And it is about 3-5 minues driving to the mejier,meridian mall,Rite Aid. Kroger,and Walmart
it is very easy to reach MSU by taking route 22 or 23
Thank you very much!
各位朋友,本人本人为访问学者,有意出租OKEMOS地区2室一厅一卫房间中的 一间房屋,时间由6.1到7.31,家具齐全,并有洗衣机等。住处距离meridian mall,mejier,meridian mall,Rite Aid. Kroger,Tom food center, and Walmart 开车2-5分钟路程。
月租$ 370。 有意者可以联系QQ ,707741085
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