[1] 带有免费停车场,绿色草坪的house,你的室友均为华人男士,相当好相处。由于本人家人要来这里,不得已从6月开始出租。
[2] 房租350刀/月,包含所有费用。价格便宜,提供完善的一切用具,包括电器,厨房用具,洗衣用具等,适合懒人。
[3] 地点:230 south howard street,lansing.在Kalamazoo路上,到international
office 步行30分钟,适合健身,本人已经走掉了10斤,坐公交车15分钟,开车7分钟。
[4] 适合单身男士长或短期住,有意者,qq:295410525
附件是house picture
*Dear all,*
*[1] **Sublease one bedroom from 3th June, period is flexible (several
days or weeks or monthes are also allowed). Your roommates are the male PhD
student and visiting scholar from China and quite an easy-going guy.It
makes you not feel lonely.*
*[2] **Rent fee is $350 one month including everything. There are almost
furnitures including fans, air conditioner, washing machine and so on in
this house. It is suitable for lazy male.*
*[3] **The address: **230 south howard street**, lansing,MI. It take 30
minutes to go to international office,MSU by walk **,**15 minutes by
bicycle ,or 7 minutes by car. Shopping center (meijer, meridian mall,
Kroger) ,park are nearby .It is convenient for you.*
*[4] **If anyone is interested in this, please reply this email , or
contact me by qq : 295410525*
*Chengzhi Su*